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Virtual parents’ evening on 23.04.2024 from 5 to 6 pm

My first smartphone (held in German)

When is my child actually old enough to have his or her own smartphone? It is not easy to give an answer to the question that is valid for every child. This is because, in addition to the usefulness of the smartphone, your child’s stage of development also plays a role in the decision. You know them best and can assess their media experience and general sense of responsibility.

You can find out when the right time is, how to deal with challenges, which safety settings you should make in advance and how you can help your child to use it as safely as possible at the virtual parents’ evening from Elternguide.online!

Join us live at the virtual parents’ evening of Elternguide.online and put your questions to our experts – we will provide answers and be available for discussion. The event will be held in German.

Information and registration

Date: 23.04.2024 | Time: 5 to 6 pm

Speakers: Sophia Mellitzer (JFF) and Sophie Pohle (Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk)

Moderation: FSM e.V.

Platform: The virtual parents’ evening is realized via the tool “Zoom”.

Privacy Notice: Zoom is a service of Zoom Video Communications Inc. which is based in the USA. We use Zoom via the German operator easymeet24. easymeet24 ‘s server is located in Europe. Furthermore, within the Zoom service we have chosen the configurations with the highest data and security protection.
Please also take note of our privacy policy. The event will be held in German.


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    Politics prepared for young people

    Non-political? No way. Many young people are interested in politics. It is not only at school that they have contact with political issues. Especially when elections take place, interest increases. Whether it’s in movements like Fridays for Future, via videos from well-known Youtubers like Rezo, or through various videos on TikTok. Mostly young people inform themselves online about politics and political topics that interest them and form an opinion.

    Interesting offers on the topic of politics for young people can be found here, for example:

    • MrKnowledge2go informs in 10- to 15-minute videos about political or general interesting topics, on YouTube .
    • Mitmischen.de is a website of the German Bundestag for young people. How members of parliament work, how the parliament functions and which political topics are current are explained there.
    • funk.net is an offer from ARD and ZDF. It’s on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and the like and is designed to appeal to teens and young adults. In the “Die da Oben” format, political topics, such as the party platforms for the Bundestag elections, are examined.
    • Podcasts on current topics such as the federal election can also be found on Spotify .

    Politics thrives on exchange and discussion. Political decisions affect the future of young people. That’s why it’s important for young people to be able to find out about topics that interest them so that they can then have their say and get involved.

    klicksafe – for safe information on the net

    klicksafe is part of the EU initiative “Safety on the Net”. The website klicksafe.de provides independent information and materials on a wide range of online topics.

    In a nutshell:

    • versatile and understandable content
    • multilingual information (language selection between Arabic, German, English, Russian and Turkish)
    • free use of the platform (without registration) no costs
    • Areas for different target groups: Children and adolescents, parents, teaching staff, among others).
    • also represented on social media

    What can it do?

    klicksafe has made it its goal to promote the online competence of all people in Germany, to support them with a variety of offers in the competent and critical use of the Internet and to show them the positive sides of the Internet.

    klicksafe works in cooperation with other institutions on topics such as “shopping online”, digital games and problematic online content. For each topic there is general information, videos, articles, quizzes, games and learning materials. The content is presented in an understandable and appealing way for different age groups.

    The site also provides information about Internet complaint hotlines and helplines. klicksafe organizes events and coordinates, among other things, the annual Safer Internet Day .

    klicksafe publishes a monthly newsletter on current topics, with new information and event notices. Together with young people from the klicksafe Youth Panel, the cyberbullying first aid app was developed. In the app (free for Android and iOS), coaches give concrete tips on how to behave, encourage people and help them take action against cyberbullying.

    Background knowledge for parents

    In a separate information area, you can find answers to typical questions about media use in the family. There is information on media use by children over or under the age of 10.
    klicksafe is a well-prepared information portal for all Internet users. Furthermore, klicksafe is a partner of our offer Elternguide.online.

    Scroller – the media magazine for children

    The media magazine Scroller is intended to introduce children to current media topics and support them in a competent use of YouTube and the like. The characters Trixi and Tom guide your child through the world of media.

    In a nutshell:

    • suitable for children from 9-12 years
    • free of charge
    • No advertising
    • available digitally and as a print edition

    What is Scroller and what does it offer?

    Scroller is an offer of Teachtoday, an initiative of the German Telekom. It deals with everyday topics such as cyberbullying, data protection on social media channels and conspiracy theories – in a child-friendly and playful form. Children are encouraged to deal with current topics in the media world.

    The magazine can be read digitally on the website or ordered free of charge as a brochure. In addition to a German and English version, the magazine is also available in Arabic.

    What fascinates children about it?

    The content of the media magazine is geared to the everyday lives of children. It’s about issues they deal with every day. The website is colorfully designed and offers many options. Young readers can take tests on their own media literacy , watch videos with craft instructions, and click through the picture stories. In the format “The Children’s Reporters”, children themselves have their say, conduct interviews and shoot short reports.

    What do parents need to know?

    Scroller ‘s website can be visited by children without any risk. No advertising is displayed and no data is requested. There is no way to communicate or get in touch with each other through the website. However, through links on the website, kids can quickly land on YouTube and easily access other content.

    Because of the many icons and related links, it can be a little more difficult for younger children to find their way around the website on their own. There is an enclosed parenting guide in the print edition of Scroller . This way, you can discover the world of media together and discuss media topics with your child.

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