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Dark Patterns – Manipulation on the Internet

“Allow all cookies”, “Only 5 left in stock!” – does something like this sound familiar? Maybe you’ve clicked on something while browsing or spent more money while shopping online when you really didn’t mean to. Behind this is a mechanism that deliberately deceives users on websites, in online commerce, in apps and games.

Seductive designs

Dark patterns are designed to induce Internet users to take actions that are not in their interest, but work in favor of the provider. This involves working with design principles from graphic design as well as tricks from behavioral psychology. The aim is to obtain personal data from users or to tempt them into excessive purchases of products, subscriptions or contracts. Well-known examples are:

  • Draw attention: The “ORDER NOW” button lights up large and with a colored background. The alternative “no, thank you” remains discreetly in the background.
  • Blur wording: Ambiguous statements, double negatives, or misleading expressions intentionally confuse. This strategy is particularly common for forms with checkboxes.
  • Hiding information: Log out, unsubscribe, cancel – these actions are sometimes well hidden or not present at all. This makes it difficult to withdraw from an offer.
  • Create negative emotions: a special offer is about to expire, the shopping cart is deleted or only a few items are still available – this intentionally creates pressure. Anyone who only adds the alternative “No, I don’t want to be informed” to the newsletter subscription notice is deliberately targeting users’ sense of shame.
  • Automatically add additional offers: In the shopping cart or when making a flight reservation, you suddenly find an additional offer such as insurance next to the items you added yourself.

These Dark Patterns are encountered by children and young people

Children and young people also encounter manipulative strategies every day on the Internet. Especially on social media platforms, in apps or video games, they have to deal with hidden information, advertising banners, sales strategies and psychological tricks. The special algorithms and endless feeds of TikTok, Instagram and the like are deliberately designed to keep users in the apps as long as possible. Likes and comments inspire, but also create social pressure. Video games like Fortnite and gaming apps like Coin Master use mechanisms such as unnecessary time pressure, intrusive in-app purchases, and opaque loot boxes, among others. On websites and search engines, it is not always easy to distinguish advertising from content. Younger children in particular do not yet have the experience and maturity to see through Dark Patterns and not be guided by emotions.

How can parents deal with this?

Be careful when surfing the Internet, protect your child’s data and encourage your child to use data sparingly. Discuss with your child the conscious use of money and accompany him or her when making first orders or payments online. Educate your child about the mechanics of online advertising and sales tricks on the Internet. Consider the following tips and discuss them with your child:

  • Think first, then click: Don’t click buttons too quickly, but take your time to see what options are available.
  • Read carefully: For forms with checkboxes to click, carefully read what checking a box really means.
  • Checking orders: Before completing an online purchase, check the shopping cart and make sure it contains only what is needed.
  • Keep emotions in check: Don’t feel pressured to make purchases and don’t feel guilty about offers.

In addition, solutions from the technical youth media protection can support the safe Internet use of your child, for example, youth protection filters, access restrictions or ad blockers.

Are such strategies allowed at all? Legally, dark patterns operate in a gray area. If you or your child have had a negative experience with it, report it together to the consumer center: verbraucherzentrale.de/beschwerde.

The language of gamers

You come into the living room, your child is sitting in front of the game console. Excitedly it calls into the headset: “Ah crap, I’m knocked, one is Heaven, one Zig-Zag behind the Drywall and looted the Chest, watch out, the one above has a Purple Shotty and camped me!”1. You have heard what your child said – but what it means is a mystery to you?

What is gaming language?

It is not only different national languages, dialects and accents that shape the language of children and young people. The circles in which they move also affect the way they express themselves. People who game a lot often use a certain gaming vocabulary.

Most video games are played online and gaming language takes an important role in communication between players. It is often necessary to share information with others quickly and efficiently to improve collaboration and win the game. Here, the gaming language offers a good opportunity to communicate efficiently with others and develop a successful strategy.

Gaming language helps create identity and community. With their gaming slang, gamers show that they are part of a certain group. The common language also serves to establish and reinforce social norms and expectations within the gaming community. The Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (USK) has listed common terms in its lexicon.

Gaming language as pop culture

Gaming language is influenced by youth and net cultures and is a very multifaceted phenomenon. With “Smash” and “Sus”, two terms from gaming were again among the top 10 youth words of the year in 2022. Gaming language is constantly changing: new words and expressions are introduced, while others slowly disappear or lose meaning. This is partly because the nature of the games changes over time. On the other hand, each game genre is characterized by its own words. In Fifa is called “GKs that are trash” (i.e., the goalie not playing well) and “Boah the bronze banked again” (i.e., he or she is deliberately manipulating his or her team’s score by sending players with poor scores to the bench and thus being paired by the system against players who tend to be weaker).In Fall Guys is about “proxy strats” (i.e. trying to win the game by intentionally falling back at the beginning of the round) or “jump dives” (i.e. combination of jumping and “throwing forward”).

Gaming language influences other areas of pop culture while also being shaped by pop culture. More and more often, expressions and terms from the gaming language are adopted in music, film and advertising. For example, rappers like Travis Scott and Drake use expressions like“loot” and “pogchamp” (an emote on the livestreaming platform “Twitch“) in their lyrics. Companies such as Coca-Cola and KFC use gaming terms and themes in their advertising campaigns, targeting a specific audience.

What parents should pay attention

Keep in mind that your child’s speech will not be permanently altered or degraded by the use of gaming speech. Your child may speak to his or her friends in a way that is completely incomprehensible to outsiders. But that doesn’t mean it won’t find appropriate expression in school and, later, work contexts.

Nevertheless, it is important to take a closer look at the words together with your child, as defamatory or insulting expressions are often found in gaming language. For example, terms such as “huan” are used as shorthand for “son of a bitch” or “fag” as shorthand for “faggot,” the English equivalent of “faggot.” Children and adolescents often pick up such expressions thoughtlessly and use them themselves without thinking about it. Talk openly with your child about why the use of these words is problematic. Explain to him what the words even mean and make it clear that you will not tolerate such terms.

