Children and young people love to play games – including computer and online games. Media educator Fabian Wörz explains what needs to be considered.
Alexa, Google Assist or Apple Home Pod are increasingly finding their way into households. Our media educator Lidia de Reese explains the advantages and disadvantages of these devices, especially for families.
When one’s child grows up and lives relationship, sexting also occurs. Media educator Björn Schreiber explains what this is and what your child should be aware of.
Frank’s daughter is constantly holding her smartphone because she’s afraid of missing something in the digital space. The phenomenon is called “Fear Of Missing Out”, or FOMO for short. Media educator Lidia de Reese explains why Messenger and Co. can also be overwhelming and what you can do about it.
Mark wonders what the challenges are in using messenger services and what he and his son (16) should look out for? Media educator Björn Schreiber gives a few hints and answers.
Saskia is worried because her daughter (14 years) has already been insulted several times on the net for no reason. How can Saskia protect her daughter from this? Fabian Wörz from explains what lies behind hate speech and how to deal with it.
Leon (5 years) wishes for a talking teddy. His father Yannick wonders if such a teddy is the right toy for his son. Our expert Carolin Maier explains smart toys in the children’s room.
Jana is considering getting a voice assistant for her family. But what should you pay attention to? Lidia de Reese from gives you tips and advice.
When the little ones watch videos, they need to be accompanied by their parents. Media educator Melanie Endler explains why this is important.
Viktoria wonders when her daughter should actually start posting photos of herself and her everyday life on the internet and what she should bear in mind. Lidia de Reese provides important tips and advice.
There are millions of apps. It is not always easy for you as parents to keep track of everything. Which offers are useful for children and how do I find them? Our media educator Lidia de Reese ventures a response.
Many parents wonder how to control their child’s smartphone use. But does it even make that much sense? How much freedom should young people have in using media in the first place? Björn Schreiber from the Internet Guide for Parents ( answered the question.
Mirko’s son is constantly hanging out on YouTube. He wonders what his child finds so fascinating about the video platform. Our media educator Björn Schreiber provides some initial answers.
Parents often wonder how much time in front of the tablet, smartphone and other media is useful and at what point it might become harmful. This question is not as easy as one might think. Lidia from answered them anyway.
Parents often cannot understand how and why their children use apps and social media offerings. They want to try out and present themselves there. Stefan asked for advice. Björn Schreiber was happy to answer his question.