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TikTok – the hot short video app

TikTok gehört noch immer zu den beliebtesten Apps unter Jugendlichen. Sie ist eine Plattform für kreative Kurzvideos aller Art.

In brief

  • kostenlose Social-Media-App
  • unter Teenagern eine der beliebtesten Apps weltweit
  • Mindestalter: 13 Jahre (mit Einverständnis der Eltern)
  • „Für dich“-Feed mit Videos, die der Algorithmus empfiehlt und „Folge ich“-Feed mit Videos von abonnierten Profilen
  • Herausforderungen: problematische Inhalte, Kommunikationsrisiken, Werbung
  • Spezielle Sicherheitsfeatures für Minderjährige

What is TikTok?

TikTok ist Social-Media-Plattform und Video-App in einem: Userinnen und User können bei TikTok aus einer bunten Sammlung von bekannten Popsongs, beliebten Audios und Zitaten, z. B. aus Filmen, wählen. Dazu „singen“ oder „sprechen“ sie Playback und filmen ihre Choreografie innerhalb der App mit dem Smartphone. Aber auch komplett selbst kreierte Kurzvideos werden umgesetzt. Die meisten Videos sind ein paar Sekunden bis wenige Minuten lang. Bestimmte Clips lösen einen richtigen Hype aus, werden nachgeahmt oder im Sinne eines Trends oder einer Challenge weitergeführt.

Die Videos der TikTokerinnen und TikToker, deren Account öffentlich ist, lassen sich über einen Browser anschauen, ohne dass man bei der App angemeldet sein muss. Um selbst Videos zu erstellen, wird allerdings ein Account benötigt.

TikTok bringt immer mehr Funktionen heraus, z. B. sich im Duett mit anderen Usern filmen, die Clips anderer weiterführen (Stitch) oder Livestreams. Auch Unternehmen nutzen die Plattform, um darüber zu werben.

What excites children and young people about the offer?

Jugendliche nutzen TikTok gern zum Spaß und für den Austausch untereinander. Auf TikTok lassen sich die jungen Nutzenden unterhalten, suchen nach Vorbildern, an denen sie sich orientieren können, stellen sich selbst dar und erhoffen sich positive Rückmeldung von anderen.

TikTok ist außerdem eine tolle Plattform, um die eigene Kreativität auszuleben. Die Hürde, ein eigenes Video zu erstellen und zu teilen, ist niedrig: In der App gibt es viele Videoeffekte und eine Musikbibliothek mit beliebten Songs, die sofort verwendet werden können.

Kinder und Jugendliche schätzen an TikTok, dass es darin weniger um Perfektion und Professionalität geht, wie auf Instagram oder YouTube, sondern Kreativität und Spaß im Vordergrund stehen. Die Videos sind näher am Alltag und die TikTokerinnen und TikToker werden als nahbarer empfunden.

Was kann problematisch sein an TikTok?

There are a number of things you and your child should consider before using the app:

  • Kinder (ab 13 Jahren) brauchen für die Anmeldung das Einverständnis der Eltern. Das Alter wird bei der Registrierung aber nicht überprüft. Auch viele jüngere Kinder nutzen deshalb TikTok.
  • Vor allem Kinder und jüngere Jugendliche können auf TikTok wie auf anderen Social-Media-Angeboten auf Inhalte stoßen, die nicht altersgerecht und ggf. sogar problematisch sein können: Gefährliche Inhalte, Hate Speech, Desinformation und manipulative Inhalte zur politischen Meinungsmache wie Kriegs-Videos und Propaganda, Verschwörungsmythen und Fake-Videos und vieles mehr.
  • Auch Kommunikationsrisiken von Cybermobbing bis zu Cybergrooming können auf TikTok Thema werden, vor allem wenn Ihr Kind selbst Videos auf TikTok teilt und die Jugendschutzeinstellungen für Minderjährige nicht genutzt werden.
  • TikTok löscht Beiträge und Gruppen, wenn diese gegen die Community-Regeln verstoßen. Nicht alle Beiträge können aber immer sofort blockiert werden.
  • Die Nutzenden haben keine Rechte an den Song- oder Filmausschnitten. Die erstellten Videos sollten deshalb nicht außerhalb der App geteilt werden, da sie sonst gegen die Bild- und Urheberrechte verstoßen. Sind andere Personen im Video zu sehen, müssen sie immer um Erlaubnis gefragt werden. TikTok erhält außerdem die Rechte an den veröffentlichten Videos.
  • TikTok finanziert sich über Werbung. Die Anzeigen im Videoformat sind von den Kurzclips der Userinnen und User kaum zu unterscheiden.
  • Auf TikTok geht es nicht nur um Unterhaltung, sondern manche verdienen mit der App Geld. Userinnen und User ab 18 Jahren können einander virtuelle Geschenke wie Emojis schicken, echtes Geld an Livestreamerinnen und Livestreamer senden und vieles mehr.
  • Manche Challenges, die in sozialen Netzwerken kursieren, können gefährlich werden oder befördern problematische Verhaltensweisen wie etwa Essstörungen
  • Einige Funktionen und Inhalte auf TikTok verzerren stark die Realität wie zum Beispiel der „Teenage-Filter“.DerAugmented-Reality-Filter macht aus jedem Gesicht ein perfekt geschminktes, junges „Idealbild“. Solche Clips vermitteln überzogene Schönheitsideale, regen zu ungesunden Vergleichen an und sind für junge Nutzende schwer durchschaubar.
  • TikTok steht immer wieder wegen seines intransparenten Umgangs mit persönlichen Daten der Nutzenden in der Kritik. So wurde im Juni 2023 bekannt, dass TikTok entgegen eigener Behauptungen Daten von Nutzenden aus den USA und Europa in China speichert.

What does the provider say?