Such insults are to be distinguished from the phenomenon of trashtalk, which has established itself in gaming language as a form of etiquette in certain gaming groups. Show interest in your child’s hobby, watch them play and play a game together. This way, you can get an idea of the gaming culture yourself and talk to your child about games at eye level.

1Resolution ofthe terms in the introduction:

knocked: Lying on the ground, but not yet knocked out.

Heaven: A place name that refers to a point higher up.

Zig-Zag: A place name that refers to a Z-shaped wall.

Drywall: A wall that can be penetrated by projectiles.

looted: Engl. for plunder, here also: search.

Purple Shotty: A rare shotgun in the game Fortnite.

camped: Someone is sitting nearby waiting for team members to come to their aid.

Fascination Gaming – What makes gaming fun? 

The passion for video games is unmistakable for many people, especially children and teenagers. Whether on a console, PC, or smartphone, video games offer a variety of ways to entertain yourself, gain new experiences, and improve skills. But what exactly is the appeal of gambling?

Immerse yourself in game worlds

One of the most important resources of video games is the possibility to immerse yourself in other worlds and put yourself in different characters. The players stimulate their creativity and imagination. They experience adventures, make decisions and solve problems outside the limited possibilities of our real world.

For non-gamers, it is sometimes not so easy to empathize with this. Talk openly with your child about his or her experiences and try to understand them. Sit next to your child when they are playing and observe what they are playing and how they are playing. Let them explain the game to you and play together. If your child gets the feeling that you, as a parent, are really interested in what he or she is doing there, your child will talk about it more openly.

Measure yourself with others

Many games are designed for competition, which appeals to many game players. Whether against other players or against the AI (artificial intelligence) of the game – children and young people can measure their skills against others and thus prove themselves. This gives a good sense of satisfaction and pride, especially if they are successful in doing so.

Your child proudly tells about a virtual victory? Don’t belittle the accomplishments. For children and young people, they are just as important and relevant as winning a soccer game or creating a work of art. Show your child appreciation. Note: Games are made in such a way that game players always want to continue playing and create the next level or victory. Agree on rules for when to stop gambling.

Switch off and get into the flow

Another factor that makes gaming appealing is the ability to relieve stress and relax. Many people use video games as a balance to their hectic everyday lives. Focusing on something else can help to take a break from the challenges of daily life.

In gaming, many game players get into a “flow”. In psychology, “flow” refers to a state that describes lightness, in which people are fully absorbed in what they are doing and forget everything around them. The reward systems in video games are designed to actively promote and build on this very “flow experience.”

Be aware that sometimes your child is in “flow” and it is not necessarily bad faith if he or she does not come to eat even after multiple requests. With all understanding, it is still important to set boundaries.

Maintain friendships and exchange ideas

Online games have become a medium that children and young people use to meet their friends and exchange information about their interests. While the nature of the contact is purely virtual, the important socialization processes for your child still occur. Especially children and young people from rural areas have the chance to “meet” their circle of friends in Games even if they live far away.

Does your child communicate in gaming chats and use digital tools like Discord to share ideas? Talk to your child about the platform rules. Make your child aware of communication risks such as cybergrooming and create a trusting basis for conversation so that your child can always come to you if problems arise.

Learn new things and expand competencies

Video games can also be a valuable learning tool. Many games like Minecraft require the application of mathematical and logical skills. Learning new languages and cultures can also be facilitated through games, as in the English-language Among Us . Some games also encourage the development of critical thinking and decision making.

These learning experiences are an important part of today’s world. Our everyday life is characterized by social networks, computer technology, smartphones, cryptocurrencies and much more. In order to keep up with this, it is important to train a quick grasp, to train basic technical understanding and, above all, to develop logical problem-solving skills. Your child does all this automatically and enthusiastically by playing computer games.

What parents of passionate gamers should pay attention to

Stay informed about your child’s hobby, choose games with your child based on interest and developmental level, and be aware of video game age restrictions. The most important thing for children and young people when playing, besides all the points mentioned, is that it is fun. Not everything in the life of children and young people must pursue a goal, or as already the Duden writes to it: “[Spielen ist] itself for the pleasure, pastime and alone from joy in the thing itself in any way operate, with something occupy “.


“Just ask a chatbot!” – or something similar could be the future motto when it comes to researching on the Internet or answering tricky questions. The chat program ChatGPT is currently the talk of the town, and even children and teenagers are trying out the language program. We provide an insight into the tool.

In a nutshell:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) based language model
  • Chat program that gives answers from the Internet
  • Developer: OpenAI
  • Registration with e-mail address and mobile phone number
  • Free of charge, no age check

What is ChatGPT?

The chatbot gives users answers from the web using machine learning. We had a little chat with him.

Question: What is ChatGPT?

Answer: ChatGPT is a computer model developed by OpenAI to have conversations with humans. It is particularly good at answering questions and carrying on conversations, having been trained on large amounts of text.

Question: What kind of texts was ChatGPT trained with?

Answer: ChatGPT has been trained with texts such as news articles, books, conversations and other documents from the Internet.

Question: Please write a two-sentence summary of “George Orwell: 1984”.

Answer: “1984” by George Orwell is a dystopia in which a totalitarian government controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives. The protagonist, Winston Smith, works for the government but rebels against it and meets a woman named Julia, but is eventually captured and “reprogrammed.”

Question: Does ChatGPT have an answer for everything?

Answer: No, ChatGPT does not have an answer for everything. It is a computer model and can sometimes give wrong or inaccurate answers, especially to strange or unknown questions. It is important to check ChatGPT’s responses and use them with caution.

