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Secure search on the Internet

By searching the Internet, children and young people can quickly come across content that is not suitable for their age because it is highly sexualized or contains depictions of violence. A specific filter function in search engines – SafeSearch – is intended to prevent this and make surfing safer for young people and children.This filter technology can be activated in most online search engines: Inappropriate and adult content is then automatically filtered out of the search results and not displayed.

Enable safe search

With the most popular search engines – such as Google, Bing and Ecosia – you can switch on the filter function very easily via the respective start page and then via “Settings”. There are often two filter levels: Strict and Medium/Moderate.

SafeSearch on Google can be enabled for:

If Google detects that the user is younger than 18, SafeSearch is automatically turned on and can be turned off by parents in the case of a family account. With a Google account, the filtering technology works on the computer as well as on mobile devices (Android and iOS).

At Bing you can also find SafeSearch under Settings. Bing removes inappropriate search results in two stages:

  • Strict: texts, images and videos that are not suitable for minors are filtered out of the search results.
  • Means: adult images and videos are filtered out of the search, but not texts.

At Ecosia you can access the settings via the menu on the home page, where you could activate Safe Search (Strict/Medium).

What can be problematic?

If you use a search engine other than the ones mentioned, look in the settings to see if “Safe Search” can be set.

Keep in mind that no filter function is 100% accurate. It can always happen that images or search results are not recognized by the program. When this happens, you can report this content. SafeSearch (on Google, Bing and Yahoo) filters according to American standards. This means that results are also filtered out that are not harmful to minors under German law (e.g. nudity). Results that are not youth-friendly according to German law (e.g. violence) or even punishable (e.g. Holocaust denial) are sometimes reported anyway.

Tip for parents: Use child search engines

If your child is younger (elementary school age), we recommend using children’s search engines. With the help of these, they can learn to navigate safe websites online before they are introduced to “adult offerings.” Children’s search engines work with so-called whitelists – only those pages are displayed in the search results that have previously been checked for child-friendly content. Accompany your child as they take their first steps on the Internet. If your child is older and moving online on his or her own, regularly ask about his or her experience and be responsive.

Search engines for children and teenagers

“EM 2021”, “Bundestag election” and “Corona” – these terms were googled most frequently in 2021. But Google and other search engines were not designed primarily for children. Without filtering, children can quickly end up on pages with inappropriate content. That’s why there are children’s search engines.

Children’s search engines – what is it?

Children’s search engines are easy to use and use child-friendly language and images. There are also tips and hints on how to best use search engines, such as which terms will find exactly the information you are looking for. Most of the offers are aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 12. Children’s search engines only link to content that is harmless and interesting for children. All websites are checked and approved in advance by media educators. This enables safe surfing on the net. In addition, children can practice searching the Internet for websites and information that is important to them. In this way, they acquire important skills. Older children can be introduced to adult search engines after this practice period.

What are the search engines?

For children from 6 to 12 years are suitable the search engines askFINN and blind cow . Bright Minds is aimed at children and young people aged 8 to 16. These websites contain child-friendly articles and links to safe online games and videos. Except for Helles Köpfchen, the search engines are free of advertising. Older children can use common search engines such as Google, Ecosia, Yahoo, and Bing. There, certain filters can be activated that prevent unsuitable content from being displayed in the search results. These filters are called Google , Bing and Yahoo “SafeSearch. With some search engines, an account can be created with which filters can then be activated permanently and password-protected.

What should parents pay attention to?

Children’s search engines are designed so that children can use them independently and have the most positive surfing experience possible during their first steps on the Internet. Accompany your child during the first use and explore the search engine together. This way you can explain important functions for the search in more detail. After the first joint testing, children can use the respective children’s search engine independently without hesitation. For this purpose, it is recommended to set up a child search engine for the default search in the browser. In addition, a child search engine can be set up as the start page.

If your children already know how to use search engines and use search engines like Google , activate a filter. Note that despite filters, searches are never as secure as content review by media educators and that filters can be independently activated and deactivated. Agree with your child on how to respond when he or she encounters inappropriate content. You can report inappropriate content that is displayed despite filter settings to the respective search engines.

Surf safely with the fragFINN app

In a nutshell:

  • Child protection app for 6 to 12 year olds
  • safe surfing space consisting of several thousand checked websites (children’s sites and other harmless websites)
  • Available for free for smartphones and tablets (Android, iOS and Fire OS)

What is the fragFINN app?

fragFINN is a children’s search engine that provides adolescents with a protected surfing space with harmless content. With fragFINN‘s child protection app, children only move around in this surfing space. The basis of the child search engine is the so-called positive list. This is a list of websites that have been tested and deemed safe. Thus, the search engine searches only the websites that are on the positive list. Since your child is in a closed surfing space with the app, he or she can therefore only access the websites that are included in the safe list. If your child is on a verified website and clicks on an external link that is not approved (for example YouTube or Amazon), a so-called stop page appears with the notice that the website is not part of the fragFINN surfing space. So your child will not be able to access this page.

What fascinates children and young people about it?

Many children use the fragFINN children’s search engine because it is easier for them to find content there that is made especially for them. This is because many children’s sites are difficult to find via the usual search engines. In fragFINN, these are displayed preferentially. Thus, the fragFINN app can be used for homework research as well as for playing games during free time.

What does the provider think?

With the children’s search engine, the provider fragFINN e.V. pursues the goal of providing children between the ages of 6 and 12 with a protected digital space and offering young children in particular a safe start on the Internet.

What should parents pay attention to?

Children’s search engines are a very good introduction to the Internet. With them, children learn how to use search engines properly. You will learn search techniques and understand the principle of a search engine. Keep in mind, however, that children’s search engines like fragFINN are maintained manually, which means that only those websites that have been pre-screened and included will be found. So be aware that your child won’t find every piece of information he or she is looking for, and child search engines will reach their limits at some point. Use the opportunity to make the provider aware if you are shown content that is not suitable for children or if you are missing children’s pages. In this way, the fragFINN surfing space can be improved and expanded. Learn more here.

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