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Social media as a search engine

The latest news, preparation for a paper or the weather forecast – check TikTok right away. Teenagers and young adults in particular are frequent users of social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube as search engines. This can work, but it also brings its own unique challenges.

Social media as a search engine – what can be found there?

It was taken for granted for a long time – if you want to find something on the Internet, you “Google” it. But that seems to be faltering. Young people are increasingly starting their online searches on social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok and the like. In some statistics, YouTube even appears as the second largest search engine after Google – and the trend is rising.

Why? That’s quite simple: Social media is the digital home of many young people anyway. That’s where they know their way around, that’s where they feel comfortable – and that’s why they have great confidence in the search results. When young people search here for products, events or places, the results are mostly (seemingly) personal recommendations and experiences from celebrities or from the community, instead of rather impersonal and complicated web links. This makes a credible and approachable impression on young people. In addition, videos or images are easier and more entertaining than eternal clicking through text deserts.

Platforms like TikTok and YouTube are responding to young people’s need to be able to search content easily. TikTok, for example, has made the search field significantly larger and more prominent, and now offers a widget for smartphones that can be used to operate the TikTok search directly from the home screen. The term “widget” comes from English and is a compound word from “window” = window and gadget = technical gadget. “Widget” refers to a type of interactive window.

What can be problematic?

But how can children and young people distinguish trustworthy from dubious information on social media? Is everything there really as authentic as it sometimes seems?

Because, of course, influencers are not always the nice buddies next door – but earn a lot of money with their appearances and recommendations. So if a restaurant is praised here with particularly warm words, it may well be that there is simply a particularly lucrative advertising contract behind it.

In addition, classic advertisements also appear on social networks. The algorithm also still has a say and constantly presents us with similar results – just like other search engines. And caution is also called for in other respects: In addition to serious information, fake news or even deliberate propaganda from various interest groups can also be found on the networks. Social media platforms often collect and collate at least as much data as traditional search engines.

What can parents pay attention to?

As a parent, you should think carefully with your child about how to use the search function of social media services safely:

  • Store multiple accesses to different search engines together on the smartphone or in the browser. This allows your child to search and compare results on multiple tracks as needed.
  • Target accounts of credible, journalistic media, verified companies and individuals and encourage your child to follow them.
  • Together, look at accounts and pages of fact checkers such as mimikama.at, who have made it their mission to debunk fake news. If your child knows these sites, he or she can more easily question and verify information.
  • Talk about topics such as advertising, data protection, business models. Helpful offers to talk about a safe use of the offers on the Internet can be found at klicksafe.

Show interest in your child’s media use and his or her favorite offerings on TikTok and Co. Encourage your child to use social media platforms critically. Only if your child knows the possibilities and also the advantages and disadvantages of different offers, he can choose consciously and purposefully.

Fake News, Conspiracies and Disinformation – What does it actually mean?

False news, fake news, alternative facts and conspiracy theories – we have been hearing these terms again and again in connection with news for some years now. But they don’t necessarily mean the same thing. Therefore, we explain here what distinguishes the terms.


Disinformation refers to all those news and facts that are demonstrably false or misleading. They often seem true because they are wrapped in a story. Therefore, it can quickly happen that you fall for it. Disinformation is intentionally spread in order to spread a certain mood – for example, against certain people or political measures. Disinformation is especially a problem in times of crisis, such as the Corona pandemic or the Ukraine war.

Fake News

“Fake news” is a term often used colloquially to describe disinformation. However, it is also used politically to disparage other political positions or people. Sometimes it is also used to criticize traditional media.


In contrast, misinformation is incorrect or untrue information that is disseminated without intent. In the past, there were occasionally so-called “newspaper hoaxes”: In this case, a report was published in the newspaper that subsequently turned out to be false. The newspaper pointed out in a later issue.


You may know satire from programs like the heute show or from memes. It is a form of artistic expression. Although satire often uses stylistic devices similar to those used for disinformation (e.g., exaggeration or simplification of facts), it does not belong to disinformation. Satire does not want to intentionally deceive, but to make grievances or problems clear.


Propaganda refers to all actions and methods used to disseminate targeted views, ideas or information (including disinformation) in order to politically influence or manipulate public opinion in a particular way. This also includes posters and the like.

Conspiracy Narratives

Conspiracy narratives are based on the view that there are planned conspiracies behind political actions or certain events. Very well known is the conspiracy that September 11 was caused by the Americans themselves. This would have given the U.S. justification to invade Iraq and overthrow the ruler.

Conspiracy theories lend themselves to finding simple explanations for complicated relationships. A simple worldview is developed based on clichés or stereotypes. Persons and facts are clearly divided – into good and bad, right or wrong.

You can learn how you and your children can recognize and deal with false reports or disinformation in our article on the topic.

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