Question: What do children and teenagers do with ChatGPT?

Answer: Children and teenagers can talk to ChatGPT and ask it questions as they would with a friend or an online search engine. ChatGPT can help them find answers to questions that interest them. Some children also use it to improve their communication skills. It is important that children and young people learn how to use technology safely and responsibly, including ChatGPT.

What fascinates children/youth about it?

ChatGPT is an advanced voice AI that can do more than traditional search engines and voice assistants. It can write original texts, carry on fluent conversations, translate texts into other languages, and perform complex tasks. It can be fascinating to see how quickly and straightforwardly replies and interesting and entertaining information is delivered. Some children and young people also simply enjoy a conversation with a virtual counterpart or unexpected answers. Also, the technology behind ChatGPT can be impressive and interactions with an AI exciting. This supports children and young people in their self-exploration and promotes creativity and linguistic skills.

What can be problematic about the offer?

  • Inappropriate content: Children and young people may find inappropriate or dangerous content on the platform.
  • Incorrect information: Chatbots are only as good as their programming and can provide incorrect or inaccurate answers.
  • No human interaction: the chat program is not a real human. It cannot provide the same kind of emotional support and understanding that children and youth expect from people.
  • Privacy: Children and teenagers can put their personal data at risk when communicating via ChatGPT.
  • Outdated state of knowledge: The state of knowledge of AI currently only extends to the year 2021.

What does the provider think?

According to OpenAI, children and young people should be protected as follows:

  • Content filtering: ChatGPT does not use inappropriate, vulgar or offensive words.
  • Monitoring of conversations: OpenAI pays attention to what is discussed with ChatGPT. Inappropriate questions may not be able to answer or the answer may be limited.
  • Education: OpenAI consistently encourages in its responses to think critically and to be careful to verify information from the ChatGPT with other sources.

What should parents pay attention to?

Explain to your child that not everything the chat program says is true or correct. ChatGPT has been trained with texts, and therefore only knows what it has seen. It can make mistakes. Make sure your child verifies the information they receive with other sources. It’s best to try this out together and explain to him how to deal with disinformation.

The chatbot can assist with school-related tasks. For example, he can describe something in simple words. ChatGPT should not do homework for your child. Explain to your child that ChatGPT is a tool and not a perfect source. ChatGPT cannot think.

Stay in conversation with your child and educate them about dangerous content online. The chatbot has also been trained with texts that may be inappropriate for your child. Work out boundaries and rules for use together.

You and your child should not submit any personal information. Encourage your child to let you know if there is a problem. Make sure your child understands how to protect his or her privacy.

Music live streams on YouTube

On stage or canned, pressed on vinyl or available digitally – music accompanies us throughout our lives in the most diverse forms. Currently in vogue: music as livestream, on YouTube or on other platforms. For young people, this is a popular way to listen to their favorite music and stay in touch with others at the same time.

What is special about the livestream?

At first glance, it looks a bit like a return to linear television: Music is broadcast live – and users have the option of clicking in and listening along if they want. They do not select the songs themselves individually, but call up a playlist that someone has compiled for them.

In fact, there are also many similarities – but also differences – to VIVA, MTV and Co. or 1990s:

  • Livestreams can be offered on many platforms, for example on Twitch and Instagram , Facebook or YouTube . While livestreams on social networks tend to be used for conversations, such as interviews, YouTube is home to news, gaming, and interviews, as well as many music streams.
  • In principle, any user can offer a livestream. YouTube requires a minimum number of followers and the function must first be activated – so the first livestream needs to be prepared.
  • Then you’re ready to go. Livestream providers use their webcam, external recording devices, or prepared files on their hard drive to livestream. Users can listen, chat or comment at the same time.
  • There is no time limit for the streams. After the live broadcast, however, only streams under 12 hours will remain available on the platform.

Livestreams are indeed very popular among users: 30 percent of YouTube users in a global study by Datareport in 2022 said they watch at least one livestream per week.

Music and community: two birds with one stone for children and young people

For children and young people, the livestream serves two important needs at once. On the one hand, they can get their favorite music here and get inspired. Depending on their tastes and the situation, they will always find the right offer – such as the hits of the year for the New Year’s Eve party or LoFi channels.(LoFi stands for “low fidelity” and refers to music recorded with simple technical devices that are a popular acoustic accompaniment for learning). At the same time, the live chat offers them the possibility of a parallel exchange with their circle of friends, with other listeners or with the creators of the stream. That’s how they find connection and community – and people with similar tastes in music.

Children and young people with their own profile can also offer livestreams themselves. In this way, they become creative themselves, share and express themselves.

Everything great? If you follow the rules!

So, on the whole, livestreams seem to be a good deal for music lovers of all kinds. In principle, minors may only use YouTube with the permission of their parents. The use of YouTube is permitted in Germany from a minimum age of 16 years. From the age of 13, parents can allow their children to use the Family Link.

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to live music streams – and they’re something parents should definitely address before releasing their kids into the vastness of YouTube:

  • For one thing, streams – of course – cost a lot of data volume. If you have a stable WLAN at home, you don’t have to worry much about this. For cell phone contracts with limited options, it is important to make it clear to children and teens that continuous streaming throughout the month is more likely not an option.
  • Secondly, although chat offers opportunities for interesting contacts, it should also be enjoyed with caution. As in other chats, forums or networks, you never know who you are dealing with. Parents should therefore make their children aware of the risks of communication on the Internet. Detailed information on this can be found in these Parents’ Guide articles: Teenagers’ Communication on the Net, Communication Risks on the Net, and Cybergrooming.
  • There are no age labels for music. In some music genres, like gangster rap, things get verbally violent. In some songs, for example, there is misogynistic content, glorification of crime, violence or drugs. Stay engaged in conversation with your child about his or her favorite music and point out boundaries for inappropriate content.
  • Finally, the same applies to young people who want to become active themselves: The same rules apply here as for other social media use. Copyright and personal rights must also be respected in the livestream. You may only use music or images to which you have all rights. For example, self-made music or music under a CC license.

