“Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?” is a popular question asked of children. The answer “I want to become a YouTuber!” is not uncommon. At the latest, when children start secondary school, the desire grows in some to have their ownYouTube– or Instagram-channel with real followers and earn a lot of money with it – just like their social media role models. For some parents, this is hard to understand.
Making videos and getting paid for it is not a “real” profession that you can study or for which there is training, is it? Every day, kids and teens see influencers on social media who can make a living – and have a lot of fun doing it. It seems like it’s quite easy to become a social media star and earn money with quickly created videos and photos.
Many social media stars have actually not learned this and can make a living from it. But there are courses of study or training that can be helpful if the career goal is YouTuber or Influencer. Read more about it at Studycheck or aubi-plus.
Thanks to mobile media connected to the Internet, it’s not hard, YouTube and other social media channels. It doesn’t seem to take much more than a smartphone and your own channel – and you’re ready to go. So, theoretically, your child could also reach an audience of millions with their own videos. However, it is not quite that simple.
Creating content for social media and video platforms is a creative process. It can strengthen children’s and young people’s self-confidence and media skills if they are accompanied in the process. However, it also involves a lot of work that takes time. Famous influencers didn’t become successful overnight or immediately make a living from their content. In the beginning, YouTube videos were often simple in design. Nowadays, many videos are high-quality and were produced with a lot of effort. In addition, an influencer is usually active on several channels in order to reach as many people as possible. In addition, social media stars earn money primarily through advertising contracts. They have to be able to deal with that, too. Many of the successful influencers or YouTubers have their own management. To be truly successful, YouTubers and influencers have to set themselves apart with their content and invest a lot of money and time in good content.
In the second part of “My child wants to become a YouTuber – What now?” you will learn how you can support your child if he or she has this desire.