TikTok ist sich der Gefahr von verstörenden und unerwünschten Inhalten bewusst und passt seine Sicherheitseinstellungen immer wieder an. Folgende Sicherheitsfeatures stehen Jugendlichen und Ihnen als Eltern zur Verfügung:

  • Der Begleitete Modus ermöglicht es Eltern, bestimmte Einstellungen für ein Familienmitglied vorzunehmen. Beispielsweise können Eltern angeben, wer ihrem Kind Nachrichten schicken und wie lange es Videos schauen darf. Eltern können den Inhaltsfilter nutzen und ihr Kind vor Inhalten schützen, die sie für ungeeignet halten.
  • Konten von 13- bis 15-Jährigen werden automatisch auf “privat” gestellt. Die Videos dieser Nutzergruppe dürfen gar nicht oder höchstens von Freundinnen und Freunden kommentiert werden. Ihre Videos dürfen außerdem nicht heruntergeladen werden.
  • 13- bis 17-Jährige werden vor bestimmten Inhalten geschützt, die eher für Erwachsene gedacht sind oder komplexere Themen behandeln.
  • Es wurde das Mindestalter von 16 Jahren für das Versenden von Direktnachrichten festgelegt.
  • Duette und Stitches sind mit den Videos von unter 16-Jährigen nicht möglich, ebenso wie Livestreams. Die Downloadfunktion ihrer Videos ist ausgeschaltet, kann aber aktiviert werden.

Generell lassen sich Accounts melden und/oder blockieren und es gibt einen Filter für beleidigende Kommentare.

In der App wird nach der Registrierung durch einen roten Punkt auf die Einstellungen verwiesen. Im Sicherheitszentrum der TikTok-Website können Eltern Tipps nachlesen.

Personen, die selbst TikToks erstellen und veröffentlichen, können seit einiger Zeit „Alle Kommentare filtern“ und einzeln freigeben. Wer die TikToks anderer kommentieren möchten, wird vorher gefragt, ob dieser Kommentar auch wirklich veröffentlicht werden soll. Außerdem gibt es einen Hinweis auf die Community-Richtlinien, die unangemessene Sprache und Hate Speech verbieten.

TikTok steht wegen seiner Moderationsregeln in der Kritik, denn offenbar wird durch den speziellen Algorithmus stark kontrolliert, welche Videos die Nutzenden sehen können. Auf diese Kritik hat TikTok reagiert. Nutzende haben mittlerweile mehr Optionen, Einfluss auf die vom TikTok-Algorithmus angezeigten Inhalte in ihrem Feed zu nehmen:

Sie können Videos nun mit „nicht interessiert“ markieren oder konkrete Inhalte mit bestimmten Hashtags oder Wörtern automatisch herausfiltern. Seit März 2023 stellt TikTok eine Neustart-Option für den Für-Dich-Feed zur Verfügung. Wer findet, dass die vorgeschlagenen Videos sich wiederholen oder nicht mehr zu den Interessen passen, kann den Feed zurücksetzen und nutzt die App wie nach der erstmaligen Anmeldung. Trotz dieser Maßnahmen bleibt der Für-Dich-Feed Algorithmus-gesteuert und bleibt somit nach wie vor in der Hand des Anbieters. So filtert TikTok zum Beispiel immer wieder Videos von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen heraus und je nach Nutzungs-Land kann es sein, dass die Videos der Zensur ihrer dortigen Regierungen unterliegen.

What should parents pay attention to?

Wenn Ihr Kind sich bei TikTok anmelden möchte, fragen Sie nach seiner Motivation. Sehen Sie sich vor dem Download gemeinsam die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Bei Handysektor finden Sie diese in einem kurzen Überblick. Um TikTok zu erkunden, ist es nicht notwendig, einen Account zu erstellen. Vielleicht ist das Surfen auf TikTok via Browser für den Anfang eine gute Option für Ihr Kind, um herauszufinden, ob ihm TikTok überhaupt gefällt.

Wenn es irgendwann einen Account geben soll, richten Sie diesen gemeinsam ein und probieren Sie zusammen die ersten Schritte aus. Geben Sie das richtige Geburtsjahr an. Für 13- bis 17-Jährige greifen gewisse Sicherheitsfeatures, die den Jugendschutz erhöhen. Eine Anleitung zu kindersicheren Einstellungen TikTok finden Sie auf medien-kindersicher.de.

Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Kind über die möglichen Gefahren. Besonders wichtig ist, auf die Privatsphäre zu achten und in den Videos nicht zu viel von sich preiszugeben. Im privaten Modus ist mehr Kontrolle möglich. So ist die Kommunikation nur mit Freundinnen und Freunden möglich und Ihr Kind behält den Überblick darüber, wer die Videos sehen kann.

Versichern Sie Ihrem Kind, dass es sich jederzeit an Sie wenden kann, sollte es Beleidigungen erhalten oder belästigt werden. Zeigen Sie ihm außerdem, wie man unangemessene Inhalte blockieren und melden kann. Mehr Informationen dazu bietet der Leitfaden für Eltern von TikTok in Zusammenarbeit mit der FSM.

Um die eigene Privatsphäre und die von anderen besser zu schützen, muss bei einem Video nicht unbedingt immer das Gesicht zu sehen sein. Mit Hilfe von Emoji-Stickern oder anderen kreativen Lösungen ist das möglich.

Let’s play! – Fascination Let’s Play Videos

There is a new computer game on the market! But is it worth buying? Is it fun? What exactly does it look like and what tricks are there for the game? Your child might ask himself these questions when he hears about a new game. In search of answers, it first looks at a “Let’sPlay” on YouTube or Twitch at. But what is it anyway?

Translated, Let’s Play means “Let’s play!”. In these videos, players show how they play on or even completely through a video game. They film themselves and their screen at the same time. Spectators get an insight into the game and hear the comments of the players. Let’s Plays are either pre-recorded and uploaded to a video platform or broadcast as a livestream.

Why are Let’s Plays so exciting for young people?