Cyberflashing – unwanted messages on the smartphone

The cell phone vibrates, a message arrives. But the click on the notification contains an unpleasant surprise: instead of a message from the circle of friends, an obscene photo appears on the screen. When people send photos of their private parts to others without consent, it’s called cyberflashing. For children and young people in particular, this can be very unpleasant or even disturbing.

Cyberflashing – who, how and especially why?

New media offerings and technical possibilities make many things easier in communication. Sometimes, however, they also open the door to unpleasant phenomena. Cyberflashing is one such.

Mostly it is men who photograph their private parts and send the resulting photos – so-called “dickpics” – to women. Sometimes these pictures are sent to your own contacts via Messenger without being asked. More often, however, senders use social networks or dating apps to send their images, directing them at people they barely know or don’t know at all.

The problem has been exacerbated by functions such as AirDrop: This allows content to be sent to other devices in the vicinity – without the number or a clear name being displayed. So women can receive pictures from unknown and do not even know from whom. Why especially men send such pictures is not entirely clear. It could be a form of exhibitionism or a desire to initiate a sexual relationship or to get similar images back.

What can parents do against cyberflashing?

For those affected, receiving an unwanted dick pic is usually something unpleasant. Depending on the situation, the image can only annoy, disgust, disturb or traumatize – especially if it hits teenagers and young adults, or happens in a situation where others can still see the display. Talk openly and objectively with your child about the phenomenon of cyberflashing. If your child can be confident that he or she can discuss such issues with you, he or she will approach you if an incident should occur.

Receiving snapshots of your private parts without being asked is not only unpleasant – it is also punishable for the person sending them. According to paragraph 184 in the Penal Code, cyberflashing falls under the “distribution of pornographic writings”. This is not a trivial offense, but a criminal offense and can result in up to one year imprisonment or a fine. If you or your child receives a Dickpic, you should fight back. You can report the incident to the nearest police station. There are also online portals that make it quick and easy to advertise, such as the website dickstinction.com. If you suspect that your child is sending such pictures themselves, it is imperative that you discuss this seriously. It is best to advise your child of the possible consequences and the unpleasant situation for the recipient before it even happens. Therefore, stay in touch about your child’s media use!

To avoid receiving unwanted images, it is recommended that you check the security settings on your smartphone thoroughly with your child. AirDrop, as well as Bluetooth, is best turned off when your child is in a public space.

Your child should not even accept unexpected messages from unknown people. Some messengers, such as Signal, also offer settings that require people who are not yet in the phonebook to first make a contact request before they are allowed to send anything.

You can find help and advice here:

  • Extensive information on cyberflashing is available on the Deutsche Welle website.
  • HateAid explains exactly how to protect yourself or take action against cyberflashing and offers advice.
  • Further help pages for children and young people and for parents on the subject of sexual harassment online are listed in our article on cybergrooming.

Reading in the age of social media

Books and TikTok – how do they fit together? Young people show that it can be done. TikTok has long been more than a platform for colorful dance videos: Young people also use it to find out about current topics – including hot books. There are also people on YouTube and Instagram who share stories about reading and their latest reads.

Of bookfluencers and booktokers

Reading books seems to be losing importance in the age of social media. However, Booktok’s trend proves that digital and analog media need not be mutually exclusive. Reading also still has its place in the world of young people.

The term Booktok is a combination of the English word for book and the second part of the name of the popular app TikTok. There, mainly female readers share book tips under the hashtag #booktok – far away from bespectacled older gentlemen talking high-toned about literature. The videos are entertaining and appeal to young users. The so-called booktokers particularly enjoy reading books from the romance, fantasy, crime/thriller, and young adult genres.

The Young Adult book genre tells stories about growing up and therefore appeals especially to teenagers and young adults.

Publishers and bookstores are now also on TikTok, cranking up their sales in popular genres. Certain books become trendy via Booktok and thus become bestsellers. Some bookstores have their own book tables where the most popular publications are presented.

Reading challenges are also launched. In doing so, TikTokers introduce books on a particular theme, cover, etc.

There is also a large book community on Instagram: Bookstagram. Users exchange more information on books here than on TikTok. In the comments, people talk together about current readings, create reading circles and start so-called buddyreads (joint reading rounds).

It probably all started on YouTube, where reading recommendations can also be found under the hashtag #booktube.

Apps support the hype

Special apps can help make book reading itself a challenge. How many pages have I read this week? How many books can I finish in a month? They are called GoodReads, Read-O, Bookstats or Booksup – apps that can be used to track one’s reading behavior. Statistics can be shared directly on social media in some cases.

Such apps can motivate people to read more. Through some, users network with each other and write their own reviews. You can read a particular book in a buddyread at the same time and exchange ideas about it. When installing the app, you should pay attention to what other users see and what data the app collects and possibly passes on to third parties.

What else is there to consider?

Publishers use social media and influencers for advertising just like other companies. Even though books and reading are usually seen as positive, you and your child should look closely at what book is being advertised. Not always the opinion of the booktoker and bookstagramer is honest and unbiased, advertising is not always marked. Finally, book purchases can also run into money. Therefore, you should talk with your child about what and how many books really need to buy. Is your child just interested in presenting the book in a video or is he or she really interested in reading?

Use your local library and borrow some books from there. Many libraries have digital access points through which e-books can also be borrowed. An e-reader is also available for check-out at the library.

How to protect your child’s data

When it comes to using the Internet, the topic of data privacy always comes up. Because many apps collect the data of the users. But what is actually behind it and what should you pay attention to as a parent?


