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Young Children and Media: Insights from the miniKIM Study 2023

2 minutes reading time
0-5 years
Social Media

Even for the very youngest children, the world of media is omnipresent. The miniKIM study, initiated by the Media Education Research Association Southwest, provides insightful data on the media behavior of children between the ages of two and five. This article summarizes the key findings of the latest 2023 study and provides practical tips for parents.

Access to smart devices: The study shows that access to smart devices is increasing among young children. Around one in five children has their own tablet and one in ten has access to a smartphone. These devices are often used for both educational and entertainment purposes.

Parental attitudes: Many parents are of the opinion that smartphones harbor many risks for young children and should be viewed rather critically. However, around half of those surveyed also see advantages in its use, such as the potential to learn new things and playful education.

Streaming and media consumption: Streaming services are now also popular with the youngest children and have supplemented or even replaced traditional television as the main source of moving image content.

Responsibility and media education: The study emphasizes the importance of supervised media use to ensure a safe and positive environment for young children. It is recommended that parents monitor their children’s media activities and select appropriate content.

What should parents bear in mind?

  • Supervised use: Accompany your child when using digital media and select age-appropriate and safe content together.
  • Set rules: Set clear limits for screen time to ensure a balanced daily structure with enough space for other activities.
  • Use security settings: Activate parental controls on all devices to prevent access to inappropriate content.
  • See media as part of development: Use interactive and educational apps designed specifically for young children to encourage learning through play.
  • Role model function: Be a good role model with regard to your own media consumption and media usage habits.

In addition to this article, we also offer in-depth insights into media use of older children with the KIM Study 2022 and of young people with the JIM study.

The results and further information on the miniKIM Study 2023 can be found in detail on the website of the Media Education Research Association Southwest.

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