On the one hand, children and young people find it exciting to look at a game from a different perspective and want to learn more about it.
As with other YouTube stars, it’s also about being close to the Let’s Players. Spectators can join in the excitement and experience the personal reactions of the players. The comment function on YouTube allows fans to join in the discussion and feel even more involved. Many active Let’sPlayers regularly publish their videos, which resembles a daily soap that particularly captivates young viewers. Many of the so-called streamers respond to their audience’s comments and often tell more about themselves than just about the game. Successful YouTubers who stream Let’sPlays are usually very individual. A humorous moderation and comedy-like content make her videos particularly entertaining.

Not only on the world’s largest Let’s Play platform YouTube can these gaming videos be viewed. Twitch is also used for this purpose. Here, fans can even write directly in a chat and thus communicate even more personally.

What should you look for as a parent?

These videos are especially popular with teens 13 and older, but kids as young as about 10 are starting to get excited about such videos. In Let’sPlays games from every genre and with every age rating (USK) are played. In this way, even younger people can be tempted to watch game content that is actually only approved for young people aged 16 or even 18. Many Let’s Players also show in their videos the moments they themselves find particularly exciting, which can sometimes be very violent, cruel or sexist.

Professional Let’s Players invest a lot of time in the games. They sometimes work directly with game publishers and there may be targeted product placement – even if there is no separate indication of a sponsored link. Subscriptions on Twitch or fundraising on YouTube get viewers to spend money on their favorite stars. For example, some streamers comment live when a person has donated something.

The first and safest tip here is to watch the Let’sPlays together with your child. Talk about what fascinates your son or daughter about it, but also what to look for in Let’s Plays and what can be problematic. Make your child aware of communication risks online, educate them about the business models of influencers, and find out about the age ratings of your child’s favorite games. Let’s Plays can encourage young people to become YouTubers themselves and show their own gaming hobby in Let’s Plays videos. What you can do if your child wants to act professionally on YouTube, we explain in this article.


Let’sPlays are very popular and there is a reason for that! It can be incredibly fun to watch your idols try on a new game and master tasks humorously – or not! Because the players are just young people, possibly even the same age as the spectators themselves, and that’s what makes it so fascinating.

Amazon Prime Video

For many people, it’s hard to imagine everyday life without the online mail order company Amazon. Its video streaming portal Prime Video has the second-largest number of subscriptions after Netflix. Colloquially, the service is also called Amazon Prime, and several offers fall under this.

In a nutshell:

  • Video streaming service on the Internet
  • Variety of movies and series available
  • Prerequisite for use is an Amazon account and Internet-compatible device
  • Offer available for €8.99 monthly or €89.90 annually
  • Certified youth protection functions in accordance with German law

What is Prime Video?

As with other video streaming services, Prime Video offers the ability to watch a variety of movies and series without being tied to a specific time or location. To do this, you have to register at amazon.de with your own Prime user account for a fee.
The movies and series can be watched via a web browser, the Prime Video app, or Internet-enabled devices, such as a smart TV device, game console, or smartphone. The subscription includes numerous movies and series for free availability, including formats produced specifically by Amazon. In addition, titles can be rented for a fee, for example, completely new series seasons. Amazon Channels offers the option of adding topic-specific pay channels such as Eurosport Player. Sharing a membership is not possible with Prime Video.

Most videos are marked with the legal age ratings of the FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft). There is a separate section for children’s content. The series and movies that can be found there are divided into the age groups 2 – 5 years, 6 – 8 years and 9 – 11 years, among other categorizations. In order to be able to watch video content with FSK18 ratings, you must prove that you are of age with the help of your ID or passport and a bank account.

Parental Control with Prime Video

Prime Video offers some safety settings for children:

  • Prime Video offers the possibility to create different user profiles. Under “Who is watching”, users can set up children’s profiles with the names of their children and select whether content with the age ratings FSK 0, FSK 6 and/or FSK 12 should be displayed.
  • In the settings, parental controls can be used to set restrictions for video content, blocking the playback of videos from certain age categories. To do this, the user account must be secured with a four-digit PIN.
  • The Purchase Restrictions option prevents children from buying movies and series on their own by setting a PIN for purchases.

What is problematic about the offer?

No matter what age – Prime Video has the hottest series and movies for everyone. Without parental controls, minors have unlimited access to content that is not appropriate for their age, may frighten them or overwhelm them. Many series and movies have an FSK age rating, but not all. Children and young people can watch these without hindrance, as the parental controls do not apply here.
As with many streaming offers, the appeal of constantly continuing to watch is also very high with Prime Video. You should make your child aware of this and set a good example.

What does the provider say?

By its own account, Prime Video uses the FSK ratings as the basis for its parental control settings. If no FSK ratings are available for very recent films or series episodes, for example, there is no information on the website as to whether and according to what criteria the age ratings are made by the company itself or by third-party providers.

What should parents pay attention to?

Want to integrate Prime Video into your everyday family life? Then you should pay attention to the age ratings of the movies and series, set up a child profile, set the child or parental control options accordingly and use PIN codes. Protect your user profile with a secure PIN (no birth dates or simple sequences like 1234). Otherwise, your child may switch between profiles and go from the child profile to the adult profile.

To make sure the content is really appropriate for your child, preview the movies or series your child wants to watch. Watching a movie together can be a nice family experience. Especially with younger children (at least up to ten years) this is generally recommended, so that your child does not feel left alone with scary or questionable content.
Also, make sure that prime video and media use at all should be just one activity among many other pastimes for your child.

In our video series “You ask – we answer,” our media educator Melanie Endler explains why you shouldn’t leave children alone when watching series:

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You can find more videos here.

YouTube Kids

YouTube Kids is the child-friendly little sister of YouTube . The platform offers a large collection of age-appropriate videos for children. It was developed especially for families.

In a nutshell:

  • free app for Android and iOS
  • Closed YouTube app and website with special children’s content for preschool and elementary school ages
  • Safety and control functions by the parents
  • requires login with a Google account
  • Advertising in the offer

What is YouTube Kids?

YouTube Kids is a special offer for children. This is a platform that uses a special algorithm to filter out content suitable for children and feeds it into the app or website. At the beginning of use, parents can choose between three age levels: Preschool age (up to four years), younger (from 5-8 years) and older (from 9-12 years).