Data protection refers to the protection of personal data. This is all the data that relates to a specific person, such as their full name, date of birth, their phone number, etc.

Data protection is a fundamental right in the European Union. Every person has the right to decide what happens to their own data. All companies that use and process such data must ensure that it is not simply disseminated. But also each person himself should pay attention to what data is circulating about him.

Once information has been spread on the net, it can be misused. The best way to protect your own data is to use online media sparingly. Think carefully about what data you disclose about yourself and your children online. Without us realizing it, we leave data traces, for example by using a messenger and other apps as well as by surfing the web.

How we leave data traces

There are privacy statements for the use of apps and platforms that state what data is collected and for what purpose. After uploading or during registration, each and every user agrees to them. Applications access certain functions of the user’s own smartphone or tablet for this purpose. But we also voluntarily disclose information about ourselves by uploading and publishing videos, photos, and so on.

Therefore, it is important to disable certain app permissions when the application is not in use or does not require access to individual functions. In our article on this topic, you will learn what to look out for.

In the coming weeks, we will take a closer look at the individual functions and app permissions here at Parents’ Guide. You’ll learn when location access can be problematic, what to look for when enabling Bluetooth, and more.

Password protection and two-factor verification

An essential requirement for protecting the data on one’s smartphone or access to applications by others is a good password. In our article “Safe is Safe: Passwords on the Net” you will learn everything you need to know.

Two-factor verification requires another confirmation in addition to a password. This can be, for example, a numerical code that is displayed on your smartphone via an app. This way, only the person who both knows the password and is in possession of your smartphone has access. You quickly get used to the extra step and the added security is worth it.


Data protection is also important when sending messages via messenger or e-mail. When a message is encrypted, the content can no longer be read. Only with the appropriate key can the message be recovered. This can be compared to a letter that has a lock on it. Only the person with the right key can open the letter to read what is inside. So if a third person gets hold of the message, they can’t do anything with the message without the key. Therefore, it makes sense to use services that work with encryption. For websites, you can tell from the address whether the connection is encrypted. Whenever there is an “s” after the “http” (i.e. “https://…) it means that the connection is encrypted. You can read more about encryption here.

What else can you do to ensure safe smartphone use for your child?

Smartphones come with some features to make chatting, surfing the web and using apps safer for your child. Nevertheless, these settings on the device or even parental control apps do not replace the supervision of you as a parent. Your child should always understand why certain websites or apps should be blocked or why GPS tracking should remain disabled. Also, always base your control and safety on your child’s age and development. Young people can better and more independently assess how to protect devices and their own data than children with their first own cell phone. Especially with teens, don’t intrude too much on your child’s privacy. However, always try to stay in conversation with your child and be there as a contact person in case of questions or uncertainties. Here you can find more tips on how to make your child’s smartphone safer.

The appeal of voicemail

When young people on the street hold their cell phones in their hands much like a sandwich or talk excitedly into the air with headphones, it’s hardly surprising: they’re probably recording a voice message. This is also a popular way for families to stay in touch with each other in their often busy daily lives or over long distances.

How do voice messages work?

Almost every messenger has the function to record voice messages. To do this, press and hold the microphone to the right of the text field within a chat or group and speak the message into the smartphone. After releasing the microphone button, the voice message is automatically sent to the selected person. This can listen to the message as many times as desired and also pause in between.

Voice is usually a better way to express how a message is meant. Does the voice sound angry, perhaps? Or is someone making a joke? The spoken voice can replace the emojis of a text message and make the message more authentic. With a voice message, there is more scope to express and communicate thoughts and feelings to others in less time than typing.

Why are voice messages so popular?

The advantages of this type of communication are the low effort and time savings that voice messages bring. On the road, for example, you can quickly ask in the family chat at the supermarket with shopping bag in hand what is needed for dinner. Eternal typing or the planning of telephone calls, for which both conversation partners must have time at the same time, are eliminated.

Voice messages can also help keep in touch with friends or family members who live farther away. Using your own voice is a quick and uncomplicated way to make it clear that you are thinking of each other.

Are there any disadvantages of voice messages?

Voice messages can also be annoying: Some people use them because they don’t feel like typing long texts. With voicemail, some get into the talking and don’t really have anything important to share. Instead, you get minutes of audio. Not always the received persons are able to listen to a voice message. While text messages can be read, voice messages must be listened to again in order to comprehend what may be important information. This is especially annoying with long audios.

Voice messages are sometimes sent faster than intended as soon as the microphone icon is released. Many messenger apps now offer the option of listening to the recorded message before sending it and checking whether it should really go out that way.

Attention should also be paid to

When recording and listening to voice messages, people in the vicinity should not feel disturbed. A text message can be read and typed silently – this does not apply to voice messages. Therefore, care should also be taken to ensure that when a voice message is played, not everyone can simply listen in. To avoid eavesdropping, many young people play the messages very quietly and hold the speaker of their smartphone very close to their ear. What may look a bit strange at first glance is a way to use voice messaging in public as well.

When recording voice messages, loud noises such as road noise or wind can interfere. Sometimes it also happens that you accidentally close the microphone, which means that the recipient cannot hear what is being recorded. Be aware that voice messages are a convenient option, but can never replace face-to-face exchanges. Make an agreement within the family and also with other people for which messages and in which situations audios are suitable and when not.

Algospeak – the secret language on social media?

Under posts or in short videos on TikTok, Instagram & Co. they can be read more and more often: Terms in cryptic spellings, such as “Seggs” or “d1ck. If you say the words out loud to yourself, you usually know immediately what is meant. But what is it all about?

Tricking the artificial intelligence

Changing the spelling of certain words, abbreviations or inventing completely new vocabulary is used by users to circumvent the algorithm. Because the algorithm automatically removes illegal content but also terms related to porn and sex. Very special TikTok or the company behind it, ByteDance, is accused of censorship on the platform: Videos with certain content, e.g. from queer people, are suppressed.

