They are among the most popular online formats for children and young people: Challenges. In the #FortniteDanceChallenge, for example, people film themselves performing the dances of the characters from the game Fortnite game. Or in the #PutYourFingerDownChallenge , they sing along to excerpts of ten songs and lower a finger for every song they know.
Challenges are available on almost all social media platforms. They are particularly popular with TikTok. Challenges can be fun and get attention for a specific cause. However, it can sometimes be dangerous when younger people in particular try to imitate certain challenges.
This internet phenomenon probably became known through the Ice Bucket Challenge, in which participants poured a bucket of ice water over their heads to raise awareness of ALS. The trend served a charitable purpose. Other challenges also have a positive intention. In the #ChalkYourWalkChallenge, people paint colorful sidewalks to leave a friendly message for others and thus promote a sense of community.
Some challenges are purely for entertainment, such as imitating dances and songs. In the #BoredInTheHouseChallenge, participants film themselves or their pets doing (humorous) activities. The clips are accompanied by the corresponding song. People take on various skill or fitness challenges, record the whole thing on video and then upload it to social networks. The #PlankChallenge is about increasing the number of push-ups you do every day.
Challenges are often provided with specific hashtags. The idea behind this is to post your own interpretation of the challenge and also publish the video under the hashtag. These videos go viral within hours and are shared and imitated by users all over the world. Companies also use hashtags to raise their profile among young people.
Adolescents find it exciting to compete with others and imitate things. This does not have to happen in a video, but can also be in everyday life, at home or at school. They sing together in the schoolyard or try to imitate a dance challenge.
Certain challenges can give young users a strong sense of community and belonging. Through likes and comments, they give each other feedback and make contact with each other. Recognition and thrills are also reasons for young people to take part in challenges.
Challenges are an integral part of many social media communities and are also taken part in by influencers. This encourages their young followers to join in and follow the trend.
Not every challenge is harmless. There are also dangerous and risky challenges. If young people are encouraged to imitate, but are not aware of the danger, this becomes a problem. Some challenges call for tests of courage. Others encourage them to eat things that are not meant to be eaten. Or the aim is to lose weight and be as thin as possible.
Behind some dangerous challenges are so-called hoaxes. These are made up stories that are spread as a challenge. Children and young people are encouraged to engage in risky activities because something bad will supposedly happen otherwise. In the end, the hoax challenges themselves are dangerous. Read more about this in our article on chain letters.
Networking with like-minded people, proving something to themselves or getting attention are reasons why young people get involved in dangerous challenges.
To counteract dangerous challenges, TikTok deletes clips with dangerous content or blocks certain search terms. However, videos are often tagged with modified terms such as challenge instead of challenge or underscores are added to avoid blocking.
Some challenge content is harmful to minors, for example when it involves pain, disgust or horror. Social media providers occasionally delete dangerous content, but that doesn’t stop other risky challenges from trending. On YouTube and TikTok it is forbidden to post such challenges. On TikTok, users receive an immediate warning when supposedly risky challenge videos appear in their feed. There are also educational videos about it.
Keep an open mind about fun, harmless, or even helpful challenges. You may also want to take on such challenges together with the whole family.