The content is divided into four categories: Series, Music, Learn and Explore. You’ll find more exciting content around topics like music, gaming, science, or crafts. The popular heroines and heroes of the little ones are also available on YouTube Kids: Little Dragon Coconut, Bibi and Tina, the Sandman, etc.

YouTube Kids is designed so that children can easily use the platform. With large illustrations and a voice search, even children who cannot yet read can use the website. YouTube Kids content can also be streamed to a smart TV via systems like Chromecast, Apple TV, and game consoles. Uploading your own videos like on the “real” YouTube is not possible.

What excites children about the offer?

Children – like adults – like entertainment. They can access their favorite characters and stories in the app virtually at any time. Thus, YouTube allows kids a certain form of independence – as long as parents allow it. For example, content can be searched for and viewed independently.

Also, it is possible to share videos and channels from the parents’ YouTube account to their child’s. These are videos that are not normally found on YouTube Kids.

What’s problematic about YouTube Kids?

The offer is based on an algorithm. This means that content is not selected by humans and not all of it is checked for quality, but that it is a technical selection process. Errors can occur in the process. Since the launch of the service, for example, numerous offers have appeared that initially seemed suitable for children but later turned out to be unsuitable.

In addition, the algorithm plays videos with large reach and large numbers of views first. For example, in addition to the well-known and popular cartoon characters, children’s Influencers or family YouTube channels are particularly popular, which often also contain product placements or similar. Last but not least, the free offer obviously contains advertising that is adapted to the target group. Only with a subscription to YouTube Premium, the YouTube Kids channel can also be viewed without advertising. However, it is positive that no other websites can be opened from the offer.

What does the provider say?

There may be errors in the selection of videos. No system is perfect. Therefore, the algorithm is constantly improved and manual checks take place. Parents are explicitly encouraged to report videos if they appear problematic. For even more control as a parent, all search and suggestion functions can be turned off so that only the listings on the home screen are accessible. YouTube Kids provides more tips for parents on parental control settings on its website.

The provider Google explicitly points out that YouTube Kids does not replace parental control and guidance of their children. Parents should choose videos together and stay close.

What should parents pay attention to?

If possible, you should watch videos together with your child so that you can identify what content he or she is comfortable with and what is not appropriate for your child.

Since features like uploading, sharing or rating videos are not available, YouTube Kids is safer than its big sister YouTube. Parents have the option to create their own password to access the settings in the app.

For more control, special settings have been added that are password protected:

  • Search settings: If the search function is activated, millions of videos for the whole family can be accessed. If it is disabled, the use of the app will be restricted. Then kids will only see videos on the app’s home page. They will be selected by the system according to the videos they have seen so far and the age setting. The history can be deleted in each case.
  • The built-in timer can be used to limit the amount of time your child spends in front of the screen. When the set time is over, the app alerts children and locks itself.

Try the app without your child first and then decide if it’s right for you and your family!

At Medien kindersicher there is a detailed tutorial on how to set up YouTube Kids.


Television is dead – at least if you ask the younger generation. Children and young people today watch YouTube on their cell phones or tablets. But what exactly is it?

In a nutshell:

  • World’s largest free video portal
  • Videos from professional channels, YouTubers, media and private users
  • Minimum age according to provider from 16 years (13 with parental permission), younger children: YouTube Kids
  • Caution: large amount of content and thus also the risk of videos or comments that are not age-appropriate

What is YouTube?

YouTube is currently the largest and most popular video portal in the world. Children and young people can watch countless videos on a wide range of topics and from various producers. But you can also upload your own videos, rate and comment on others’ videos, and exchange ideas with other users in the community.

What particularly fascinates children and young people about the offer?

YouTube offers something for everyone: kids and teens can find countless videos, topics and channels for all ages and interests. The content comes from all over the world, there are videos from professional channels (music videos, shows, children’s series, celebrities, successful YouTubers). But also private users download videos around computer games (e. g. B. Let’s Play videos), tutorials to follow, funny challenges and insights into their everyday life.

Many children and young people identify with YouTube stars and subscribe to channels they like. There, they watch 60-second smartphone videos on YouTube Shorts, the common 10-minute videos, or entire movies and series with a YouTube Premium subscription. Professional live streams of events take place via the YouTube Live function, but private individuals can also stream live with simple technology.

“YouTuber” is seen by some children and young people as a career aspiration and they would like to start their own video channel. Basically, it’s a great way to express yourself creatively. However, there are also some things that need to be considered. That’s why we have summarized the most important facts for you in this article:My child wants to become a YouTuber

What is problematic about the offer?

It is a worldwide user community, with a huge range of content, new videos uploaded every second and countless comments. Therefore, there is a potential risk that young people may encounter content that is not suitable for them or may even be developmentally harmful. Videos can be e.g. show violent, offensive or disturbing content, encourage risky behavior, contain hidden advertising or are simply not age-appropriate for young users. Also, the comments under the videos may contain violence, hatred, insults or harassment.

When adolescents produce their own videos, they run the risk of revealing personal information about themselves or even friends and family members. If others are seen in the video without being asked, this may constitute a violation of the right to one’s own image. Children and young people can infringe copyright when using music or other video clips.

The portal is free of charge and contains advertisements and commercial content, e.g. commercials inserted before or between videos. Sponsored content or product placements may be difficult for adolescents to recognize and see through. Caution is also advised when entering sweepstakes on YouTube.

What does the provider think?

YouTube is a subsidiary of the Google Group. Anyone who wants to upload, subscribe or comment on videos needs a Google account. The minimum age for use in Germany is 16. An exception applies if a parent has allowed their child, who is at least 13 years old, to use the service through Family Link. In principle, all minors need the permission of their parents.

YouTube educates users about appropriate content and respectful interaction with its community guidelines. The provider is basically not responsible for the content of the uploaded videos, but deletes videos that contradict the guidelines. Pornography is banned on YouTube to protect children and young people. The same applies to content that promotes self-injurious behavior or that endangers the emotional and physical well-being of minors. Certain videos are therefore only visible to logged-in users who are 18 years or older. Even though YouTube itself uses various tools to filter out inappropriate content, user feedback is also important. You have the option to report content so that it may be deleted or even prosecuted.

