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Help, my child watches porn!

Whether via search engines, messengers or social media – many children and young people come into contact with pornographic content online at an early age, by chance and without intention as well as out of curiosity and interest. For parents, this can be frightening when they eventually realize that their child is watching porn. Why this is not abnormal, what pornographic content can be problematic and how you should deal with it, you will learn in this article.

Access to porn

While porn used to be found mainly in special stores or video stores and was only accessible to adults, it is now very easy to find it on the Internet. Besides, you won’t be seen and it doesn’t necessarily cost anything. This is not only true for adults. Children and adolescents develop their own sexuality during puberty at the latest. They are looking for guidance and role models. Since sex is often still a taboo subject, people like to seek the anonymity of the net. Here they can get smart unobserved before the sexuality is lived out with others. However, provocative nude pictures of men and women can suddenly pop up on the cell phone display quite unintentionally when your child actually just wants to watch a series, research for school online or write in the class chat.

Also on popular platforms such as
you can find photos and videos showing people with little clothing and in erotic poses. Such content is not pornography and is therefore available for all to view. However, they can still be unpleasant or even disturbing for some children, especially younger ones.

Protection from pornography

In Germany, youth media protection ensures that children and young people under the age of 18 are protected from content on the Internet that could endanger them or impair their development. Some content, e.g. violent pornography or depictions of the sexual abuse of children and young people, is generally prohibited for everyone!

Pornographic content in which sex is depicted in detail is permitted in Germany, but only for adults aged 18 and over. This means that access may only be possible after a secure age check. This is strictly checked for porn sites from Germany.

The situation is different for sites from other countries, some of whose porn content is freely accessible. Many platforms with pornographic content such as OnlyFans are not approved for minors. However, use is often possible by clicking on the “I am 18 years or older” button. However, large porn websites must now comply with the European Union’s Digital Services Act and implement much stricter rules.

Why porn can be problematic

Porn is particularly appealing to adolescents in puberty – also because it is forbidden. They are particularly susceptible to such stimuli and go in search of pornographic content or curiously click on the pages they happen to come across. Especially when the topic of sexuality is taboo at home and they don’t want to talk about it with their parents, they resort to what they find on the net. And that’s not necessarily age-appropriate.

The quick availability of such content can be particularly appealing when, for example, you’re just looking for a distraction or want to escape from your everyday problems. A habit can turn into addiction for some young people. Besides, watching porn regularly can develop ideas about sex that don’t have much to do with reality. Sex and pornography are equated with love and relationship. Some young people then expect their own love life to look the same. This also includes the development of your own body. This can stress teens out if they want to become sexually active themselves. Or the girlfriend or boyfriend is put under pressure to present himself or herself in the same way, film it and send the video. Voluntary and consensual sexting is okay, but the images must not be blackmailed or misused. You can learn more about sexting in our article about it.

What you should pay attention to as a parent

Sex is part of our lives. Do not make the topic taboo and always be open and willing to talk. Provide age-appropriate education when your child asks questions about love and sexuality. If you are unsure, get help, for example from the parents’ helpline of the Nummer gegen Kummer. We present further digital advice services for young people and parents in this article.

Accompany your child in their first steps on the Internet and explain to them that content can be encountered that is unpleasant. If certain pages appear unintentionally, your child should be able to talk to you about it. Younger children in particular must not be left alone with such experiences. They cannot properly categorize what they see because it has nothing to do with their own range of experience.

