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Advice and information for parents


  • Klicksafe offers a general media guide for parents with information on various media and current topics.
  • The independent platform Internet-ABC provides information on safe use of the Internet for parents, educators and children.
  • Youth and Media is an advisory service from Switzerland for parents, teachers and educators with articles about various media and current topics.
  • The Federal Conference for Educational Counseling lists many tips and hints on parenting – also in relation to media.
  • Schau-hin is a general guide and offers answers to many media-related questions.
  • Scoyo, the online magazine for parents, offers topics such as learning, school, and family life, as well as the media literacy category.
  • Handysektor is actually aimed directly at young people, but it can also be a good source of information for parents about hot apps and the like.
  • At www.mediennutzungsvertrag.de, you can find a tool for jointly creating a family media use agreement.

Online games

  • Spielbar is a project of the Federal Agency for Civic Education with pedagogical assessments, current topics and articles for parents and educators on computer and online games.
  • The Spieleratgeber-NRW is a service of the Fachstelle für Jugendmedienkultur NRW with a large number of featured and reviewed games, as well as a more general guide around topics such as legal aspects or media effects.
  • The game room is a project of the TH Köln with general information about games and current game trends as an information site for adults.


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