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Knipsclub – the safe photo community for kids

2 minutes reading time
6-13 years
Social Media
Tool description

Your child loves taking pictures and maybe wants to be a photographer one day? For Instagram it may still be too young, but in the Knipsclub it can learn more about photography in a child-friendly way and exchange ideas with others.

In a nutshell:

  • age appropriate kids photo community
  • for children between 8 and 12 years
  • secure platform for the first steps on the net
  • Exchange with other photo enthusiastic children

What is Knipsclub?

The photo community Knipsclub is suitable for 8- to 12-year-olds. Knipsclub is a platform where they can publish their own photos, share them with others, and talk about them. Knipsclub offers a protected space on the Internet for this purpose. Through animations, video clips and hands-on activities, children learn more about photography and safe behavior on the Internet, e.g. on topics such as Data protection, copyrights and secure communication with others. In the “Knipstipps” tips are given, e.g., for the correct picture detail, the correct light or the use of filters and how one can work on a picture.

What fascinates children about it?

Many children love picture stories or comics and like to draw. With photos, they can discover their environment in a new way and learn how to deal with (digital) technology. Children at this age are curious and want to know a lot.Many are already on the Internet. At Knipsclub they can gain their first experience and learn what they need to watch out for, e.g. that you can’t simply upload pictures of others to the upload to the Internet.

What should parents pay attention to?

Take your child’s wish seriously if they like to share their photos and be independent on the web. Social networks such as Instagramoffer little protection and no guidance for children and are only recommended from a minimum age of 13. There, they may encounter advertising, cyberbullying, and cybergrooming, which can overwhelm or frighten them.
In Knipsclub, you can slowly introduce your child to using the Internet. You must upload a written consent form to register. Familiarize your child with the rules on the net and discover the platform together. Start a collaborative photo project. Here you will find some ideas for this.

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