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Introducing: fragFINN.de – the search engine for children

2 minutes reading time
6-13 years
Tool description

About fragFINN children only surf on verified and safe websites. As a result, they do not encounter inappropriate content. In addition to the centerpiece, the search engine, the homepage of fragFINN.de offers editorial surfing tips on particularly good and interesting children’s websites. This allows children to gain their first positive online experiences.

In a nutshell:

  • Search engine for children with text and image search
  • suitable for children from 6 to 12 years
  • additional surfing tips and articles
  • also available as app
  • Data-secure and barrier-free
  • is based on the open source software Elasticsearch
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What is fragFINN?

The search engine for children only shows safe and interesting content for children in the results. The search results are based on a so-called positive list, in which all the websites included are checked beforehand by a media education team. You can use fragFINN to find explicit children’s sites, but also harmless adult sites (e.g. zoo sites, club sites). The children’s sites are marked as such in the search results and displayed first.
On the fragFINN homepage, children can find surfing tips on many different topics, videos, games, podcasts and news. Children can also get involved as “FINNreporters” by producing great videos by and for children.
When using the search function on the website and in the app, the user’s search query is sent directly to the fragFINN server in Germany. No user data is collected or stored in the process.
The free fragFINNchild protection app can also be installed for mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets with Android, iOS and Fire OS operating systems. Within the app, you can only surf on the fragFINN positive list, which ensures an even safer surfing experience.

What should parents pay attention to?

Children’s search engines offer a safe introduction to the world of the Internet. They can be a good preparation for using common and well-known search engines. The pre-testing of all content provides a very high level of security for your child. Nevertheless, you should accompany your child, especially when using it for the first time, and explore the search engine together. This way you can explain important functions for the search in more detail. The fragFINN search tips also provide child-friendly answers to questions about children’s search engines and tips for good search results.
If your child finds a page among the results that scares them, they can report this using the “Report page” button. The alarms received are checked daily. Your child also has the option of suggesting websites. The media education team checks the pages and can approve them for the children’s search engine if necessary. The search engine is also particularly compatible with additional child protection solutions such as JusProg.
Further information for parents can be found here: eltern.fragFINN.de

This article is part of the “Parents’ tips on children’s participation platforms” project, which is funded under the “Child-friendly digital services and orientation measures” program of the Federal Agency for the Child and Youth Protection in the Media (BzKJ) and realised by JFF – Institute for Media Research and Media Education and the German Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Digital Media Service Providers (FSM e.V.).

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