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Young Children and Media: Insights from the miniKIM Study 2023

Even for the very youngest children, the world of media is omnipresent. The miniKIM study, initiated by the Media Education Research Association Southwest, provides insightful data on the media behavior of children between the ages of two and five. This article summarizes the key findings of the latest 2023 study and provides practical tips for parents.

Access to smart devices: The study shows that access to smart devices is increasing among young children. Around one in five children has their own tablet and one in ten has access to a smartphone. These devices are often used for both educational and entertainment purposes.

Parental attitudes: Many parents are of the opinion that smartphones harbor many risks for young children and should be viewed rather critically. However, around half of those surveyed also see advantages in its use, such as the potential to learn new things and playful education.

Streaming and media consumption: Streaming services are now also popular with the youngest children and have supplemented or even replaced traditional television as the main source of moving image content.

Responsibility and media education: The study emphasizes the importance of supervised media use to ensure a safe and positive environment for young children. It is recommended that parents monitor their children’s media activities and select appropriate content.

What should parents bear in mind?

  • Supervised use: Accompany your child when using digital media and select age-appropriate and safe content together.
  • Set rules: Set clear limits for screen time to ensure a balanced daily structure with enough space for other activities.
  • Use security settings: Activate parental controls on all devices to prevent access to inappropriate content.
  • See media as part of development: Use interactive and educational apps designed specifically for young children to encourage learning through play.
  • Role model function: Be a good role model with regard to your own media consumption and media usage habits.

In addition to this article, we also offer in-depth insights into media use of older children with the KIM Study 2022 and of young people with the JIM study.

The results and further information on the miniKIM Study 2023 can be found in detail on the website of the Media Education Research Association Southwest.

Virtual parents’ evening on 16.9.2024 from 5 to 6 pm

FSK ratings for films and series – protection of minors explained simply

Everyone knows them, but most people don’t know exactly how they are determined: the age ratings for film content issued by the Voluntary Self-Regulation Body of the German Film Industry (FSK). How are they determined and on what basis? What role do age ratings play for children, young people and parents? The virtual parents’ evening explores these and other questions. The focus here is on the work of the FSK, which issues the statutory age ratings for films, series and trailers that are released in cinemas, by streaming providers or on DVD or Blu-ray in Germany on behalf of the supreme state youth authorities.

As part of the virtual parents’ evening, both the FSK’s testing procedures and the criteria that lead to the known age ratings of 0, 6, 12, 16 and 18 are presented. Following on from this, there are insights into the media literacy and participation projects with children and young people as well as the information and orientation services offered by the FSK.

Join us live and put your questions to our experts – we will provide answers and be available for discussions! The event will be held in German.

Information and registration

Date: 16.09.2024 | Time: 5 to 6 pm

Speakers: Michael Schmidt and Peter Kaun (FSK)

Moderation: FSM e.V.

Platform: The virtual parents’ evening is realized via the tool “Zoom”.

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    The TOGGO app: a universe of games and learning for children

    Paw Patrol, Pokémon, Peppa Wutz – the TOGGO app offers children a comprehensive range of entertainment tailored specifically to their needs and interests. With a wide selection of series, interactive games, radio plays and music, the app is aimed specifically at young users of different ages. We present the offer.

    In a nutshell:

    • App with videos, games, radio plays, interactive content, music (TOGGO radio) and competitions
    • For children aged 2 and over (Toggolino area) and 6 and over (TOGGO area)
    • Available on Android and iOS
    • Free to use, contains advertising
    • Internet connection required for use

    What is behind the offer?

    The app aims to offer children and young people a safe and entertaining platform. It contains a wide range of content with series, games, radio plays and music tailored to different age groups. The Toggolino area is specially designed for children between the ages of 2 and 5 and enables them to navigate easily and without text. This protected area can only be exited with a text code, so children cannot do this by mistake. You need support from someone who can read. The TOGGO area is aimed at older children up to the age of 14 and offers a greater variety of exciting content, such as multiplayer games that can also be played with friends.

    What excites children and young people about it?

    The app meets the needs of children at different stages of development: Younger children enjoy the simple and fun content in the Toggolino section, while older children can discover exciting adventures and cool, challenging games in the TOGGO section. Regular updates and new content ensure that there is always something new to discover. The opportunity to interact with the app keeps children busy and encourages their creativity. Content that is tailored to the age and interests of the users ensures a personalized experience that children particularly enjoy.

    What can be problematic about the offer?

    • Internet connection: The app requires a permanent internet connection to use, which increases data consumption.
    • Advertising: The app contains advertisements, all of which are suitable for children.
    • Data protection and privacy: It is possible that personal data may be collected and stored, for example when participating in competitions.

    What does the provider think?

    Super RTL emphasizes that the app is designed to be safe and suitable for children. Various measures are taken to protect the privacy and safety of the children. This includes strict compliance with the data protection guidelines, which can be viewed on the app’s website.

    What should parents pay attention to?

    Actively accompany the use of the offer: Select the content together and accompany the use depending on the age of your child to ensure that the content is suitable. Talk openly with your child about the safe use of digital media, especially about the importance of data protection.

    Sharing: Discover the content together with your child to share their experiences. Integrate your child’s opinion when selecting new content to encourage interest and participation.

    Use the available settings: Customize the content according to your child’s age and level of development.

    Open communication: Discuss with your child what to do if they come across inappropriate content or have difficulties using it. Clarify what needs to be considered when playing virtual games together if your child networks with friends in multiplayer games within the app.

    Set usage limits: Encourage balanced leisure activities by jointly defining the duration of use.