The term Algospeak is composed of “algo”, as an abbreviation of algorithm, and “speak”, the English word for “to speak”. Algospeak is constantly changing as the platforms keep adjusting their algorithm.

The universal language on the Internet is English. Many users from Germany mix German or other languages with English online. Therefore, the algorithm cannot distinguish certain terms. For example, the English “dick” is censored, even if nothing offensive is meant by it in German. Thus, it happens that even harmless content is deleted.

How can parents deal with this?

Algospeak not only serves to circumvent possible censorship, thereby making many different voices and opinions visible. People who manipulate opinions and spread hatred can also use them to circumvent technical hurdles and laws. If you notice that Algospeak is used to disguise hate speech and insults, be sure to report such cases. Make your child aware of this feature as well.

As a parent, don’t be surprised if you come across unusual spellings on social media. This doesn’t have to mean that your child can’t spell. Get an explanation if you don’t understand something, and also explain to your child if he or she wonders about funny spellings.

So Algospeak is not a real secret language – at most for the algorithm.

BeReal – Your friends for real

“I can’t right now – I have to do a BeReal!” It may have sounded like this or similar in your home for some time. The social media app BeReal wants to be different and inspires with its unusual concept: spontaneous snapshots from everyday life instead of staged pictures and videos. BeReal is one of the most downloaded apps in 2022.

In brief

  • Free social media photo app for Android and iOS
  • Age rating: from 12 years (no verification of the age statement)
  • Advertising-free
  • Requires registration with name, date of birth and phone number
  • Problematic: collection of personal data, lack of data encryption, handling of personal rights

How does BeReal work?

BeReal translates as “Be real!”. Once a day, users receive a request from the app to take a photo of themselves in their current situation. The exact time is unknown, varies from day to day and goes out to all users at the same time.

Within two minutes, a photo must then be taken and published simultaneously with the front and rear cameras. The two photos are displayed as picture-in-picture. Other images from the photo gallery cannot be uploaded. Within the given two minutes, you also have to decide whether the image will be shared only with your friends or publicly in the discovery feed. Once the photo is uploaded, the photos of friendly contacts are also viewable. If an image is uploaded at a later time, it will be marked “Late”. The posted recordings will automatically delete from the feed after 24 hours. On certain days, BeReal calls out special challenges.

There are no filters or image editing in the app and no videos can be recorded. Likes cannot be assigned either, and one’s follower count is not publicly visible. Instead, there’s another unusual feature: reacting to other people’s posts with emojis or so-called RealMojis. This can be used to send personalized grimaces and greetings.

Public photos can be seen at any time. Friends can be found and added via synchronization with your own contacts or by searching for usernames. Profiles from the public feed can also be added.

What excites young people about the app?

New apps are interesting for young users when they are different. That’s why BeReal is fascinating for teenagers with its new and unusual features. It’s exciting and thrilling because the push message can come at any time. Then spontaneously and under time pressure, a photo must be made – without many attempts and without filters. As long as the app is new and still unfamiliar to many adults, it is particularly attractive to young people because it can set them apart.

What can be problematic about BeReal?

From the young people’s point of view, it won’t always be easy to comply with the app’s request because they won’t be able to pull out their phones at any time while at school. For some, the pressure exerted by the push message can be uncomfortable or lead to rashly taking and posting photos in private situations. There can also be social pressure to take photos that are exciting without filters and image editing, and then receive positive comments and reactions accordingly.

When registering on BeReal, personal data such as name or telephone number are collected. In addition, the IP address is stored and data is transmitted unencrypted. If access to the user’s own address book is permitted, the app providers can also access the data of non-BeReal users without being asked. There is a block function for third-party contacts in the Android app (as of September 2022) – but not yet for iOS.

The posted photos can also show other people who were not able to look over the consequences fast enough in the unexpected photo situation and then end up in the app’s public feed. Photos can also be saved and redistributed unnoticed by others via screenshot.

Behind the app is a French company with the same name: BeReal. On its website, BeReal explains the terms of use and the handling of data (privacy policy), but only in English and French.

What should parents pay attention to?

If your child is interested in the app, you should also take a closer look at BeReal – it’s best to do this together. Talk to your child about potential communication risks associated with using the app. Agree beforehand which photos may be published there, so that your child can react consciously in the pressure situation.

The app accesses many functions of the smartphone, some of which are unfounded, such as microphone and location. Check the app permissions immediately after registration and consider together with your child which accesses are necessary and useful. It is best to set the account to private so that only people in the friends list can see the posted pictures. Discuss with your child that they should only add people as friends that they actually know.

Regularly ask about your child’s usage experience and always be responsive to problems.

Popular games: Lost Ark

Mysterious stories, enchanting castles in the air, magical creatures and epic battles – if you want to be a heroine or hero in a fictional fantasy world and save it from demonic attacks, Lost Ark is the right choice for you. Amazon Games online game is very popular among teenagers. Here you can find out what it’s all about!

In brief

  • Age rating (according to USK): 16 years and older
  • different game modes, e.g. as a single player or in a team
  • free game
  • includes in-game purchases
  • only playable online on Windows PC

What is Lost Ark?

The Lost Ark game is a so-called MMORPG. This abbreviation stands for “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game” and means that players can take on different roles online, share a world and play together with strangers or friends. In Lost Ark, the game is played from the perspective of a hero or heroine. The main mission (also called quest) is to protect the fantasy world from demons. This is achieved by the hero or heroine collecting the lost arks (“Lost Arks”). There are five types of characters: Warrior, Martial Artist, Cannoneer, Mage or Assassin. Players can freely create up to twelve characters, play them in turn, and gradually expand them. If you don’t feel like doing the main quests, you can switch to the side quests and fight against other game ends in arenas, hunt monsters in groups of friends or improve your characters and their equipment.

