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OmeTV and co – when children meet strangers in video chat

3 minutes reading time
11-17 years
Social Media

Meeting new people, having fun, flirting for the first time – video chat services are popular with children and young people. Free offers such as OmeTV, Chatroulette or even Yubo make it possible to connect with complete strangers. Although the apps are often criticized for issues such as pornography, cybergrooming and questionable data protection, many young people like to use them.

Random video chats with strangers on the net

Video chat platforms randomly connect users from all over the world. They can see and chat with each other via the camera function. When they have had enough of each other, they click or swipe on to the next person. Thousands of users communicate with each other simultaneously via these websites and apps. This means that the pool of potential contacts is inexhaustible. Most services require a link to data such as the Facebook or Google account or registration with an e-mail address or telephone number. Yubo is permitted from the age of 13 according to the terms and conditions, OmeTV and Chatroulette only from the age of 18. However, since the age or the required declaration of consent from the parents are not checked, younger people also use the applications.

The fascination of video chat

For young people, the platforms are an opportunity to gain new experiences and get to know people. They go online alone or with friends and chat with strangers. They often experience funny, weird and crazy things there. This can be exciting and fun – and offers room to try things out. On TikTok and YouTube videos of chats on OmeTV are very popular and are shared under their own hashtags. Users post videos of pranks such as alleged assaults online and influencers talk about their crazy experiences in video chats. This arouses young people’s curiosity and raises their hopes of meeting their idols in a random chat.

Dangers and risks of the platforms

Platforms such as OmeTV and the like are known for the fact that the content they show is often anything but adult-friendly. Anonymity is high and the inhibition threshold is therefore low. Many people use video chats to vent their frustrations, share extreme opinions or satisfy sexual needs. So it often happens that especially men show themselves naked in front of the camera. Insults and discrimination are also commonplace. This can unsettle and unsettle young people in particular. The providers threaten to take strict measures such as lifelong exclusion from the service if the community guidelines are violated. However, the anonymity of the users makes it almost impossible to trace them. Dangers such as cybergrooming, sextortion, sexual harassment or digital violence cannot be ruled out. Inadequate data protection poses a further risk. This allows users to save chat histories, take a screenshot or record images and sound. This usually happens without the consent of the data subjects. Another application also makes it possible to find out the IP address of the user with a little skill. Thus, the anonymous contact may not remain anonymous.

How to protect your child

If your child expresses a desire to use these platforms or is already doing so, do not react with a lack of understanding and strict prohibitions. A ban can make these platforms even more attractive and tempt your child to chat secretly with strangers on the Internet. Try to understand the fascination of such offers and talk openly about it. Educate your child about communication risks such as sexual harassment, bullying and cybergrooming. It is important that your child is aware that this is a public space to which everyone has access. The protection of data and privacy is therefore particularly important. Agree rules together on how to deal with such offers. Give your child the feeling that they can talk to you if they have any unpleasant experiences or questions. OmeTV and co. are not suitable for children, despite precautionary measures. Find out about age-appropriate media for your child. Try to talk to your child about alternatives so that he or she can still make new contacts. For younger children, offers on children’s websites can be an alternative, e.g. via kindersache.de, seitenstark.de or knipsclub.de.

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