Digital media enrich our everyday lives in many different ways: Music programs at the breakfast table, navigation apps on the go or chats for organizing leisure activities. (Screen) devices help us to learn, to work and are often fun. No wonder they have become an integral part of our everyday lives, whether at home or in public spaces.
However, with the growing importance of media, the ability to use them responsibly and competently is also becoming increasingly important. Today, media literacy is just as essential as reading, writing or arithmetic in order to be able to navigate the modern world safely and successfully. Anyone who does not know how to use media in a targeted and considered way can quickly run into difficulties. But what exactly does media literacy mean?
Being media literate means more than just being able to operate a device. Although this is part of it, at its core it is about the conscious and responsible use of content. This includes the following aspects:
Those who are media literate know why and how they use media, can recognize negative effects and counteract them, while positive aspects are specifically promoted.
The call for “more media literacy” is often directed at children and young people. This is understandable, as they will shape the world of tomorrow. We may not know this world yet, but it will be heavily influenced by media, especially the internet.
You can imagine the internet as a city: There are playgrounds and nice stores, but also traffic and strangers. Parents don’t just send their young children off on their own, they accompany them, explain the rules and show them what to look out for. This is exactly how it should be on the Internet. Accompany your child as they explore the digital world.
Developing media literacy is a joint task from the very beginning – in the family, at nursery and at school. The younger the child, the more responsibility parents have and the more they act as role models. As they get older, children and young people can and should be allowed to have their own experiences – including with their own devices. Common rules and an open discussion are helpful here.
Media literacy is not a “children’s game”, it is just as important for adults! Parents who want to help their children use media responsibly need to be media literate themselves. Only those who understand digital technologies and platforms can provide guidance and act as role models. You should therefore actively engage with digital topics – through joint projects with your children, exchanges with other parents or further training courses in schools and education centers. Teachers are also called upon to strengthen their own media skills in order to pass on this knowledge. Helpful information can be found, for example, in ARD programs such as “Gemeinsam Medienkompetenz stärken“.
In addition, working people and older people also benefit from better media skills. Professional development and digital work processes often require new skills. For senior citizens, media offer numerous opportunities, such as contact with grandchildren via video chats. If you want to test your own media skills, you can find out with a self-test.