    Encourage alternative learning and play resources: Motivate your child to explore non-digital learning and play resources.

    Explain advertising: Explain to your child what advertising is and how it works to create an awareness of commercial content.

    Gamer’s Guide NRW

    Whether sports games on the console, platformers on the cell phone or online role-playing games on the PC – the range of digital games on offer is huge. Many parents ask themselves: “Which game is suitable for my child?”. It is important to pay attention to the legal age limit for games. This can often be recognized by a coloured USK label. However, age ratings are not educational recommendations, but provide information on whether the game is safe from the point of view of the protection of minors. In order to be able to assess whether a game is suitable for their own child, parents should also find out more about computer games. Offers such as the NRW Players’ Guide . Parents will find educational assessments of popular games and information on the opportunities and risks of digital games.

    In a nutshell:

    • Media-pedagogical information offer for parents
    • independent and free of charge
    • Detailed profiles of over 1,900 games
    • Educational guide to games topics
    • via the website and YouTube to use

    What does the NRW player guide offer?

    The information offered by the “Fachstelle für Jugendmedienkultur NRW” helps parents understand what their child is playing or would like to play on the computer, game console or smartphone.

    Under the “Games” tab, numerous games can be displayed and found using the filter and search function via the categories genre, age recommendation and platform. The detailed descriptions help parents to understand the gaming experience of the individual games. All the games described are tested and evaluated by children and young people in game test groups. Media education experts provide assessments of the level of difficulty, content and risks. This results in an educational age recommendation for each game.

    One of the focal points of the offer is the accessibility of games. Some games were tested for barriers in the “barrier check” in the categories of vision, hearing, comprehension and control. Some game reviews are available in plain language.

    If you click on the “Guide” menu item, you can access a wide range of articles on topics such as age ratings, youth protection, opportunities and risks of games and youth culture. Contributions from the youth editorial team provide an insight into current topics and issues from the perspective of young gamers. The YouTube account of Spieleratgeber NRW offers Let’s Play videos and tutorials, for example on parental control settings for individual games.

    This is what the provider means

    The Fachstelle für Jugendmedienkultur NRW would like to support parents and guardians with its services in the area of contemporary media education. The NRW Game Guide sees itself as an educational supplement to the USK age ratings. The service aims to dispel the reservations and insecurities of many parents regarding computer and online games and to educate them about current issues relating to gaming and media. As a publicly funded project, Spieleratgeber NRW is not allowed to advertise individual games, which is why the descriptions are kept largely neutral.

    What should parents pay attention to?

    The website Spieleratgeber NRW offers parents valuable educational information that is easy to find thanks to the clear website structure. The perspective of young people makes the world of digital games easy for parents to understand.

    Please note: Even if the games are tested and evaluated by children and young people themselves, the experience of each child is individual – regardless of age. While some can process certain content well, other children may still be overwhelmed. For parents of younger children, it is recommended to play and try out the games together for the first time. It is even better if you try a game before you play it together with your child.

    As an alternative or supplement to the NRW Game Guide, the spielbar.de website also offers neutral educational reviews of numerous games and articles on the topics of gaming and media.

    Kabu – the children’s info app

    In the digital world, there are numerous apps that have been specially developed for children to help them learn and discover. One of these is the Kabu app, which teaches primary school children about current media topics and how to use digital media safely in a child-friendly and entertaining way. Introducing the children’s info app.

    In short

    • Information app for children
    • Target group: Children of primary school age
    • System: available for iOS and Android
    • Free of charge and free of advertising

    What is behind the offer?

    Kabu is an information app for children that was developed by the specialist media education organization SIN – Studio im Netz e. V. The app conveys knowledge about current media topics – such as artificial intelligence or why TikTok is only permitted from the age of 13 – in an entertaining way. The content is created together with a children’s editorial team and updated monthly. Kabu is funded by the Auerbach Foundation and the Social Department/City Youth Welfare Office of the City of Munich and is completely free of charge and free of advertising.

    What excites children and young people about it?

    Children of primary school age are in a phase in which learning and discovery play a central role. Kabu offers them the opportunity to acquire knowledge and become creative through play. The app is divided into six sections: ‘Tips & Tricks’, ‘Games & Quizzes’, ‘Join in’, ‘Interesting Facts’, ‘Media Tips’ and ‘Creative’. The mythical creature Kabu, a funny Wolpertinger, accompanies the children through the app and gives helpful tips. The interactive games, quizzes and creative instructions strike a chord with this age group and encourage both digital and analog play. The children are particularly enthusiastic about the opportunity to contact the Kabu editorial team directly via the app, contribute their own ideas and take part in surveys. This encourages their participation and creativity.

    What can be problematic about the offer?

    • Text-heavy: The app is quite text-heavy in some places, which could limit the user-friendliness for younger children or non-native speakers. However, parents can activate a read-aloud function for all posts in the parents’ area.
    • Interaction options: The simply programmed interface uses interaction options, some of which are not very intuitive and can therefore be difficult for some children to understand.

    What does the provider think?

    The provider emphasizes that the app was specially developed for children of primary school age and places particular emphasis on security and data protection. The content is moderated and contacting the editorial team always requires parental permission. In addition, all content is free of charge and free of advertising in order to create a safe and value-free learning environment. Data protection and contact risks are taken seriously and constantly improved to ensure the safety of young users.