Please note the following points:

  • If your child is younger, give them access to age-appropriate content and let them surf the Internet using children’s search engines. This will reduce the likelihood that your child will come across content that is inappropriate for their age.
  • Use parental control programs and filter options on your browser, smartphone or tablet so that content harmful to minors is not displayed in the first place.
  • However, such technical settings can only ever provide support, as they do not offer one hundred percent protection against such content. It is much more important that your child knows that there is also such content on the net and knows ways to deal with it.
  • However, as children get older and enter puberty, they also need their space and don’t necessarily want to talk to their parents about the changes in their bodies. Older siblings can be good conversation partners. There are also sex education sites for young people online, such as Loveline or Liebesleben.
  • If you overhear your son or daughter watching porn, talk to him or her about it, but don’t judge your child. Make it clear to him that pornography is not realistic, but that someone has made up the “stories”, the bodies are professionally portrayed and the pleasure is staged. Talk to your child about ideals of beauty and role models.
  • Mere bans and filtering measures will not help, especially with young people. They find their ways to watch porn. If anything, bans have an even more appealing effect. Therefore, an open approach to the topic of sex is more effective.
  • Explain to your child what is and is not allowed when it comes to pornography. Show your child how to report prohibited content online, for example via a complaints office.

Klicksafe is providing detailed information on this topic as part of Safer Internet Day 2024. Click here for the information sheet for parents: https://www.klicksafe.de/materialien/voll-porno-wie-spreche-ich-mit-meinem-kind-ueber-pornografische-inhalte-im-netz

Children’s rights in the digital world

Children have rights that have been enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child since 1989. These include the right to health and the right to play and leisure. But a lot has changed since then. The rapid development of digital media and technologies has significantly changed the way children grow up. Digital media play an important role from an early age. We explain the key aspects of children’s rights in the digital world.

Understanding the digital world and children’s rights

The digital world encompasses various digital technologies, from the internet and mobile devices to online games and social media. All children’s rights apply everywhere. Some rights play a special role:

Right of access to media

Every child has the right to unrestricted and equal access to the digital world. However, this does not mean that children should use media without restriction. Depending on your child’s age and stage of development, you as parents can agree rules with your child on how long and which media may be used.

Right to freedom of expression and information

Like adults, children also have the right to freely express their opinions and obtain information. The Internet offers children the opportunity to obtain age-appropriate information in a variety of ways and to express and disseminate their own opinions. Make sure your child only accesses websites that are safe and suitable for children.

Right to privacy and data protection

Every child has the right to privacy. As parents, you should therefore be aware of and considerate of your child’s personal rights on the Internet. Avoid disclosing personal data such as your child’s name or address. Ask your child for permission before you post photos of them online or send them via Messenger. Respecting your child’s privacy also means not checking your child’s smartphone out of curiosity. If you are concerned about your child, seek a trusting conversation with him or her.

Right to leisure and play

Digital media offer children a wide range of opportunities to express themselves creatively, learn and network with their peers. Encourage your child to explore age-appropriate platforms such as the Knipsclub photo community and digital play worlds. Ensure a good balance with other activities. Encouraging creative play in the digital world allows your child to develop their imagination.

Right to education and media literacy

Every child has the right to equal access to education. With regard to the digitalized world, support from the family, nursery and school is important so that children learn to deal safely and responsibly with the opportunities and risks in the media world. Today, the right to media access is also always a right to access educational media offerings such as playful learning sites.

Right to protection and security

Children’s rights focus on the best interests of the child. Children must be protected from all forms of violence, abuse and poor treatment (such as cyberbullying, cybergrooming and hate speech) in all areas of life, including the digital sphere. Special youth protection programs can help to minimize risks. Talk to your child about security risks and problematic content on the internet to empower them to protect themselves.

Right of association and assembly

Children have the right to network online with their peers, share common interests and form digital communities. Parents should encourage their children to use online platforms such as the helpando help site or participation platforms that are designed to be age-appropriate, safety-conscious and promote positive interactions. This allows children to cultivate digital friendships and develop important social skills for life in an increasingly networked world – always aware of the challenges and opportunities that the digital environment offers.

This is what parents should pay attention to

Talk to your child about their rights. The family plays an important role for children’s rights in the digital space. As parents, you have the task of enabling your child to grow up well. This also includes teaching them basic media skills and values. Therefore, find out about your child’s media use, stay in contact and make (joint) decisions that are appropriate for your child’s age and development. Cooperative cooperation and a respectful and trusting relationship are the basic prerequisites for your child to turn to you as a contact person in the event of problems. Children need to know their rights. Only then can they claim them for themselves and stand up for them. Incidentally, your importance as parents for the development and well-being of your child is also expressly emphasized in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Further information on children’s rights can be found in a child-friendly format on Kindersache and at Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk .

TikTok – the hot short video app

TikTok gehört noch immer zu den beliebtesten Apps unter Jugendlichen. Sie ist eine Plattform für kreative Kurzvideos aller Art.

In brief

  • kostenlose Social-Media-App
  • unter Teenagern eine der beliebtesten Apps weltweit
  • Mindestalter: 13 Jahre (mit Einverständnis der Eltern)
  • „Für dich“-Feed mit Videos, die der Algorithmus empfiehlt und „Folge ich“-Feed mit Videos von abonnierten Profilen
  • Herausforderungen: problematische Inhalte, Kommunikationsrisiken, Werbung
  • Spezielle Sicherheitsfeatures für Minderjährige

What is TikTok?

TikTok ist Social-Media-Plattform und Video-App in einem: Userinnen und User können bei TikTok aus einer bunten Sammlung von bekannten Popsongs, beliebten Audios und Zitaten, z. B. aus Filmen, wählen. Dazu „singen“ oder „sprechen“ sie Playback und filmen ihre Choreografie innerhalb der App mit dem Smartphone. Aber auch komplett selbst kreierte Kurzvideos werden umgesetzt. Die meisten Videos sind ein paar Sekunden bis wenige Minuten lang. Bestimmte Clips lösen einen richtigen Hype aus, werden nachgeahmt oder im Sinne eines Trends oder einer Challenge weitergeführt.

Die Videos der TikTokerinnen und TikToker, deren Account öffentlich ist, lassen sich über einen Browser anschauen, ohne dass man bei der App angemeldet sein muss. Um selbst Videos zu erstellen, wird allerdings ein Account benötigt.

TikTok bringt immer mehr Funktionen heraus, z. B. sich im Duett mit anderen Usern filmen, die Clips anderer weiterführen (Stitch) oder Livestreams. Auch Unternehmen nutzen die Plattform, um darüber zu werben.

What excites children and young people about the offer?

Jugendliche nutzen TikTok gern zum Spaß und für den Austausch untereinander. Auf TikTok lassen sich die jungen Nutzenden unterhalten, suchen nach Vorbildern, an denen sie sich orientieren können, stellen sich selbst dar und erhoffen sich positive Rückmeldung von anderen.

TikTok ist außerdem eine tolle Plattform, um die eigene Kreativität auszuleben. Die Hürde, ein eigenes Video zu erstellen und zu teilen, ist niedrig: In der App gibt es viele Videoeffekte und eine Musikbibliothek mit beliebten Songs, die sofort verwendet werden können.

Kinder und Jugendliche schätzen an TikTok, dass es darin weniger um Perfektion und Professionalität geht, wie auf Instagram oder YouTube, sondern Kreativität und Spaß im Vordergrund stehen. Die Videos sind näher am Alltag und die TikTokerinnen und TikToker werden als nahbarer empfunden.

Was kann problematisch sein an TikTok?

There are a number of things you and your child should consider before using the app:

