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Data protection refers to the protection of personal data (e.g. name, date of birth or telephone number) and is a fundamental right in the European Union. Every person has the right to decide what happens to their own data. All companies that use and process such data must ensure data protection. But you should also pay attention yourself, because once information about yourself has been spread on the net, it can be misused.

  1. Be sensitive with your and your child’s personal data – no matter how old they are! Address, age, phone number and photos reveal a lot about you and your family and can be easily monetized.
  2. Educate yourself and share information with your child as soon as they are old enough about sharing personal information, privacy and online advertising.
  3. Regularly check privacy settings in apps and on websites where you or your child are registered.
  4. Always consider what others should and should not know about you or your child. And remember: the web never forgets!
  5. Do not distribute photos of your child publicly or let your child have a say once he or she understands such things. Protect your child’s privacy!
  6. Be careful that you and your child do not take pictures of others or share private information of others without their permission.
  7. Check the access and usage rights of installed apps on your or your child’s smartphone or tablet.
  8. If possible, always use a nickname when you’re online and make sure your child does the same.
  9. Read the terms and conditions (T&C) of any offer you or your child takes advantage of.
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