    This is what parents should pay attention to

    • Use: Talk to your child about the use of digital media and the associated risks. Together with your child, consider how you would like to organize media use in the family and how much screen time is appropriate.
    • Role model function: Be aware of your role model function – also in relation to the use of media. Certain rules should apply to everyone.
    • Shared media use: Encourage your child to talk to you about the content of the app. Show an interest in your child’s media content. For example, you can play a quiz together or send your own ideas and contributions to the editorial team.
    • Track updates: Check the app regularly with your child to discover and discuss new content.

    FLIMMO – the parents’ guide to TV, streaming, YouTube and cinema

    “But I want to watch TV longer, just a little bit more!” – this child substitute should be familiar to most parents. Television – whether via traditional offerings or streaming – is a popular topic of contention in families and often leads to discussions. Reconciling the children’s wishes with the adults’ ideas is not always easy. How long can I let my child watch TV without a guilty conscience? How do I select suitable shipments? What devices and channels do people watch on? FLIMMO – the parents’ guide to TV, streaming, YouTube and cinema – was created precisely to answer such questions.

    In brief

    • Parents’ guide to child-friendly moving image content
    • Pedagogical recommendations by age
    • Films, series and shows from media libraries, streaming services, YouTube and TV channels as well as social media channels
    • accessible free of charge via the website

    FLIMMO – popular children’s television at a glance

    On the flimmo.de website, you as a parent can quickly find out whether a particular series or program is suitable for your child. You will also find out what is currently on TV and whether there is something suitable for your child. Children not only use traditional TV programming, but also watch on streaming platforms, YouTube or in media libraries. They use social media services such as TikTok and Instagram, even though they are only allowed to use them from the age of 13. The FLIMMO experts try to check all interesting offers for children. The focus is on the perspective of young media users: What do they like about films, series, shows or channels? What causes them problems? What do they like to watch and why? How do they deal with media experiences and how do they process them?

    The assessments point out problematic issues or warn of possible excessive demands. In the same way, it is made clear what interests, fascinates or amuses children at the respective age. Educational assessments make it clear what children like about a movie or series, what can be problematic and what parents should pay particular attention to. FLIMMO also addresses questions relating to media education in the family: How much media time is appropriate? What rules help and how do you get siblings under one roof? What is important when dealing with YouTube? The guidebook helps parents meet the challenges of everyday media life with brief information and practical tips.

    The rating system

    FLIMMO reviews films, series, documentaries, movies and social media channels that children between the ages of 3 and 13 like to watch – or want to watch. A traffic light shows at a glance whether a movie, series or YouTube channel is suitable for children or not. And if so, from what age:

    Green: This content is suitable from the respective age and is well received by children. You will find entertaining, exciting, funny and educational.

    Yellow: There are problematic aspects from a pedagogical point of view. These can be questionable role models or heroines who rely exclusively on violence. Parents should keep an eye on how children deal with this and take countermeasures if necessary.

    Red: There are elements that can overwhelm, unsettle or frighten children. Regardless of age, such content is not suitable for children.

    Who is behind FLIMMO?

    FLIMMO is a project of the non-profit association Programmberatung für Eltern e. V. It is scientifically and pedagogically based. Experienced media educators from the JFF – Institute for Media Education take care of the content and evaluations. FLIMMO also regularly surveys 3- to 13-year-olds about their preferences.

    How to use FLIMMO in the family

    Even though the offer is primarily aimed at you as a parent, it can be exciting to click through the website’s content together with your child. FLIMMO ‘s simple and clear rating system is well suited for finding suitable content. If your child tells you about an interesting series or YouTube channel, you can look up what FLIMMO has to say about it together.

    In addition to assessments of channels, www.flimmo.de/socialmedia also provides information about social media and what parents should look out for if they allow its use.

    Search engines for children and teenagers

    “How far is it to the moon?”, “Did dinosaurs have milk teeth?”, “Why do we celebrate Halloween?” – Children and young people are naturally curious and have lots of questions. They also surf the Internet in search of answers. But watch out: Google and other search engines were not developed primarily for children. Without filtering, children can quickly end up on pages with inappropriate content. That’s why there are children’s search engines.

    Children’s search engines – what is it?

    Children’s search engines are easy to use and use child-friendly language and images. They only link to content that is safe and interesting for children. All websites are checked and approved in advance by media educators. This enables safe surfing on the net.

    In addition to the search function, many children’s search engines also offer educational videos, games and articles on various topics. They often offer tips on how children can best use search engines. For example, there are tips on specific search terms, searching for images or checking sources. In this way, children acquire important skills and develop their media literacy. Older children can be introduced to adult search engines after this practice period.

    What are the search engines?

    • For children aged 6 to 12, the ad-free search engine fragFINN . The service has a playful structure, is data-secure and is also available as a child protection app.
    • Bright minds is aimed at children and young people aged 8 to 16. These websites contain child-friendly articles and links to safe online games and videos.
    • For older children, common search engines such as Google Ecosia, Yahoo and Bing are relevant. Certain filters can be activated there. They prevent inappropriate content (e.g. violence or sexual content) from being displayed in the search results. These filters are called Google , Bing and Yahoo “SafeSearch. With some search engines, an account can be created with which filters can be activated permanently and password-protected. You can read more about this in our article “Secure search on the Internet”.

    What should parents pay attention to?

    Children’s search engines are designed so that children can use them independently and have the most positive surfing experience possible during their first steps on the Internet. Accompany your child during the first use and explore the search engine together. This way you can explain important functions for the search in more detail. After the first joint testing, children can use the respective children’s search engine independently without hesitation. For this purpose, it is recommended to set up a child search engine for the default search in the browser. In addition, a child search engine can be set up as the start page.