YouTube uses upload filters that check whether images, music or videos in them are protected by copyright when they are uploaded. YouTube is thus acting in accordance with the EU copyright reform of 2019. The video platform informs: Only those who have the permission of the rights holder may use copyrighted material.

What should parents pay attention to?

Since YouTube offers a confusing variety of videos, you should not leave your child alone with it. Accompany them in their first steps and discuss the possibility of reporting content. Let your child have their first experience on
YouTube Kids
where there is a safe framework.

If you decide your child is mature enough for the “real” YouTube, first make use of the restricted mode, which hides certain content, such as violence or nudity. Parents can activate the restricted mode to prevent their children from seeing such content as much as possible.

Be open if your child wants to produce their own videos. It’s a great way to get creative first. That said, discuss what topics and content will be in the videos. This also concerns whether and how much personal information other users might learn from them as a result. Be sure to discuss the ability to set videos to private or unlisted. This means that others can either not see these videos at all (“private”), or the videos can only be seen by those who have the link to them (“unlisted”) – they are then not displayed in the search.

YouTube shorts

TikTok is known for this and Instagram has come up with Reels followed suit. Now also YouTube has introduced the short video format for its app. It’s called YouTube Shorts, and it can be an exciting addition to YouTube content for kids and teens.

In a nutshell:

  • Short videos in portrait format of maximum 60 seconds
  • Accessible via the app or the browser
  • own shorts can be created via the YouTube app
  • videos displayed are based on the recommendation algorithm
  • captivating effect on children and teenagers possible

What does YouTube Shorts offer?

With YouTube Shorts, users can watch short videos on the go on their smartphones. So-called creators can also record their own short videos in portrait format with the YouTube app. The clips last a maximum of 60 seconds.

The short videos on YouTube appear in a separate section in the smartphone app. As soon as a short video – often tagged with the hashtag #shorts – is selected, it appears on the entire smartphone display. A swipe from the bottom to the top displays new videos. YouTube‘s recommendation algorithm decides which videos are shown: Based on previously viewed videos, presumed interests and the alleged taste of the respective viewer are calculated. The short videos can also be viewed on the computer or laptop.

What fascinates children and young people about it?

Shorts are in the rules very entertaining and entertaining. For kids and teens, this can be a reason to spend even more time on YouTube. Also, YouTube Shorts can be an incentive to upload clips yourself. This is because videos that were not professionally shot also appear in the new section. Creators with few followers and without much technical equipment can get attention this way. This was previously very difficult and rather unrealistic due to the many, professionally designed videos on YouTube.

What can be problematic about the offer?

Similar to TikTok YouTube Shorts can be very addictive, so kids and teens spend more time on it than they would like or should. The recommendation algorithm contributes to this. One swipe up is enough to watch the next video. Closing YouTube Shorts can therefore be very difficult. Watching the videos can also expose children and young people to inappropriate content .

Like other social media apps, there are communication risks when children and young people disseminate their own content online and share it with other users – such as negative and hurtful comments or cybergrooming.

What does the provider think?

YouTube‘s Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Community Guidelines apply. The provider provides information about possible privacy settings on a separate page. YouTube recommends that parents of underage users set up a YouTube account with parental supervision. Read also our article YouTube in the family.

Since YouTube Shorts can only be used in a beta version (= preliminary version) so far, it remains to be seen whether the provider will add further setting options.

What should parents pay attention to?

Talk to your child about whether they use YouTube shorts and, if so, why. What does he like about it and what clips does he like to watch? Risks of use should also be discussed. Pay attention to how much time your child spends with YouTube shorts and with media in general. A media use agreement can help maintain a reasonable usage time. Does your child want to upload videos themselves? Then talk about what content should and shouldn’t be published. There is also an option to share videos only with selected people. Show your child how to block and report other users. This is important in case it receives inappropriate comments or messages. Your child should know that he or she can turn to you at any time.

Likee – what’s behind the TikTok alternative?

With Likee, similar to TikTok videos can be created and shared. The more than 2,000 filters and effects inspire young people in particular. But what else is behind the app and what are the risks?

In a nutshell:

  • free app for iOS and Android
  • Age rating according to AGB from 16 years
  • Cost traps due to in-app purchases
  • Lack of data protection and communication risks

What can it do?

Likee is a social media platform where short video clips can be easily created, shared, liked and commented. Uploaded videos are visible on your own profile and on public leaderboards. Users can send each other messages via Likee and give each other gifts. The gifts must be purchased beforehand. A livestream function allows people to film themselves and others to like or comment while they do so.

To register with Likee, you either have to link to an existing account, e.g. on Facebook, or enter your own cell phone number. The app thus has quick access to the person’s contacts and suggests them as potential friends. To use the app in all its functions, the camera and microphone have to be enabled. Likee additionally wants to access the location. This will display videos of people in the vicinity. A person’s location can also be seen when the associated profile is clicked.

What fascinates children/youth about it?

On Likee, users can find entertaining, funny and inspiring videos on a wide range of topics. Teens can get creative with the app and make cool videos without needing much prior knowledge. Especially the FaceFilter of the app are fun for young users.

What can be problematic about the offer?

On Likee, users sometimes provide personal insights when they post videos or start livestreams. By sharing locations and sending messages, (children and) young people can fall victim to cybergrooming or cyberstalking. Other communication risks as well such as Hate Speech can play a role by commenting on videos sending messages. The uploaded videos are also not content controlled, so some of the content shown may not be suitable for children.

Officially, unrestricted access to the app is only approved for ages 16 and up. However, the age of the persons is not controlled.

The handling of user data by the provider must be viewed critically, since by accepting the terms and conditions users cede their rights to the videos created. The data is stored and collected in Singapore. Personal data such as hometown, location and search history may be shared with third parties, e.g. for advertising purposes. For the face filters, the app also saves the facial features of the people.

