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Be aware of your role model function – from the birth of your child!

As parents, you must be aware that the youngest children perceive media at a very early age, observe how they use them and imitate them. Your behavior in dealing with media therefore has an influence on how your child will use them later on.

Copyright: Thomas Trutschel/photothek.net

Whether you check WhatsApp messages during joint activities, post photos on social networks or are entertained by the video clip in between: Pay attention to when you use media and whether you might be able to do without it at that moment. If you are distracted by the smartphone, your child will notice. Especially with babies, social bonding through direct address, eye contact and touch is of great importance for the parent-child relationship and the child’s development.

Watch how long and frequently you use media and put the smartphone aside or turn off the PC every now and then. Be a role model! Create media-free times for you and your child together. However, since media are part of our everyday lives, they should not be taboo as a matter of principle. Introduce your child slowly to age-appropriate media offerings and accompany him or her in his or her first media experiences.

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