  • Kinder (ab 13 Jahren) brauchen für die Anmeldung das Einverständnis der Eltern. Das Alter wird bei der Registrierung aber nicht überprüft. Auch viele jüngere Kinder nutzen deshalb TikTok.
  • Vor allem Kinder und jüngere Jugendliche können auf TikTok wie auf anderen Social-Media-Angeboten auf Inhalte stoßen, die nicht altersgerecht und ggf. sogar problematisch sein können: Gefährliche Inhalte, Hate Speech, Desinformation und manipulative Inhalte zur politischen Meinungsmache wie Kriegs-Videos und Propaganda, Verschwörungsmythen und Fake-Videos und vieles mehr.
  • Auch Kommunikationsrisiken von Cybermobbing bis zu Cybergrooming können auf TikTok Thema werden, vor allem wenn Ihr Kind selbst Videos auf TikTok teilt und die Jugendschutzeinstellungen für Minderjährige nicht genutzt werden.
  • TikTok löscht Beiträge und Gruppen, wenn diese gegen die Community-Regeln verstoßen. Nicht alle Beiträge können aber immer sofort blockiert werden.
  • Die Nutzenden haben keine Rechte an den Song- oder Filmausschnitten. Die erstellten Videos sollten deshalb nicht außerhalb der App geteilt werden, da sie sonst gegen die Bild- und Urheberrechte verstoßen. Sind andere Personen im Video zu sehen, müssen sie immer um Erlaubnis gefragt werden. TikTok erhält außerdem die Rechte an den veröffentlichten Videos.
  • TikTok finanziert sich über Werbung. Die Anzeigen im Videoformat sind von den Kurzclips der Userinnen und User kaum zu unterscheiden.
  • Auf TikTok geht es nicht nur um Unterhaltung, sondern manche verdienen mit der App Geld. Userinnen und User ab 18 Jahren können einander virtuelle Geschenke wie Emojis schicken, echtes Geld an Livestreamerinnen und Livestreamer senden und vieles mehr.
  • Manche Challenges, die in sozialen Netzwerken kursieren, können gefährlich werden oder befördern problematische Verhaltensweisen wie etwa Essstörungen
  • Einige Funktionen und Inhalte auf TikTok verzerren stark die Realität wie zum Beispiel der „Teenage-Filter“.DerAugmented-Reality-Filter macht aus jedem Gesicht ein perfekt geschminktes, junges „Idealbild“. Solche Clips vermitteln überzogene Schönheitsideale, regen zu ungesunden Vergleichen an und sind für junge Nutzende schwer durchschaubar.
  • TikTok steht immer wieder wegen seines intransparenten Umgangs mit persönlichen Daten der Nutzenden in der Kritik. So wurde im Juni 2023 bekannt, dass TikTok entgegen eigener Behauptungen Daten von Nutzenden aus den USA und Europa in China speichert.

What does the provider say?

TikTok ist sich der Gefahr von verstörenden und unerwünschten Inhalten bewusst und passt seine Sicherheitseinstellungen immer wieder an. Folgende Sicherheitsfeatures stehen Jugendlichen und Ihnen als Eltern zur Verfügung:

  • Der Begleitete Modus ermöglicht es Eltern, bestimmte Einstellungen für ein Familienmitglied vorzunehmen. Beispielsweise können Eltern angeben, wer ihrem Kind Nachrichten schicken und wie lange es Videos schauen darf. Eltern können den Inhaltsfilter nutzen und ihr Kind vor Inhalten schützen, die sie für ungeeignet halten.
  • Konten von 13- bis 15-Jährigen werden automatisch auf “privat” gestellt. Die Videos dieser Nutzergruppe dürfen gar nicht oder höchstens von Freundinnen und Freunden kommentiert werden. Ihre Videos dürfen außerdem nicht heruntergeladen werden.
  • 13- bis 17-Jährige werden vor bestimmten Inhalten geschützt, die eher für Erwachsene gedacht sind oder komplexere Themen behandeln.
  • Es wurde das Mindestalter von 16 Jahren für das Versenden von Direktnachrichten festgelegt.
  • Duette und Stitches sind mit den Videos von unter 16-Jährigen nicht möglich, ebenso wie Livestreams. Die Downloadfunktion ihrer Videos ist ausgeschaltet, kann aber aktiviert werden.

Generell lassen sich Accounts melden und/oder blockieren und es gibt einen Filter für beleidigende Kommentare.

In der App wird nach der Registrierung durch einen roten Punkt auf die Einstellungen verwiesen. Im Sicherheitszentrum der TikTok-Website können Eltern Tipps nachlesen.