Using the fictional currency, so-called beans, additional effects can be unlocked or gifts can be sent to other people. Beans are available via in-app purchases.

The app is based on a reward system in which users climb up the rankings and get additional features unlocked if they are particularly active and receive many clicks and likes. This can encourage excessive use of the app.

What does the provider think?

The app comes from JOYY, a provider from Singapore. The provider does provide a parental control feature and a restricted mode for children under 16, but these features are difficult to find and activate. JOYY absolves itself from reviewing content shared through the app. A deletion of the data can be requested via the help and feedback function. However, the guarantee of complete deletion is not given.

What should parents pay attention to?

There is always a risk of having unpleasant experiences online via apps that enable exchanges with other people. Therefore, your child should know about it and know strategies to deal with it or avoid certain risks. In our article “Legal notices of social media use” you will get the most important information about this.

Should your child Likee want to install, be sure to do it together. This way you can make sure that your child is giving the correct age. Children under 16 use the app in restricted mode. Direct messaging, in-app purchases, and live video sharing are thus no longer possible. Additionally, turn off the location sharing. Show your child the help section of the app and how they can report content and people there. Offer to be there to help your child. Also, educate your child about data protection and privacy and agree, for example, on what content may be shared and how much may be disclosed. Despite these safety precautions, the app is not safe for children. A suitable, child-friendly alternative is e.g. knipsclub.de

Media usage contract

Who is allowed to do what with media and for how long? These issues come up in every family sooner or later and not infrequently cause stress and arguments. Rules on media use can help create a structure and avoid conflicts. These can be discussed by parents and children together and recorded in a contract. The online tool for a media usage contract presented here — an offer by klicksafe and the Internet-ABC — is suitable for this purpose.

In a nutshell:

  • Free online tool, accessible via: www.mediennutzungsvertrag.de
  • Contract can be customized and personalized
  • Selection from many rule proposals
  • Own rules can be integrated
  • Creative backgrounds
  • Print directly

How does the creation of the contract work?

The tool guides you step by step to the finished paper. You can choose from two age groups (6-12 years and 12+) and choose a title design, a mascot and a background. All the rules you select are automatically inserted like building blocks, so it’s easy to keep track of them all. Each module can be edited individually. Of course, you can also insert your own rules. At the end save the document, then it can be completed at another time. You can also create multiple contracts for different children.

Tips and backgrounds

Use the building blocks as a suggestion to start a conversation in your family about media use. Some possible rules you may not have thought about, others are already self-evident. Set priorities, because the tool offers very many ideas that do not all have to be implemented. There are several types of rules:

  • General rules (such as dealing with conflicts, questionable content, handling of devices)
  • Time regulation (determination of time quotas)
  • Cell phone (how to deal with apps and data, mobile-free places, dealing with costs).
  • Internet (such as security settings, use of websites).
  • Television (such as age-appropriate offerings, sharing).
  • Games (like common games, fairness)

A contract is nothing more than written down rules that have been agreed upon. The advantage is that you can always look at it and remember it.

A special feature is that rules can also be set for parents. For example, parents can commit to not using the cell phone even at dinner, or to using adult media content only when children are not present. Because rules are easier for children to understand if everyone has to follow them and you set a good example.

Bingewatching among children and adolescents

Do you know it? You wanted to watch only one episode of your favorite series and then it became three, because it was just so exciting. Your child sometimes feels the same way: he or she is having so much fun watching TV and playing computer games that he or she forgets about the time. Bingewatching” refers to watching several episodes of a series at a time, and this also occurs among children. Binge means “excess” in German and viewing means “to look at”.

Streaming services make bingewatching easy

For some adults, bingewatching is even a hobby. Streaming services such as Prime Video, Netflix and YouTube have adjusted their offerings accordingly. Series often come as a whole season, so users can easily watch one video after another. From a company’s point of view, this is quite logical: They have an interest in keeping users on their platform for as long as possible.

There are more and more media library apps specifically for children or streaming apps with children’s profiles. YouTube Kids, Netflix, Prime Video and Disney+ are particularly popular. Therefore, it’s no wonder that bingewatching also occurs among children and teenagers, because they find it even harder to turn off the TV or tablet.

What leads to bingewatching?

Children and young people quickly get carried away by their favorite characters and stories, so that they can hardly tear themselves away from them. Some simply forget to switch off and therefore watch more than agreed. Younger children in particular are not yet very good at regulating their own needs and media use. They are therefore more easily seduced to look further and further.

Sometimes there is simply a lack of alternative occupations. Kids don’t know what to do besides watch TV. Besides, it’s easy to just be sprinkled instead of being active yourself, making up your own stories, drawing something, or anything else.

How can parents deal with bingewatching?

Some things you can set on your child’s profile on the streaming site itself. For example, you can disable the automatic start of the next episode or set a time limit for some services. If you download certain episodes, your child won’t be drawn to other series and will find it easier to switch off when the agreed viewing time is up. You should become active as soon as your child reacts stressed or annoyed when he or she cannot watch any longer.

Design media usage rules together, especially fixed time slots, and make sure they are followed. As long as your child is not yet able to handle media on his or her own responsibility, support and accompany him or her in this process. Don’t use the favorite show as a punishment or reward, and establish alternative outlets for media use.

If your child is very emotionally attached to the series, you can engage with it together in other ways. Your child can bring the series world to him with toys, by painting or playing with friends and continue telling the stories. This way, your child experiences his or her favorite series even more and can help shape it.

Older children and teenagers should also occasionally allow you to distract them with television during stressful periods. Just make sure that bingewatching is not constantly used to combat stress.

Make your own media?!

Painting pictures, kneading or making funny figures out of chestnuts… These are typical things you’ve probably done with your kids at home. But making media yourself?! Typically, you only watch them or maybe play a computer game. It’s not that hard to get creative and produce something together. And it’s fun too!

Today, there is at least one smartphone in every household. Tablets are also present in many families. These devices offer countless possibilities for media production that are easy to try out because most of them are not complicated at all. Smartphone and tablet have at least one camera and a built-in microphone. There are also plenty of apps for creative design in the app stores – for image editing and creating photo collages, for producing cartoons and editing videos, for painting and making radio plays, and much more.