    If your child already knows how to use search engines and wants to use search engines such as Google , activate the “SafeSearch” filter for more security. Please note that despite filters, the search is never as secure as the review of content by media educators and that filters can be activated and deactivated independently under certain circumstances. Agree with your child on how to respond when he or she encounters inappropriate content. You can report inappropriate content that is displayed despite filter settings to the respective search engines.

    Can’t find an answer to your question? Our messenger service directly on your smartphone

    In order to provide you as parents with the best possible support for your child’s media education, we offer you the opportunity to ask your personal questions about your child’s media use directly and conveniently via WhatsApp or Threema to ask us.

    Our professional team is at your side to offer you the right support. Whether you are unsure whether a certain app is suitable for your child, you are looking for tips on limiting screen time or you would like support in dealing with a new trend – we are here for you.

    Our messenger service is easy to access:

    • WhatsApp: Add our number +49 176 / 550 506 99 to your contacts and send us your questions directly via the app.
    • Threema: For more secure communication, you can reach us there at +49 176 / 550 506 99 with the ID FSSABPY8.

    Please note our conditions of participation.

    Why should you use our messenger service?

    Individual advice: We understand that every family is unique. Our team of experts will give you personalized tips tailored to your questions about media education.

    Support in challenging situations: Be it dealing with cyberbullying, inappropriate content or the right time to introduce new media. Our team specializes in supporting you even in difficult situations.

    Note: In acute problem situations or emergencies, please contact specialized experts directly, e.g. the Nummer gegen Kummer (www.nummergegenkummer.de) or the Telefonseelsorge (365 days a year, available around the clock: www.telefonseelsorge.de).

    Direct access to experts: Our team keeps up to date with the latest developments – in a way that is probably not possible for you as a parent in the constantly evolving media world. You can easily reach us via Messenger.

    Quick answers: Send us your question and we will answer you as quickly as possible with helpful information and tips. You will receive answers from the editorial team during normal business hours, i.e. not at weekends, on public holidays or at night.

    Confidentiality: Your privacy is important to us. All your messages will be treated confidentially.

    Free advice: Like all our services, our Messenger service is free of charge.

    Artificial intelligence

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has long since found its way into our everyday lives. Where flying cars and robots were once seen as symbols of AI, the reality today is more diverse, but no less fascinating. We take a look at where we already encounter artificial intelligence in everyday life and what significance this has for media education.

    Artificial intelligence – what is it anyway?

    Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is a very broad term that describes machines or computer systems that can imitate human intelligence. To do this, they are fed information until they can apply it independently to solve tasks. This also means that they can learn from mistakes and thus constantly improve. For example, if a computer is fed a very large number of photos of human faces, at some point it will be able to tell for sure whether or not a photo has a human face in it. In this case, it is a so-called “weak AI” because it is intelligent only in relation to a specific subject. Research is also being conducted on a “strong AI” that could have the intellectual capabilities of a human, e.g., think logically or plan ahead. However, the strong AI does not yet exist. And if it should exist one day – it will probably not have feelings and thus will be fundamentally different from us humans.

    AI in everyday family life

    The areas of application for AI in family life are diverse. Facial recognition technologies unlock smartphones, voice assistants such as Alexa and Siri fulfill our commands and streaming services such as Netflix suggest films that match our preferences. Algorithms also play a role in this. Toys(smart toys) can also actively interact with children with the help of AI. For example, an intelligent cuddly toy can search for a child’s questions on the Internet and read out the answers. Chatbots such as ChatGPT can provide support with school tasks.

    AI risks

    Artificial intelligence can make our lives easier in many situations. But there are also risks associated with the use of AI. For example, so-called deep fakes can be used to create deceptively real images or videos that support the spread of fake news. If AI is used at home, for example via a voice assistant or smart toys, it is also important to look at the manufacturer’s data protection measures and use existing security settings. If the data is not stored on the device itself, but in a cloud, there is a risk that third parties can access and misuse the data. There are also many legal questions for which there is no conclusive solution at the present time: For example, who should be liable in the future if a decision made by an AI causes damage? This is one reason why the use of self-driving cars, for example, is not yet readily possible.

    Understanding AI through play

    In order to promote a better understanding of AI, it is important that children and young people are familiarized with the concept at an early age. It is important that they understand what AI is and how it works. Younger children often find it difficult at first to distinguish between an object activated by AI and a real living being. Age-appropriate explanatory videos and articles are suitable for teaching children and young people about artificial intelligence. There are also games in which you can train an AI yourself and thus learn to understand how it works in a playful way.

    We have put together a few offers for you:

    What parents should pay attention

    Open communication: Talk openly with your child about AI and explain how it is used in their everyday life. Encourage them to ask questions and take time to discuss any concerns.

    Critical media literacy: Help your child develop a critical attitude towards the information they find online. Show them how to recognize false information and encourage them to check sources.

    Data protection: Discuss the importance of data protection with your child and encourage them to handle personal data responsibly. Explain what information can and cannot be shared safely.

    Self-determination: Encourage your child to decide for themselves which technologies they want to use. Help them to set their own boundaries and feel comfortable saying no when they feel uncomfortable.

    Joint activities: Take the opportunity to play games or do activities together with your child that provide a better understanding of AI. Discuss how AI-based technologies work and let your child gain their own experience.

    Everyone gets involved – involving caregivers in media education

    “But I can be on my cell phone as much as I want with Grandma!”, “I’m allowed to be on my cell phone with my uncle. Fortnite gamble!”, “Today we watched another movie at school!” – Do statements like this sound familiar? Not only when it comes to Media rules of other parents goes. It can also be challenging for you as a parent if other caregivers are involved in media education. Perhaps you are wondering how you can deal with this.