Personen, die selbst TikToks erstellen und veröffentlichen, können seit einiger Zeit „Alle Kommentare filtern“ und einzeln freigeben. Wer die TikToks anderer kommentieren möchten, wird vorher gefragt, ob dieser Kommentar auch wirklich veröffentlicht werden soll. Außerdem gibt es einen Hinweis auf die Community-Richtlinien, die unangemessene Sprache und Hate Speech verbieten.

TikTok steht wegen seiner Moderationsregeln in der Kritik, denn offenbar wird durch den speziellen Algorithmus stark kontrolliert, welche Videos die Nutzenden sehen können. Auf diese Kritik hat TikTok reagiert. Nutzende haben mittlerweile mehr Optionen, Einfluss auf die vom TikTok-Algorithmus angezeigten Inhalte in ihrem Feed zu nehmen:

Sie können Videos nun mit „nicht interessiert“ markieren oder konkrete Inhalte mit bestimmten Hashtags oder Wörtern automatisch herausfiltern. Seit März 2023 stellt TikTok eine Neustart-Option für den Für-Dich-Feed zur Verfügung. Wer findet, dass die vorgeschlagenen Videos sich wiederholen oder nicht mehr zu den Interessen passen, kann den Feed zurücksetzen und nutzt die App wie nach der erstmaligen Anmeldung. Trotz dieser Maßnahmen bleibt der Für-Dich-Feed Algorithmus-gesteuert und bleibt somit nach wie vor in der Hand des Anbieters. So filtert TikTok zum Beispiel immer wieder Videos von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen heraus und je nach Nutzungs-Land kann es sein, dass die Videos der Zensur ihrer dortigen Regierungen unterliegen.

What should parents pay attention to?

Wenn Ihr Kind sich bei TikTok anmelden möchte, fragen Sie nach seiner Motivation. Sehen Sie sich vor dem Download gemeinsam die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Bei Handysektor finden Sie diese in einem kurzen Überblick. Um TikTok zu erkunden, ist es nicht notwendig, einen Account zu erstellen. Vielleicht ist das Surfen auf TikTok via Browser für den Anfang eine gute Option für Ihr Kind, um herauszufinden, ob ihm TikTok überhaupt gefällt.

Wenn es irgendwann einen Account geben soll, richten Sie diesen gemeinsam ein und probieren Sie zusammen die ersten Schritte aus. Geben Sie das richtige Geburtsjahr an. Für 13- bis 17-Jährige greifen gewisse Sicherheitsfeatures, die den Jugendschutz erhöhen. Eine Anleitung zu kindersicheren Einstellungen TikTok finden Sie auf medien-kindersicher.de.

Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Kind über die möglichen Gefahren. Besonders wichtig ist, auf die Privatsphäre zu achten und in den Videos nicht zu viel von sich preiszugeben. Im privaten Modus ist mehr Kontrolle möglich. So ist die Kommunikation nur mit Freundinnen und Freunden möglich und Ihr Kind behält den Überblick darüber, wer die Videos sehen kann.

Versichern Sie Ihrem Kind, dass es sich jederzeit an Sie wenden kann, sollte es Beleidigungen erhalten oder belästigt werden. Zeigen Sie ihm außerdem, wie man unangemessene Inhalte blockieren und melden kann. Mehr Informationen dazu bietet der Leitfaden für Eltern von TikTok in Zusammenarbeit mit der FSM.

Um die eigene Privatsphäre und die von anderen besser zu schützen, muss bei einem Video nicht unbedingt immer das Gesicht zu sehen sein. Mit Hilfe von Emoji-Stickern oder anderen kreativen Lösungen ist das möglich.

Digital counseling services for young people and parents

Kinder und Jugendliche wenden sich mit ihren Problemen nicht immer an ihre Eltern. Probleme in der Schule, mit Gleichaltrigen oder sich selbst, werden lieber im Freundeskreis besprochen. Sie suchen nach Antworten, Gleichgesinnten im Internet oder behalten es für sich. Doch was ist, wenn die Probleme größer werden und die Betroffenen keinen Ausweg mehr finden? Wenn Sie als Eltern mitbekommen, dass es Ihrem Kind nicht gut geht? Nicht immer ist das Internet ein guter Ratgeber bei Problemen, aber es gibt durchaus sichere und hilfreiche digitale Beratungsangebote für Jugendliche und Eltern.

