Erotic media content or even porn is actually not for children and teenagers. But because they are curious and want to test their limits, Internet services such as OnlyFans can be exciting from adolescence onward.
On the website OnlyFans users can more or less view photos and videos of other users. Among them are also erotic and pornographic contents, which, however, are shown only after payment.
Unlike other social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, OnlyFans is not financed by advertising. Instead, users pay a monthly subscription fee or a one-time “pay-per-view” for content from individual providers (known as creators) – which can be videos, photos or music. It’s about Creator responding to the wishes of their fans and also revealing personal things. Sexual content does not violate the terms of use on the site, and so money can be earned with revealing appearances.
There is content of all kinds on the platform. German celebrities have also discovered OnlyFans as a source of income. So, for $5 a month, you get a subscription to German rapper Fler. This is also very popular with young people. What he offers on OnlyFans, he keeps secret so far. For young fans, this can lead to the desire to become active on OnlyFans as well, so as not to miss anything.
Children and young people also come into contact with the site through Internet stars they follow on YouTube or Instagram. Increasingly, they also offer their content on OnlyFans and advertise it on their other channels. The site now seems to be so relevant to the younger target group that even Bravo writes about it .
Although the site can be used officially only from 18 years, registration is possible without age verification. Only if you want to share content yourself, you have to prove that you are of age. So kids and teens can sign up on OnlyFans, follow other users, and even write private messages. If they have access to a credit card, they can even get into the paid area.
Since more and more celebrities and influencers are also active on the platform, children and young people can become aware of OnlyFans through them via other channels.
There is also harmless content on OnlyFans. But the proximity to erotic and pornographic content makes it possible for children and young people to come into contact with content that is unsuitable for them. There are also sites circulating on the Internet that allegedly allow you to use OnlyFans ‘ paid content without paying or using a credit card.
Talk openly with your child about which social media platforms they are on and what they are doing there. It may encounter content that is not yet appropriate for its age, such as OnlyFans. Address the dangers and risks and explain factually why such sites are unsuitable.
Older teenagers in particular want to learn about their sexuality and use erotic content from the Internet to do so. This is quite natural, but can also lead to problems. Read more in our article “Help, my child watches porn!“. If your child has already come into contact with erotic or pornographic content on the site, you should also discuss this together. Allow your child to ask questions or admit when he or she is overwhelmed. If you feel you can’t help your child at home, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. One place to start may be school psychologists. A wide range of counseling services for children, adolescents and parents is also offered by the Nummer-gegen-Kummer (number against grief).