    Media education – not just a matter for parents

    Choosing media according to age, limiting screen time, being a role model – as parents, you lay the foundation for your child’s conscious and competent use of media. The older your child gets, the more freely your child moves around and spends more and more time away from home. If they are alone with their grandparents, in an educational institution or visiting their cousins, other caregivers will automatically get involved in the use of media. This can affect the selection and duration of media content, but also your child’s privacy, such as sharing children’s photos.

    Be careful with children’s photos – children’s rights are everyone’s business

    If your child is on vacation at their aunt’s and you discover excursion pictures in their WhatsApp status or on social media, you as a parent may not necessarily be thrilled. Especially if the sharing of sensitive data was not previously agreed. Not all adults know that sharing children’s photos online can be problematic. Children have a right to privacy. Depending on their age and stage of development, they – and their parents – should be asked what pictures of them can be seen on the Internet. Talk to photo-loving relatives about this and express your views clearly. How to protect your child’s rights.

    Regulating media use outside the home

    As parents, you bear the main responsibility for a healthy upbringing with media. Which games are suitable for which age, what happens to your child’s data online, how devices and apps can be set to be child-safe – the media world is huge, confusing and constantly changing. As parents, you are faced with the challenge of staying up to date and informed – and you may be more on the ball than your child’s caregivers.

    Perhaps you have negotiated media rules in the family or agreed a media usage contract with your child. There may be different rules for the siblings due to their age difference. Don’t be afraid to approach grandparents and co. Make your family’s media rules transparent and explain why it is important to you that the rules are also observed outside the home. Of course, time with grandpa, godmother or cousin can be something special, also in terms of media. Ask for exceptions to be agreed with you in advance. Because an open exchange is important for a trusting relationship. Keep in touch with your child about their media use outside the home and always have an open ear for problems. In this way, you can promote your child’s independence and media skills.

    Shaping education together – also when it comes to media

    If your child surfs the Internet at the youth club, photos from the carnival party end up in the class chat or is allowed to play games on the tablet at the after-school care center, this is part of your child’s mediatized world. Educational institutions usually have a media concept and pursue media education goals. If you are not comfortable with something, speak to the educational staff and approach them with an open and questioning attitude. Always ask for your child’s point of view – this way you both keep learning about media.

    Youth under pressure – beauty ideals on the net

    Toned bodies on YouTube fitness channels, flawless beauty influencers on Instagram or perfectly staged selfies in WhatsApp chats– social media conveys a certain image of beauty that is often far removed from reality. Such ideals can put enormous pressure on children and young people and have a negative impact on their self-esteem. How can parents help their children develop a healthy approach to beauty images online?

    Images of beauty through the ages

    Pale skin in the Middle Ages, curvy bodies in the Baroque era, short hair in the 1920s, thin models in the 1990s – what is considered beautiful is subject to constant change and varies according to time and culture. Throughout history, women in particular have been strongly valued by their appearance. Today’s ideal of beauty is strongly influenced by gender stereotypes and social media trends.

    Children and young people in the orientation phase

    “Do I look beautiful?”. With the onset of puberty at the latest, children and adolescents are increasingly concerned with their appearance and identity. This time is often characterized by uncertainty and comparisons. Young people also look to the media for guidance. They keep a close eye on how people present themselves online. Influencers become important role models that they want to emulate. Many social media stars present themselves as particularly approachable on their profiles and encourage contact with their target group. The strong relationship with their idols can be an orientation aid in the development of their own body and beauty image, but can also lead to insecurity and pressure. This is because a lot of content shows highly distorted images of beauty.

    Insta vs. real life – beauty on the web

    Big eyes, full lips, white teeth, flawless skin – on platforms like Instagram and TikTok are dominated by one-sided images of beauty that are perfected with the use of filters and image editing, including the use of AI avatars. Added to this are the mechanisms of social media services, in which algorithms preferentially select images with naked skin and display content according to the characteristics and preferences of users. Influencers show more appearance than reality in order to earn money with clicks and product placements. Anyone who does not conform to the current ideal of beauty receives negative feedback and even hate comments. This increases the pressure on young users to meet unrealistic beauty standards. According to a study conducted by the Austrian education platform safer-internet.at in early 2024, beauty ideals on the internet put both girls and boys under a lot of pressure. More than half of the young people surveyed want to look beautiful, stylish and slim online. If children and young people are constantly comparing themselves and frequently use filters, this can have an impact on their self-perception. Pumping until you drop, starving yourself to the point of anorexia – some content even shows beauty ideals that are harmful to health, which can be dangerous if imitated.

    Fortunately, there are also counter-movements online such as curvy models, body positivity and hashtags like #formorerealityoninstagram. They help to make visible and celebrate a diversity of bodies and identities. Such authentic content encourages users to take a healthier and more realistic view of beauty and their bodies.

    How can parents deal with this?

    Show an interest in your child’s media use and keep in touch with your child about their favorite influencers and content. Analyze together which editing steps are behind many images and videos and explain to him that this is mostly about marketing. Make it clear to your child that their social media feed is not an accurate reflection of reality. Encourage your child to weed out profiles that trigger bad feelings. Give your child access to the good side of the internet and show them (children’s) media that portray diverse world views and gender images. Comedy profiles such as Celeste Barber or formats for children and young people such as this video on beauty filters by TeamTimster on KIKA help to question unrealistic ideals of beauty.

