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Popular games: Call of Duty

3 minutes reading time
14-17 years
Tool description

Call of Duty is one of the world’s most successful first-person shooter game series. Players fight at breakneck speed as a soldier against others or in a futuristic war against aliens and zombies. The aim is to shoot the enemy by force of arms.

In a nutshell:

  • Free game app for Android and iOS (Call of Duty: Mobile)
  • Paid game and free Battle Royale mode for computers and consoles – available in different versions
  • Age rating: approved for ages 18 and up/not rated for minors(USK), recommended for ages 18 and up(Spieleratgeber NRW)
  • Single or multiplayer mode possible
  • For minors, the strong depiction of war and violence is problematic

What is Call of Duty about?

Players take on the role of soldiers and find themselves in various historical or imaginary theaters of war. There they engage in constant gun battles with enemies, as many of whom must be killed as possible. In multiplayer mode, you play online in a network against and with other players. A new installment of the game series has been released almost every year since 2003. There are always more functions or other worlds to keep the community loyal to Call of Duty. The various games do not build on each other. The most popular games in the story series include “Black Ops” and “Modern Warfare”. In the online battle royale mode “Warzone”, players fight against each other on a map (= game world) with the aim of surviving as long as possible. Many players are particularly excited about this new mode, as it brings a new appeal to the more than 27 different Call of Duty titles.

What fascinates young people about it?

With this game, the developers of the Call of Duty series offer an authentic and aesthetically pleasing military gaming experience that will delight young people and adults alike. The fascination is comparable to watching an action movie, except that the players themselves slip into the role of soldiers. At the same time, the game looks very realistic and at the same time it is a simulation. For most gamers, this way of fighting is unimaginable in reality and thus clearly separable from reality.

The challenges in the battle against other players are particularly exciting.

Games that are not yet intended for their age have a special appeal for young people, which is why Call of Duty is also played by under-18s. They want to test themselves and try out or prove themselves to their peers by playing such games or pretending to do so.

What is problematic about the game?

Gun violence, poison gas and drone attacks, highly visible killing and bloodbaths are all part of the game. Due to its violent plot and atmosphere, the game is not suitable for children and teenagers. Understanding the game’s story and making moral decisions in the game requires the ability to reflect and a certain maturity. Time and again, the effects of computer games like Call of Duty are discussed. The first-person shooter perspective is problematic, whereby events are shown from the character’s point of view. Whether this triggers a higher level of aggression due to a stronger identification with the character has not yet been scientifically confirmed. This is not a realistic war simulation. Activision, the publisher of Call of Duty, has now also added in-game purchases to online titles such as “Warzone” and “Modern Warfare”. Players can use Call of Duty Points (CP) to spend money on skins, weapons and other game content. A Battle Pass, a common reward system in video games, is now also available in Call of Duty. However, such usage risks are generally more of a potential problem for younger players.

What does the provider think?

The game is intended for adults 18 years and older. The publisher is Activision, one of the world’s largest games companies, headquartered in the USA. According to its terms of service, guardians can consent to an Activision account if their child is over the age of 13 and under the age of 18. The provider states that it does not store any personal data of minors.

What should parents pay attention to?

As a parent, you can decide whether or not to let your child play games that are not appropriate for their age according to the USK. You are best placed to assess whether your child can distinguish between virtual violence and real violence and whether depictions of war can have a frightening effect on your child. Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that the age restrictions are not without reason. On sites such as spielbar.de or Spieleratgeber NRW you can find educational assessments of various games.

Always stay in conversation with your child so that you know what they are playing and how they are using games. Also ask what your child is watching on YouTube watches. There may also be videos about computer games – so-called Let’s Plays. It’s not always true when children talk about friends who are supposedly allowed to play first-person shooters like Call of Duty .

Discuss this with other parents. You must decide for yourself and your family what is best for your child. You can also block Call of Duty: Mobile or other games or apps that are harmful to minors via the Family Sharing function or directly in the settings on your child’s smartphone, e.g. via Screen Time.

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