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From Likes to movement – how young people can get involved online

Young people want to speak their minds and be listened to. They want to have a say and a say in decision-making. The Internet offers young people various opportunities to get involved and get engaged.

Why is it important for young people to get involved?

The vast majority of young people are interested in political issues, such as environmental protection, rights on the Internet or the fight against racism. But political issues are also those that don’t seem so at first glance: Anyone interested in fashion can campaign for those who make the clothes to be treated and paid fairly.

Unfortunately, the opinions of young people are far too rarely heard. They are eligible to vote in elections only in some states from the age of 16 and have little say in other areas. This contributes to the fact that many young people are not motivated to become politically involved. They think that their voice can’t make much difference. At the same time, most young people would like to see more participation. The Internet offers them various options for this.

What exactly does participation on the Net mean?

Participation – or involvement – on the Net is a very broad term. It can mean discussing in conversations, such as with friends on WhatsApp chat, or liking or sharing a picture with a political statement on Instagram. Another way to participate online is to actively post political content, such as a short statement on a currently discussed topic on TikTok.

The prerequisite for this is that young people are interested in something. Often interests are already there, but not all young people are aware of this. There is a lack of opportunities to exchange ideas on certain topics or knowledge about participation opportunities.

Participation begins with informing oneself and thereby forming one’s own opinion on a topic. This can happen at school, but also in the family among friends or on YouTube. The Internet is the most important place for most young people to engage with their issues. It offers many opportunities for this, but also risks, because extremist groups also use the Internet for their speeches. In some cases, fraudulent offers even state supposed concerns such as animal welfare in order to lure young people. There are also conspiracy myths and fake news circulating that young people encounter in their search for information. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to how and where you get information. Various Internet resources can help spark interest in participation and serve as a good resource for forming an opinion. A concrete offer for young people is, for example, the young magazine Fluter from the Federal Agency for Civic Education.

You can also network online with others interested in politics. Social networks are used to organize and plan events, such as meetings, demonstrations or other actions. Fridays for Future or Save the Internet are examples of how committed young people use the Internet for their movement.

What offers are there for young people to participate on the Net?

Participation in the digital space mostly takes place in social networks. There are many groups on Facebook that advocate for specific causes. A simple search for corresponding groups helps here. On Facebook, there are also groups of the youth organizations of political parties or of non-profit associations.

Participation is also possible via apps and platforms such as PlaceM. This app can be used to create so-called “Places” where participation is to be strengthened. This can be the district, the community, the class or the sports club. Participation is realized here primarily through surveys. Participation will be rewarded with points. Another platform for youth participation is OPIN, which aims to promote youth participation in Europe. Platforms like adhocracy also encourage digital participation. In addition, young people can participate in ePetitions or create their own. This works with WeAct from campact or with openPetition.

What can you do as a parent to help your child engage?

Take your child’s interests seriously, even if they may seem foreign to you. Be supportive if your child is interested in a particular topic. Show him ways to get informed. At the same time, it is important to point out dangers that your child may encounter while searching for information. You can find more information about this in our articles All fake? Recognize false reports and extremism on the net

If your child wants to get involved in something, talk to him or her about possibilities and do some research together, e.g. on (youth) initiatives and organizations. The corresponding pages can usually be found quickly via search engines. It is important to let your child understand that they can make a difference and that it is important to voice their own opinion.

YouTube explains the world to me – the video portal as a news source

Children and young people want to understand the world. The older they get, the more they inform themselves on social networks – including about current news. For example, they watch videos by YouTubers LeFloid and MrWissen2Go, which summarize and comment on daily topics. News formats on YouTube are popular with young people primarily because they are easy to understand, short and entertaining. Unlike on television or in newspapers, however, virtually anyone can upload and distribute content on the Internet. But who controls the truthfulness of the content on YouTube?

The success of YouTube videos depends on clicks and views. The funnier and more exaggerated content is presented, the more often it is clicked and reaches more people. The quality or accuracy of the content does not necessarily matter.

YouTube is not an educational service, but a commercial platform of Google. The content does not come from Google, but from the users themselves. Thousands of videos are uploaded every day. False reports can also end up on YouTube and remain visible until YouTube is made aware of them and can have them checked.

Opinion making on YouTube

Some YouTubers like to include their personal opinions on current topics. Of course, this is particularly exciting for young people because they want to form their own opinions. However, they can also be quickly influenced. Some people take advantage of this and want to convince young people in particular of their opinion. Children and young people can therefore come into contact with populist and extremist content on YouTube. The comment function is also used to spread false news and propaganda channels.

Should we believe what is said or not? Some questions can help to classify it: What the main message of the video? Do I feel informed by the video or am I agitated? Is a bad mood being created against certain people or groups? To influence the feelings of the viewers, dramatic music or shocking images are used, for example. If there is no information about who made the video and where the knowledge is from, one should be skeptical and try to verify the statements.

Technology helps determine what you see

You don’t decide alone which videos are displayed on YouTube. Depending on what terms you have already searched for and what videos you have watched, YouTube will suggest other videos that you might therefore like. It is programmed that way. This can create a one-sided view of the world because other perspectives and information are less present….

Make your child fit!

Despite these risks, help your child stay informed about world events. If you are up to speed yourself, you may be able to answer his questions yourself. Or you can research answers together. This way, your child learns what to look for when searching for information on the web and how to classify it. In the article “All fake? Recognizing Fake News” you will find tips on how to do this. Good sources are usually the offerings of public service media, as these must meet certain journalistic criteria. You can also find them on YouTube – e.g. in the various formats of funk which are especially tailored to the interests of people between the ages of 14 and 25.

The need to inform themselves and develop their own opinions is important for children and young people to be able to help shape society one day as adults. YouTube can also be useful for school.

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