    Emphasize the diversity of bodies and images of beauty and encourage your child to be positive about their own body. Praise your child’s inner values, such as personality and interests, to strengthen their self-esteem. If you are unsure, your child is suffering from digital stress or an eating disorder, seek help, for example in the form of (digital) counseling services.

    JusProg – the digital youth protection program

    Many children surf the Internet independently from a young age. If you as a parent sit next to it, you get to see what websites and content your child sees. However, older children in particular – from secondary school onwards, for example – should also be allowed to use the Internet independently. Unfortunately, they may also come across content that is unsuitable or disturbing for them. Offers such as the filter program JusProg are designed to help better protect children and young people online.

    In a nutshell:

    • state-approved, digital youth protection program
    • free of charge and without registration
    • can be installed on different devices
    • privacy-friendly and ad-free
    • Individual restrictions for different ages

    What can it do?

    The software filters web addresses and blocks non-age-appropriate sites on the Internet. JusProg runs in the background while you are surfing: If a website is listed in the system as not age-appropriate, it is blocked – a corresponding message then appears. JusProg bases its assessment of the pages on the age of the children, which the parents specify in advance. Unknown web addresses are automatically blocked for children aged 0 to 12. It’s a little different for children over the age of 12: For them, all pages that are not noted in the system are automatically unlocked. This makes the surfing space with JusProg very large for 12-year-olds and up.

    JusProg can be installed on most iOS and Android devices. In addition to the listed web addresses, other pages can be manually blocked or unblocked. Multiple user profiles can be created on one device so that parents and children can surf on one computer and the level of protection is individually adapted to the age of the family member. For example, one child sees content for under-12s, while the older sibling can visit websites for ages 16 and up. The program was approved by the FSM’s expert commission and rated “good” by Stiftung Warentest.

    What does the provider think?

    JusProg ‘s system is based on negative (blocklist) and positive (passlist) lists on which various websites are noted. Of course, this does not offer one hundred percent security, as the Internet is very large and growing very quickly – non-German websites and content on social media channels in particular are difficult to track. Accordingly, problems have already been identified, such as a tendency towards overblocking, i.e. blocking too many sites rather than too few. JusProg promises to always check sites editorially in order to prevent overblocking or underblocking. Nevertheless, it makes sense for parents to use the option of individualization if certain pages are incorrectly classified from their point of view.

    In addition, JusProg offers a reporting function on its website. Sites that are on the wrong list from the parents’ point of view can be reported here. According to the provider, these are then editorially reviewed and their assessment adjusted if necessary.

    JusProg would like to point out that approved sites have only been classified as suitable for children and not harmful to development. Parents must assess for themselves or research other recommendations to determine if the content is appropriate for their child. You can find more information about the service and its functions on the JusProg parent page .

    What should parents pay attention to?

    JusProg is a good offer and the only state-approved youth protection program in Germany that meets all requirements. It can support media education and youth protection online and is particularly useful for younger children. From the age of 12, the surfing area with JusProg is very large, so the protection is lower. Websites like Google , Facebook , X and Instagram are difficult for the system to filter and must be set manually. The sites themselves often offer security settings that can be easily activated. In this article, you will learn how to make safety settings on your child’s smartphone and apps.

    As a parent, you should be aware that software cannot replace personal supervision of your child’s media use. Talk openly with your child about their media behavior and agree on rules for media use in the family. If you have supervised your child’s first steps online and explained to them what they should look out for, they will later be able to navigate online safely on their own and know how to deal with online dangers. Open, interested communication can also enable your child to turn to you or other trusted persons if they have problems. If you decide to use JusProg, do not give your child the feeling that you do not trust them. Explain to your child why JusProg blocks certain sites and decide together when your child is ready for more open Internet access.

    World views in children’s media

    Books, computer games and series all have one thing in common: they tell stories. However, when clicking and zapping through television programs and streaming services, it quickly becomes apparent that certain stories are repeated and others are barely shown. Through this one-sided portrayal, there is a danger of seeing discriminatory worldviews as normal from childhood.

    The danger of one-sided narratives

    Children have endless questions and are constantly searching for answers that explain the world around them. Media use makes a significant contribution to how your child perceives the world.
    The media give us a very one-sided picture of our world by constantly repeating the same characteristics of a person such as skin color, gender, origin or religion. This leads to the fact that we no longer question the images and stories conveyed, but accept them.

    Promoting diversity from an early age

    That’s why children need stories that show that the world is colorful. Through access to a variety of stories, children come into contact with different realities of life, topics and perspectives.
    And don’t worry: it’s okay to watch such one-sided movies and series. Rather, it is about offering different stories so that your child has the opportunity to get to know several perspectives on certain topics and representations. By dealing with diverse media content, your child can learn that people with or without disabilities, regardless of gender or skin color, can be heroes in stories.
    To support this and promote an open world view, it is important to take a critical look at the content of radio plays, films, games and other media. In the best case scenario, take a look together with your child at how one-sided or varied the stories consumed so far have been told and how the characters are portrayed. Then you can search together for a series, a podcast, a game or a book with diverse characters that you and your child like.
    Below you will find a list with some suggestions.

    Diverse children’s media

    On Instagram , TikTok and co. are dominated by one-sided role models, because clichés sell well. We have compiled tips for more diversity in social media offerings for you in this article. You can find portraits of influencers who deal with criticism of racism and show gender diversity here.

    Diverse and queer – what is becoming more and more visible in our society is also increasingly reflected in media offerings for children. In this article, we present children’s media that show diverse gender images and lifestyles.

