When Christmas time, uncomfortable weather and lockdown all coincide, a movie afternoon or evening can be a nice opportunity to cozy up and distract with family.
On Elternguide.online you can find information about film, television and streaming in various articles. We have summarized the most important for you here.
In Germany, there are various streaming providers in addition to the media libraries of public and private TV stations. Suitable programs and films can usually be found in categories such as “family films” or “children”. When choosing, pay attention to the age rating and the length of the program. There are often descriptions and sometimes trailers that offer a glimpse into the film or series. Disney+ offers a particularly wide range of movies for the whole family. FLIMMO has compiled a selection of movies worth seeing for different age groups and the whole family.
Depending on how large your family is and whether your children are different ages, it can be a challenge to agree on a common television program. You can arrange that each person has one wish. From all the wishes you can create a program over several days. It’s even nicer when everyone can agree on one or more films. Maybe there are classics in your family that you watch every year? Celebrate such shared media times and get comfortable. For more tips, see our post Media Rituals in the Family.
Even if you are there as parents, be careful not to forget the time during the cozy movie afternoon. Exercise and other screen-free activities are important for processing what you see and keeping your body fit. Remember the rules you have agreed on for media use in the family.
You don’t just have to sit in front of a device and let yourself be sprinkled. Media offer many opportunities for creative activity with the whole family.