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Media use rules in the first years of life

The younger children are, the less they feel the need to use media. In the first years of life, other things play a more important role: contact with parents, learning to walk and talk, and so on. Your child needs a lot of attention from you in the first months and years. Therefore, you should not be distracted by devices. Agree on rules with your whole family about how to handle media in the presence of your child. Because even at baby age, you have an important role model function. If you don’t want your child to use media a lot already, you should use the smartphone or similar in front of your child little or not at all.

The older your child gets, the more he or she will be exposed to media. It wants to do the same as older siblings, mom or dad. Your child begins to understand what media is and how it works. It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep your child completely away from media. Rules can help shape how young children and preschoolers interact with media.

Age-appropriate content and limited screen time

In order not to overtax your child, you should slowly expand the range of media used. Analog picture books, for example, can gradually be joined by audio stories and music. Short video chats with family members are also possible.

Young children can’t yet judge when it’s too much. If you schedule media use as a fixed activity during the day, such as an episode of Sandman before bedtime, your child will perceive it as a ritual to follow. Avoid using media as a babysitter .

Up to the age of three, very little time should be spent in front of a screen during the day. At this stage, children discover the world best with all their senses – with their hands, eyes, nose and mouth. On-screen content can quickly overwhelm them.

Between the ages of three and five, no more than 30 minutes at a time should be spent in front of the screen. These times are only an orientation. You know your child best and know what they can already do and understand. It is important that you accompany your child in their media use and observe how they deal with what they see and can answer questions. If your son or daughter seems very exhilarated afterwards, the usage time should be reduced.

Accompany in the use of media

Young children perceive media much more emotionally than adults. Some things they cannot yet process or understand. Therefore, close support from you as parents is important! Technical solutions cannot replace the conversation with you. When selecting content, be sure to check for age ratings and educational assessments, if applicable. Explain to your child why she is not yet allowed to watch certain series that her older sister may already be watching.

It is important to actually follow the rules that have been set. If your child is still young, you should only use media together anyway, and you can be mindful of time. For preschoolers who may already be able to watch a series on their tablet alone, limiting them to one episode helps. An egg timer can also be helpful, since time indications are still very abstract.

Talk to your child about the reasons for fixed screen time so they understand the rules. If children learn to use the media in a sensible and controlled way at a young age, this will also be easier for them later on.

Using listening pens for an interactive reading experience

They want to help children learn to read or enhance the classic book with audio files: read-aloud pens. The digital listening pens bring a new reading experience for children and promise great learning effects. But how do the interactive pens work?

What are listening pens?

You can’t write with them, even though they look like a big pen. Such read-aloud, listening, or digital pens expand content from specially made books, puzzles, or games by tapping the pen tip on the symbols or codes they contain. The pen then plays the audio behind it – this can be animal sounds, music, sentences read aloud or prompts. Usually it is additional information and not the content that is already in the book anyway. The sound files can be downloaded from the Internet and loaded onto the pen.

What are the advantages of a reading pen?

It is exciting for children to experience information from a book in different ways. For example, not only explaining what an owl’s hoot sounds like, but also providing an audio example of it, enhances their learning experience. Children are better able to connect information through different sensory channels. In addition, it is a good feeling for children when they can trigger things themselves – even if you just don’t have time to read together with him. Such a pen can increase reading motivation through a playful approach and help with language development. Listening pens are suitable for children from about 3 to 10 years, depending on the model.

As a parent, what should you be aware of?

Despite these advantages, such pens are not a full substitute for reading aloud. Although a listening pen can help with understanding and learning a book, that should be your job as a parent, not any pen’s. Because with you, your child can ask questions and learn more than what is stored on a listening pen. In addition to the positive effects for learning, moments like reading together are also an important emotional experience for you and your child. A listening pen can be a good addition.

There are a number of different listening pens on the market. We present some of them in individual articles:

You can also find out here how to use listening pens to set your child’s favorite book to music.

Tablets in the Kita!?!

Almost every family has smartphones, and many families also have tablets. Children adopt these mobile devices from an early age with their parents and older siblings. But do they belong in the daycare center?

Why tablets can be useful

Since media are part of children’s living environment, they should also be a topic in the daycare center. The children come to the group with media experiences from home and tell what they saw on YouTube yesterday or what big brother played on mom’s smartphone. At this point, the daycare center is in demand as an educational institution. This does not mean that the children learn how to swipe around on the tablet. This is not even necessary, because the little ones learn the wiping technique quite naturally at the age of one to two years. It’s more about the children learning what media actually are, what they’re about, and what you can do with them.

How tablets can be used in the daycare center

Digital media should be used in the daycare center just like other media, e.g. books – to learn and discover through play. You can use these devices to express yourself creatively instead of just passively consuming: discover the forest on a photo safari, make an animated film together, watch a multimedia picture book, and much more. The aim of using media in daycare centers is to promote media literacy. This means making children strong enough for a sovereign life in dealing with media. Of course, media work in the daycare center should be age-oriented to the basic needs and interests of the children and support their development in every way. And most importantly, the children’s media skills are promoted jointly by the daycare center and parents. Do you know if your daycare center has a media concept? Just ask!

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