What fascinates young people about Lost Ark?

Lost Ark is about heroines and heroes, demons and conquests – many young people are enthusiastic about such stories. The imaginative design with its diverse and detailed play world offers youngsters plenty of room for discovery. Thanks to the freely-creatable characters, youngsters can let their imagination run wild, collect different equipment and customize their characters with different skins.

Lost Ark offers teens a wealth of gaming opportunities. If you don’t feel like doing quests, you can explore dungeons, go on adventures or fight other players in the arena.

What can be problematic about the game?

The game contains depictions of violence that may overwhelm persons under the age of 16.

Lost Ark is a free game and thus completely playable without the use of real money. In the game is traded with crystals. Those who successfully complete quests receive crystals for them. There are also various paid starter packs that grant access to more crystals, better equipment and temporary bonuses. These purchased advantages cause game players to progress faster. Lost Ark is therefore accused of being a so-called PTW game (pay-to-win). Only after playing the main quests from level 50 on, the fight against the strongest, the so-called boss opponents, really starts. This can tempt youngsters, especially in the early stages, to make in-game purchases to reach higher levels faster.

Gamers can use the in-game chat to exchange information while playing Lost Ark. Here, contact may be made by strangers, which is associated with risks such as cybergrooming.

What does the provider think?

The provider of the game is Amazon Games. By playing Lost Ark and using the Lost Ark website, the Amazon Privacy Notice applies.

Amazon Gaming provides the ability to report gamers who cheat, harass, or otherwise violate the Code of Conduct.

Amazon Games and the operators of Lost Ark are active on X and their website, where information such as server problems and new updates are shared.

What should parents pay attention to?

Lost Ark is not suitable for children and younger teenagers due to the depictions of violence and the age rating by USK and PEGI. Basically, as a parent you should take the official age restrictions of the youth media protection seriously. Always choose media content based on your child’s age and developmental level. The USK has cleared the game for ages 16 and up, since fights and violent confrontations take place within the storyline. The pan-European age rating system PEGI has even approved the game only from 18 years old, because the game contains violence, such as the gratuitous killing of innocent characters.

Lost Ark tempts you to make in-game purchaseswith the use of real money. Talk with your child about if and when he or she may purchase items. If your child downloaded Lost Ark via Steamyou can restrict certain features of Lost Ark, such as in-game purchases, in Family View. With it, you’ll be able to let your child play Lost Ark without fear of accidental costs.

Talk to your child about responsible use of online chats and what risks are involved. If strangers want to contact your child, he or she should be careful and not pass on any personal data. Make it clear to your child that he or she can turn to you at any time when confronted with unpleasant or frightening content.

The captivating game world allows your child to quickly forget about time. As a parent, you should make sure that your child does not overexert himself while playing. Together with your child, determine when and for how long he or she may play. Agree together when and if you (need to) control media time.

Google – almost nothing works without the Internet giant!?

“Wait, let me google that real quick!”. You or your child have probably said this sentence before. Google is considered the most visited website in the world. The word “googlen” is used so frequently that it has been in the Duden dictionary since 2004. Whether it’s a search engine, map service or mail account – Google is a natural part of our media usage, because it makes many things in everyday life easier. But what is actually behind it?

Growing up with Google

Children and young people sometimes equate Google with the Internet. It’s not just young people who use an Android smartphone and are automatically connected to a Google account. They store their pictures in Google Photos, share their location via Google Maps , and use the Google Chrome browser to surf the web.

Adults often remember the early days when Google was “just” a search engine. Google ‘s motto is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and usable.” The company behind it – Alphabet – has developed steadily since this first product and is currently one of the most powerful corporations in the world.

The power of data

Google ‘s business model is based on collecting and selling users’ data. Users pay for the free use of Google applications by handing over a lot of data. A whole range of services require a Google account, which allows the company to link data to a specific person. Anyone who uses an Android smartphone usually automatically has a Google account because it is required for many smartphone functions.

These Internet applications belong to Google, among others:

  • The Google search engine including SafeSearch
  • The Android operating system
  • The video platform YouTube including YouTube Kids
  • The map service Google Maps
  • The email service Gmail
  • The app store Google Play
  • The Chrome browser
  • The cloud service Google Drive

Google has come under criticism for its handling of user data. The company is also accused of influencing search results. In addition, questions about copyrights, e.g. of musicians and authors, arise again and again. Google has managed to become irreplaceable for many people. People have become accustomed to Google Search or cannot do without the Google Play Store.

Google security measures

The multi-factor authentication is supposed to keep your own Google account safe from outside attacks. This combines, for example, the entry of the password with another security measure such as an SMS code. Also, Google sends a notification when someone logs in from a device that is not linked to the account. Google automatically hides ads that contain viruses, show fake goods, and violate advertising guidelines. With end-to-end encryption, Google wants to ensure that only the sender and recipient can receive and read messages.

Deal with Google applications

Google ‘s handling of data is problematic, so it is important to use its applications consciously and carefully or to use alternative offerings.

Talk to your child about Google and its business model of selling data. Consider together how you and your child can use data sparingly.

If you don’t want to miss out on certain services, use Google Search, Google News, or Google Maps without an account login. Be sure to enable features like location only when using individual apps, so Google can’t access too much of your data at any time. For younger children, it may be useful to give your child a free trial by using the app Google Family Link For older children, you can use the SafeSearch feature to filter out inappropriate content from searches.

It doesn’t always have to be Google – many offers are more discreet and secure. Familiarize your child with alternative services, such as search engines for kids and teens or the data-saving mapping service Open Street Maps. Those who want to use their Android device without Google – for more privacy and data protection – have to make some settings. Online you can find instructions on how to do it – for examplehere (Attention: Website with advertising).

