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Politics prepared for young people

1 minutes reading time
11-17 years
Social Media
Copyright: Ute Grabowsky/photothek.net

Non-political? No way. Many young people are interested in politics. It is not only at school that they have contact with political issues. Especially when elections take place, interest increases. Whether it’s in movements like Fridays for Future, via videos from well-known Youtubers like Rezo, or through various videos on TikTok. Mostly young people inform themselves online about politics and political topics that interest them and form an opinion.

Interesting offers on the topic of politics for young people can be found here, for example:

  • MrKnowledge2go informs in 10- to 15-minute videos about political or general interesting topics, on YouTube .
  • Mitmischen.de is a website of the German Bundestag for young people. How members of parliament work, how the parliament functions and which political topics are current are explained there.
  • funk.net is an offer from ARD and ZDF. It’s on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and the like and is designed to appeal to teens and young adults. In the “Die da Oben” format, political topics, such as the party platforms for the Bundestag elections, are examined.
  • Podcasts on current topics such as the federal election can also be found on Spotify .

Politics thrives on exchange and discussion. Political decisions affect the future of young people. That’s why it’s important for young people to be able to find out about topics that interest them so that they can then have their say and get involved.

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