By producing media yourself, you can learn a lot and have a lot of fun – kids and adults alike! You learn the technical handling of the equipment and how certain media are made. You learn that it takes a little time for a product to look the way you want it to. But making media is not just something for the elderly. Even kindergarten children can make simple animated films or edit photos. Perhaps you will discover previously hidden talents in your child.

In the posts below this one, you’ll find our media-making guides to try out with your kids.

Why can’t I let my child (3 years old) watch children’s shows alone?

When the little ones watch videos, they need to be accompanied by their parents. Media educator Melanie Endler explains why this is important.



Facial Recognition on the Internet – Practical Use vs. Privacy

In Germany, we know it mainly from crime films on television: The witness of a crime looks through a card index with photos of possible perpetrators to identify a person by his face. The faces of people who have already committed a crime are stored in such a file. In the USA, this is already a reality: the face of every second adult is stored in government databases. And in Germany, too, technology is spreading more and more into the everyday lives of many people. In order to be able to identify dangerous persons and terrorists in public spaces in the future, cameras with facial recognition software were installed at Berlin’s Südkreuz train station, for example, for test purposes for a specified period of time.

But it is not only government agencies or authorities that use the possibilities of facial recognition. Technology is finding its way into more and more areas of everyday life. For example, the technology company Apple advertises its latest iPhones with the slogan: “Face ID – Your face is your password”. You can unlock your iPhone via face scan, and even when downloading apps, it is enough to hold one’s face in front of the smartphone. Technically, this should also work when wearing a hat or sunglasses, for example. This is practical and also sounds very safe at first. No more tedious typing of passcodes or patterns. Besides, one’s own face is unique, so how should a stranger be able to unlock the smartphone? However, it has become clear that there is still room for improvement in the technology. In some cases, other family members were able to unlock the iPhone without any problems due to similar features of their faces.

The Google Photos app also theoretically lets you search images by person. However, this option is not available in all countries. Google Image Search also allows you to upload a photo there and search the database for similar photos. Google does not tell you who the people in the pictures are. However, this information can be found, among others, on the pages where the image is embedded.

The social network Facebook also has such a feature, which was hotly debated when it was released. Maybe you once received a message that you were recognized in another user’s photo? Then the facial recognition of the platform is active with you. When uploading a photo, Facebook scans the image and wants to know from the user if it is the right person. This way you can be more easily recognized and marked in pictures. This is convenient, but in order to use the function, they must also agree to the processing of the necessary data. If you do not want your photos and videos to be automatically analyzed and evaluated for these purposes, you can deactivate facial recognition.

Facial recognition can be a major invasion of privacy. Being recognized in pictures on the Internet means that, for example, complete strangers can also obtain your contact details because you may be visible in the background of someone else’s photo. You should be aware that by using this feature, much like fingerprints, you are revealing information about yourself that is unique to each person. They also cannot be changed.

Therefore, think carefully about where you want to use facial recognition and which data you prefer to keep to yourself.

Make your own media: Tutorials

We have already written about the popularity of tutorials among children and young people. You can find the article here. It doesn’t have to stop at just watching these little films. You can also dare to produce a tutorial yourself.

Tutorials around “Make your own media

Children and young people are curious and enjoy learning new things and looking behind the scenes. Encouraging them to become makers of videos or radio plays themselves not only trains your child’s media literacy, but also many other skills such as creativity and working on a project. Once you learn about the work behind a film, you look at films differently. Especially in times of fake news, it sensitizes children to a critical approach to media. On various video platforms you can find tutorials that help to implement your own (video) project. However, video platforms such as YouTube are not suitable for younger children without restrictions, which is why they should be used in the company of parents. Apart from video platforms, you can also find tutorials, for example, at the online offering of Bayerischer Rundfunk: So geht Medien.

Do it yourself tutorials

Creating videos yourself can be a lot of fun! As in the production of motion pictures, you need to follow certain steps

  • First, develop a shooting schedule with your child so that during the actual filming it is clear what is happening and who is responsible for what (camera, actors, director, etc.):
    • It all starts with a good idea: What should the tutorial be about? Maybe pick a topic that your child and you are not as familiar with yet. By working intensively together on a topic, you end up being the experts yourself.
    • For the script and, if necessary, a subdivision into scenes, it helps to answer the “W” questions: Who, where, how? Why does this tutorial exist? In the shooting schedule, organizational things should also be written down, such as locations, shooting time, equipment and technology needed.
  • At the film shoot you should make sure that the light and sound are consistently good and that there are no disturbances. Of course, you also need a camera. If you don’t have one, a photo camera or a cell phone will do, possibly with a tripod so that the pictures don’t blur. It’s always best to see and hear if a scene turned out well right after you’ve shot it. If necessary, you can repeat the shoot directly.
  • For the subsequent film editing you can download free software on the Internet. In this you can usually also add texts, sounds, music and other effects.
  • When it comes to the publication, it’s best to choose platforms that are suitable for children and young people, such as JUKI on Kindersache.

What should you pay attention to?

Together with your child, make sure not to reveal any personal information in the video and only mention the first name of the protagonists. Backgrounds can also often provide clues about, for example, where people live. All persons featured in the video should have given their consent for publication. When choosing music, make sure that it is royalty-free to use. Here is a list of websites where you can find such music.

“How does that work? Surely there’s a tutorial for that!”

Instead of leafing through an instruction manual, children and young people prefer to look for the right tutorial on the Internet. Such a cinematic instruction manual is not only available for the operation of devices, but also for very different areas of everyday life. There are recipe tutorials where people cook or bake in front of the camera. In other tutorials technical questions are solved. You can learn new languages or play an instrument with such videos and much more.

Tutorials have become known primarily through video platforms such as YouTube. Typical for these videos is that a person explains something to the audience – often by demonstrating it himself in the video.
The terms tutorial and explainer video are often used interchangeably. But there is an essential difference: In tutorials something is demonstrated, according to the motto: “How does something work?”. Typical are hair styling or dance tutorials. Explainer videos, on the other hand, are primarily about the question, “Why does something work this way?”