    Movies and series:

    All new for Lina – Lina moves to Berlin with her family and has to find her way around. (3 years)

    My City of Ghosts – In this animated film, four friends interview ghosts and learn about the history of their city, Los Angeles. (5 years)

    Die Sendung mit der Maus – A knowledge series for children in which diversity is also emphasized in the moderation. (5 years)

    A Lousy Witch – Friendship in a witch school. (6 years)

    The Checker World – The Checker Team Can, Tobi, Marina and Julian present exciting knowledge programs for children. (from 6 years)

    Dandelion – Fritz Fuchs and his dog Keks experience exciting adventures as the successors to Peter Lustig together with a diverse ensemble of actors and impart interesting knowledge in the process. (6 years)

    Strong! – Short portraits of strong children. (7 years)

    Avatar – The Lord of the Elements – An animated series featuring characters with various disabilities, but with no focus on their impairments. (7 years)

    Rico, Oskar and the Deep Shadows – two friends with different quirks and fears chase a kidnapper until one of the two boys disappears himself. (7 years)

    Moooment! – A series that deals with the topic of racism and discrimination. (9 years)

    Strange World – a three-generation family must save a dying plant. (9 years)

    Karma’s World – (animated film) Ten-year-old Karma wants to become a rapper. Until then, however, they have to cope with everyday school and family life. (9 years)

    The Peppercorns – A group of five children solve crimes. All five main characters demonstrate strength, courage and solidarity. (10 years)

    Echt – web series on ZDFtivi that deals with friendships. (10 years)

    Trio – A detective series (10 years)

    The Help – this feature film is about the lives of black maids who work for white families every day in the 1960s. (11 years)

    Einstein Castle – series about the lives of boarding school students. A format with a lot of diversity (past, skin colors, sexuality, illnesses) without being portrayed as “special” or “unnatural”. (12 years)

    Funk – Free media offer and network of ARD and ZDF. (14 years)


    Buuu.ch is a blog that presents children’s books and comics that convey diverse role models and avoid reproducing stereotypes or clichés.

    Book suggestions for diversity-appropriate books for teens are posted regularly on CBJ ‘s blog.

    Stories about strong girls can be found on this list of children’s books.

    In addition, activist Raul Krauthausen collects children’s books that deal with various facets of the topic of disability.

    Something completely different is the one organized by the Munich Deaf Association, where children’s books are read aloud in sign language.

    In the book “My dream, my story“, eight children who became world-famous talk about their dreams and stories.

    The Avalino Diversity blog and Britta’sInstagram and TikTok accountfocus a lot on the topic of diversity in the nursery. Among other things, she presents children’s books and has also written her own (children’s) book.

    Zuckersüß Verlag is a publisher of children’s books with strong messages and a list of 30 books for more diversity and variety in the nursery on Jane Wayne’s blog.


    The Avalino children’s podcast is a knowledge podcast in which children talk about their ideas (e.g. environmental protection) or cool facts (e.g. about animals).

    Die Maus is a podcast of the Sendung mit der Maus, on which a 60-minute episode for children appears daily. (4 years)

    Hearooz is a podcast app that was developed especially for children and contains various child-friendly podcasts. (4 years)

    The children’s podcast Kakadu discovers the world together with children and answers exciting questions. (6 years)


    The Unstoppables is a puzzle game in which four friends with different disabilities rescue a dog from the clutches of its kidnapper. (Recommended by Webhelm from 8 years)

    In the game Starlink: Battlefor Atlas, the prosthetic arms and legs of the strong character Chase are a matter of course. (USK 6 years)

    In SIMS 4 and SIMS Freeplay, characters can freely choose any hobby and profession. When creating Sims, players can decide for themselves what skin color the characters should have and choose between two body shapes (instead of genders). Same-sex and polyamorous relationships are also possible. (USK 6 years, recommended by Spieleratgeber NRW from 10 years)

    Serena Supergreen and the broken wing is a game that takes a gender-sensitive approach to technical apprenticeships in the field of renewable energies. (Recommendation from internet-abc from 12 years)

    Sibel’s Journey is about dealing with the topics of sexuality, gender, body and boundaries. (Recommended by wirfuervielfalt for ages 12 and up)

    In Tell me why, two siblings meet again after 10 years to sell the family estate. The game also represents trans* boys. (USK 12 years)

    Media education for siblings

    In many families with siblings, there are arguments about media use: the younger ones feel unfairly treated if they are allowed less than the older ones. What some people find exciting, others find boring. Conversely, some media offerings are too much for younger children. The older ones have the feeling that they constantly have to be considerate of their younger siblings. How can parents master the balancing act between the needs of siblings and encourage their children to use media competently?

    Making media rules fair

    Whether an only child or a sibling – rules on media use in the family give children structure and security for their everyday life with media. The needs and developmental stages of each child should be taken into account. For example, it can make sense to give older siblings more freedom when it comes to media use, while younger children are subject to stricter limits. For example, older children are allowed to take certain devices into their own room, while younger children should only use media in the shared living areas. The times of use must match the age of the children. Younger people should spend less time in front of a screen than older people. Define the rules together and make sure that they are fair and understandable for everyone. For example, a media usage contract that you draw up individually for each child can help. Everyone in the family should adhere to basic media rules such as “no media at the dinner table”.