Messenger – a good alternative to WhatsApp?

Formerly known as Facebook Messenger the app from Meta (previously Facebook ) is now only called Messenger . It is connected to one’s Facebook account and works like other messenger services.

In brief

  • free messenger app for Android and iOS
  • also for PC/laptop via browser in Facebook usable and as Windows app
  • Use via the personal Facebook account (with one exception )
  • Age rating according to AGB from 16 years (from 13 years with parental permission)
  • Risks: Disclosure of personal data, risk of various communication risks.

What can the Messenger do?

With your own Facebook account, Messenger can only be used after installing the Messenger app (and not via the Facebook app). Sending messages, voice messages, and photos and videos are possible in individual and group chats. As with WhatsApp can be used to send self-deleting messages that are end-to-end encrypted . Group chats and video calls are protected from third-party access. In addition, via the Messenger Playing online games with friends or Story be shared. Thus, Facebook functions are combined with a chat.

What fascinates children and young people about it?

As fewer and fewer young people have a Facebook account, they also use Messenger less frequently than WhatsApp . For Facebook users, Messenger is convenient because they can use one account to reach many other people on Facebook reach Not even the cell phone number of the persons is needed for this. Contact with new or not so close acquaintances can then be made via Facebook can be produced easily.

What can be problematic about the offer?

Theoretically, any person with a Facebook profile can be contacted by all other users. Therefore, there is a risk of being written to and possibly harassed by strangers.

The Messenger requires many access rights to one’s own phone, e.g. to contacts, other apps, the microphone or the camera. Meta has been criticized for processing a particularly large amount of user data and passing it on to companies that use it, for example, for Advertising use This also applies to WhatsApp and Instagram which also belong to Meta belong.

What does the provider think?

There are some presets that are supposed to provide more security. For example, requests from friends end up in the inbox, while messages from strangers are initially filed under “Message requests”. These messages can be accepted or rejected. In addition, the app filters possible Spam messages out. In the privacy settings, you can restrict the visibility of your own profile and the content you share.

Facebook has a extensive help section with special pages for parents , Teenagers and pedagogical specialists have been set up. There you will also find, among other things, further information and support in dealing with unsolicited messages in the Messenger .

What should parents pay attention to?

For younger children under 13, the Messenger for privacy reasons, even though it is available in the App Store and Google Play Store is characterized for a younger age. If your child is between 13 and 16 years old, he or she can use the Messenger if you have consented as a parent.

Remember that social contacts become more and more important for your child with puberty and that digital communication The same applies to conversations in the playground or on the way to school. You should decide together from when it can use the app. Talk about risks such as Cybergrooming and cyberbullying and support your child in Dealing with social networks . Educate your child on what they can do if they feel uncomfortable or harassed in chat and always be approachable. Never should your child send pictures or share personal information with a stranger. If your child has an unpleasant experience, show understanding. Think together about what you can do about it. Also use the Privacy settings From Facebook .

Basically, you should make your child aware: On the servers of Facebook and Meta everything it sends is stored. People who work at Facebook work, have access to the messages, for example to check reported messages. As a result, the messages are never completely private. You can also send encrypted messages to Facebook exchange information: Here you can learn how to start a secret conversation.

Also, consider using alternative messengers, such as the following. collect less data – for example, we provide you with Signal or Threema before.

Threema – the data-saving messenger alternative

Protecting personal data in the online world is important. That is why the messenger service Threema was developed. Maybe this is also an alternative for digital communication in your family?

In a nutshell:

  • Messenger app from Switzerland for Android, iOS and as desktop version
  • One-time costs for installation approx. 5,- € (as of August 2022)
  • Registration via cell phone number optional, anonymity possible
  • Features: Chats, group chats and distribution lists, voice and video calls, and voting.
  • Individual privacy settings and encrypted communication
  • Approved for youth under 16

What is Threema?

The paid messenger is similar to WhatsApp but attaches particular importance to data minimization. Each user receives a random Threema ID upon registration. This can be passed on to people with whom communication is to take place. Linking to a cell phone number or email address is also possible, but not mandatory. Without a cell phone number or e-mail address, the messenger service can be used anonymously, i.e. without providing any personal data.

Messages and calls are sent end-to-end encrypted, i.e. they can only be decrypted by the recipient. Also, messages are deleted from the server after delivery. Contacts and so-called meta data are only backed up on the user’s own device. In addition to the usual functions, there is the possibility to perform voting. With Threema Web, the messenger can also be used via PC. Additionally, there are Threema applications for schools and businesses.

Is Threema a good offer for teenagers?

Threema has far fewer users than WhatsApp, although the app offers similar features and data protection and privacy are better regulated. But it also has to be purchased at some point. Since almost everyone uses WhatsApp, it doesn’t seem necessary for young people to look for alternatives. Alternative and data-secure messengers are most likely to be installed by young people as a second or third app.

What can be problematic about Threema?

Since Threema complies with data protection laws (like the DSGVO), the app is already approved for children and teenagers. The communication risks associated with the use of a messenger, such as cyberbullyingand sexting, cannot be prevented with good data protection, as they usually originate from the users themselves.

What does the provider think?

Threema is a Swiss company that places particular emphasis on independence. It has its own servers for its service and develops everything itself.
On the website, Threema advertises guaranteed privacy and the best encryption. Threema has also documented how the encryption works there.

What should parents pay attention to?

In theory, Threema offers a high level of data protection. Users can decide for themselves how strongly they want to implement this – via the privacy settings in the app.

As with other messengers, you as parents should raise awareness about responsible use. Make your child aware of the dangers of messenger services described above. Familiarize yourself and your child with Messenger security settings, such as blocking unknown contacts.

Discuss the advantages of Threema and other data-saving messengers over WhatsApp. A free alternative is Signal.

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