Tutorials – popular with young and old

The helpful video instructions can be watched anytime and anywhere thanks to a smartphone or tablet. In step-by-step instructions, experts in a particular field explain a topic in an understandable way. The videos can be stopped and watched as often as you like, which is handy for a computer game, craft or beauty tutorial, for example. This way you can join in right away yourself and take the time you need by pausing for each step.

Often tutorials are made by influencers, famous YouTubers. Here, but also with lesser-known YouTubers, a relationship often develops between YouTuber and viewer during the tutorial, which loosens up the learning experience. The YouTuber talks around the tutorial about other things that pop into his head, digresses from the topic, and often addresses the viewers directly (“Hello, dear ones” or “You’re going to fold this sheet to the right” or “Here’s what we’re going to do”). This often happens in an entertaining way.

What should parents pay attention to?

If your child enjoys watching tutorials on video platforms, try searching for videos together. There may also be helpful videos for learning or ideas for recreational activities, such as craft ideas or tricks with the scooter.

Ask to see what videos your child likes to watch and ask what fascinates him or her about them. There are many tutorials that seem to reflect typical role models: Female YouTubers make beauty tutorials, male YouTubers make tutorials on computer games, so-called Let’s Plays. This is a good occasion to talk about outdated role stereotypes.

You should realize that the creators of tutorials are not always real experts and you should check the videos and their content. The channel info usually tells you a bit more about the creators, so you can better assess the quality.
If something still doesn’t work after watching a tutorial, it’s not necessarily your child’s fault – the creator of the tutorial may have made a mistake.

Video platforms like YouTube should be shared first, as your child can quickly encounter scary or disturbing content here. For younger children, we recommend setting options such as “Restricted Mode” or the YouTube Kids app. If your child is aware of the risks online and you think he or she is aware of them, you should also give him or her the freedom to be online independently.

Badass stuff! Is the successful gangster rap really something for teenagers?

This article is a guest post by Dr. Daniel Hajok.

With the scandal surrounding Farid Bang and Kollegah at the last ECHO awards, gangster rap has once again entered the public discussion. Parents, who all too often observe an enthusiasm for hip-hop in their children, ask themselves in view of the criticized crass lyrics whether what today reaches young people mainly via YouTube, earplugs and concert visits is not a serious danger for growing up.

Hip hop as a youth culture

With its roots in the African-American ghettos of the U.S., hip-hop was already dealing with ‘hard issues’ in the 1970s, social ills, social inequalities and more. From the beginning, the artistic means of expression was not only the power of spoken word (rap), but also DJing, break dancing and graffiti promoted the rise of hip-hop to a significant subculture, with which initially the socially disadvantaged youth and young adults of large US cities identified.
Hip-hop achieved commercial success and popularity beyond the country’s borders when rap music was put on records and on the radio. This quickly aroused the enthusiasm of young people in other countries as well: Hip-hop became the most important music-related youth culture worldwide – and has remained so to this day. In Germany, the scene emerged in the 1980s. The following continued to grow in the following period and in the 1990s the first rappers with German-language lyrics had great commercial success.

Gangsta rap as a successful genre

Many parents are horrified when they hear the lyrics of Kollegah, Bushido & Co. Nevertheless, gangsta rap has long been a very important and at the same time youth-affine hip-hop genre in Germany as well. Stylistic features include crass language and a demeanor of ‘masculine toughness’ on the part of the protagonists. Although there is a lot here about social grievances and social inequalities, the focus is often on the staging of the stars of the scene with things that you really don’t want with regard to your own children: violence and crime, devaluation of weaker people and the enhancement of the ego with power and status per se.
The German gangster rappers often have a migration background and have experienced exclusion and disintegration in ‘problem neighborhoods’ of our big cities. The identification potential is therefore particularly high for young people with similar experiences. The commercial success of gangster rap is due not least to the increasing enthusiasm among young people from ‘good homes’. Again, many like the fat beats and wordiness of the stars surrounded by money, cars and women. Via gangster rap, they can immerse themselves in the fascinating world of ‘Sex and Crime’ at any time and thus set themselves apart from their parents.

When does the fun stop?

Gangster rap often offers our children very questionable identity designs. However, it does not affect them negatively per se. Likewise, the mostly young fans do not adopt the transported values, such as the power of the strongest and women as sex objects, one-to-one in their lives. In many places, the texts also encourage people to take a critical look at themselves and open up discussions in the clique about social ills and crime in problematic urban environments.
Gangster rap has a particularly dangerous potential when it appeals to young people with its music and the verbal battles between the cool stars, but the lyrics and video clips portray violence, criminal lifestyles, drug use, homophobia and contempt for women as worthy of imitation and promising success – and are not critically questioned. In these cases, young people may well be impaired or even endangered in their development into a self-reliant and socially competent personality.

What can parents do?

Even with gangster rap, you are faced with the difficulty of not unthinkingly ‘maddening’ your children’s preferences while still showing a clear attitude of your own. To become aware of this, you should first ask yourself: What music did I use to set myself apart from my parents back then? How do I feel about depictions of violence, crime, and discrimination? What negative influences on my child’s development do I fear? Can I also get something positive out of her/his preference?
In any case, parents should not completely lose sight of their charges’ exposure to music, and should even take it as an opportunity for discussion. What does my child like about gangster rap anyway – and what doesn’t? How do you yourself feel about the texts and the images of the clips? In order to be able to show your own children the limits of what is tolerated and also to enforce them in everyday life, you as parents should also know the most important legal rules and be aware of the possibilities of appropriate educational interaction. The Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Young People (BPjM), for example, has prepared a number of reports on the topic.


About the author:
Dr. Daniel Hajok is a communications and media scientist. He works as an expert witness, empiricist, seminar/workshop leader, and technical writer. His work focuses on media, society and social work, child and youth media protection, media education research and practice.

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