    Accompanying sibling conflicts

    “Give me my tablet back now!”, “That’s for babies, I want to listen to something exciting!”, “Why do I have to turn it off when she can still watch?”. Do sentences like this sound familiar? If the age gap is large, different rules apply for each child. This can easily lead to arguments between siblings, whether over access to certain devices or the choice of content. Make the rules clear to your children and help them to put themselves in their sibling’s shoes. For example: “Your big sister wasn’t allowed to watch videos for more than an hour when she was at primary school “. Make sure you recognize conflicts in good time and support them well. This strengthens the relationship between the siblings and they learn to negotiate, compromise and resolve conflicts more and more independently.

    Creating shared media experiences

    Watching movies or playing games together is fun and creates a bond. Parents should support their children in choosing suitable media content for shared media use. Shared media rituals such as watching a science program on Sunday or listening to music in the car are fun and strengthen family cohesion. Siblings often process media content together and act out scenes from series or immerse themselves in the world of their favorite characters in role-playing games. Siblings can learn a lot from each other, especially when they are creative with media together and design radio plays, stop-motion films or photo collages themselves.

    Tips on media use by siblings

    • Avoid excessive demands: Choose age-appropriate media, observe the age ratings and use the youngest child as a guide when using media together.
    • Create safe spaces: Make sure that younger children have limited access to media. Make it clear to the older children that they are jointly responsible and must not give the younger ones unauthorized access.
    • Make agreements: Make sure that the media rules are adhered to in the family. Take the different needs and preferences of your children seriously. Establish fairness and decide together, for example, which child is allowed to decide which media content and when.
    • Find alternatives: one child watches on the TV, the other on the tablet – this can be a solution for different preferences and levels of development. If the younger child’s media time is already over while the older child is still allowed to use media, offer your young child an alternative, media-free playtime.
    • Promote media literacy: Be aware of your role model function by setting a healthy example for your own media use. Have regular open discussions in the family about the advantages and disadvantages of media. In this way, you can help your children to deal with media in a critical and reflective way in line with their age and promote their media skills.

    Age-appropriate media for my child

    The overwhelming range of films, series, apps and other media presents parents with the challenge of getting an overview in order to select the right content for their children. After all, the selection should not only be age-appropriate, but also entertaining and, ideally, educational. We have put together a few suggestions on where you can find age-appropriate media for your child.

    Age-appropriate media – what does that mean?

    The choice of media should always be based on your child’s stage of development. Media offerings are tailored to different age groups, and it is important that you as parents pay attention to this. Age recommendations and descriptions of the content can provide helpful information. However, you know your child best, so you can use this as the best basis for determining whether the offer might suit your child.

    Verified media content

    In descriptions of media offerings – whether apps, films or games – there are sometimes different age specifications. A distinction must be made between recommendations, general terms and conditions and age ratings. Specifications and approvals usually have a legal background. For example, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stipulates that certain apps, such as WhatsApp and TikTok may only be used from the age of 13.

    The description in the app stores often contains a different age indication – namely that the app has been approved by the youth media protection authorities. The age ratings issued by self-regulatory bodies such as the FSK or USK rate media according to statutory youth protection criteria. In each case, it is examined whether media content could be dangerous for the development and health of children and adolescents. For example, through the depiction of violence or pornography. Or whether children can be exposed to contact risks through the use of a service. It is not checked whether a plot in a series and characters are understood at a certain age. This means that a Disney movie that is released from the age of “0” is by no means suitable for babies. It just doesn’t pose a risk to them. Access to media for children is to be regulated by means of age labels and technical protection measures. But this only works if you as parents also pay attention.

    When it comes to selecting content, age recommendations made by (media) educational institutions, for example, will help you. We look to see whether the content corresponds to the lifeworld of the respective age group and whether it is understandable and appealing.

    Suitable media offerings and guidance for parents

    The media landscape for children of nursery and primary school age is huge; older children and young people often switch to adult offerings because there are fewer offerings tailored to them.

    Here you can find good media offers and information:

    • TV, streaming, YouTube, cinema: The FLIMMO parents’ guide offers educational recommendations by age for films, series and shows from media libraries, streaming services, YouTube and TV channels
    • Children’s search engines: Via fragFINN or Helles Köpfchen, children only surf on tested and child-friendly websites.
    • Websites: A large collection of child-friendly websites is listed and presented on seitenstark.de.
    • Apps: We have put together a selection of “Good apps for children” and “Apps for toddlers
    • Children’s radio and podcasts: We have put together a selection for you “There’s something for your ears“.
    • News: We have put together a selection of “News for children and young people“.
    • Games: The NRW games guide provides detailed profiles of computer games with age recommendations.
    • Online television for 14 to 25-year-olds: funk’s diverse content appeals primarily to older young people.

    Tips for your own evaluation of offers

    The selection and examination of media offerings requires time and attention. However, by making conscious decisions and communicating openly, you can ensure that your child uses positive and developmentally relevant media content.

    • Content review: Look at the content and consider whether it fits in with your child’s world and understanding.
    • Interaction options: Images, sounds, music and animations should be age-appropriate and appealing.
    • Simple navigation: The service should be easy to use, ideally voice-controlled for younger children and with few symbols and functions.
    • Advertising and in-app purchases: Make sure there is no advertising and preferably an offer without in-app purchases.
    • Parental settings: Familiarize yourself with the setting options for a safe environment and, if necessary, make use of offers from the technical youth media protection service.
    • Feedback from others: Talk to other parents and check whether the offer comes from trustworthy developers or educational institutions.
    • Test run: Look at or test your selection in advance – without your child.

    Individual support and communication

    Do not rely solely on recommendations, as every child develops differently. Actively accompany your child in their media consumption right from the start in order to understand how they react to certain content.

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