Was sind digitale Beratungsangebote?

Online-Beratungsangebote bieten Unterstützung bei Problemen und Sorgen wie z. B. Mobbing, Essstörungen oder Depressionen. Einige Angebote richten sich speziell an Kinder und Jugendliche. Betroffene können sich selbstständig Hilfe suchen und sich zu unterschiedlichen Themen anonym und kostenlos über eine Website oder telefonisch beraten lassen. 

Einzelberatung, Gruppenchats und Foren

Viele der Beratungsangebote im Netz bieten neben einer Einzelberatung die Möglichkeit, Probleme in einer Gruppe oder einem Forum zu besprechen. Für eine Einzelfallberatung schreiben Betroffene ihre Probleme direkt an psychologisch ausgebildete Beraterinnen und Berater. In einem solchen Austausch erhalten Jugendliche sofort Hilfe und Unterstützung. Je nach Problem und Bedarf kann dieser Austausch unterschiedlich lang ausfallen. Gruppenangebote finden meist in einem Rhythmus statt, z. B. wöchentlich. Eine regelmäßige Teilnahme ist oft hilfreich, aber nicht zwingend nötig. Manchmal finden sich in solchen Chats auch Gleichgesinnte, die auch außerhalb der Sitzungen füreinander da sind.   Innerhalb von Foren tauschen sich Betroffene mit Peers aus. Peers sind Gleichaltrige. Sie wurden geschult, um im Chat bei Problemen unterstützen zu können. Sie haben zudem immer die Möglichkeit, auf die Hilfe erwachsener Fachkräfte zurückzugreifen. Der Austausch in den Foren wird außerdem moderiert, um Beleidigungen, Trigger oder das Preisgeben von Daten zu vermeiden. 

Gute Beratungsangebote im Internet

Die Beratungs- und Hilfsangebote unterscheiden sich darin, welche Altersgruppe angesprochen wird, welche Themen im Mittelpunkt stehen und auf welchem Weg die Beratung in Anspruch genommen werden kann. Einige Angebote richten sich auch an hilfesuchende Eltern:

  • Die Telefonseelsorge berät Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachseneonline oder per Telefon zu unterschiedlichen Problemen
  • Die Nummer gegen Kummer bietet, neben einer Jugendberatung, ein Elterntelefon. Dieses können Eltern bei Problemen wie z. B. Überforderung, Sorgen oder Erziehungsproblemen nutzen. 
  • Die ausgebildeten Berater und Beraterinnen der Jugendnotmail sind 365 Tage im Jahr für Jugendliche bis 19 Jahre anonym zu erreichen
  • Das Beratungsangebot jugend.bke-beratung unterstützt Jugendliche im Alter von 14 bis 21 Jahre. Auf der Website können sie sich in Einzel- oder Gruppenchats über ihre Probleme und Sorgen austauschen – vom Liebeskummer und Ärger in der Schule bis hin zu größeren Problemen
  • Auf jugend.support und juuuport bekommen Kinder und Jugendliche Hilfe bei Problemen im Netz wie z. B. Cybermobbing oder Cybergrooming
  • Beratung4kids bietet unter anderem einen eigenen Bereich mit Foren für trans Personen, also solche, die mit ihrer Geschlechtsidentität hadern
  • Bei der Youth-Life-Line können sich Jugendliche bis 21 Jahren in akuten Krisen und bei Suizidgefährdung von Gleichaltrigen beraten lassen
  • Auf der Website von u25-deutschland gibt es neben Beratungsangebote, eine Infothek zu Themen wie Essstörung, Suizid, Depression
  • Das Angebot Kid Kit berät junge Menschen bis 18 Jahre bei Sucht, Gewalt oder psychischen Erkrankungen in der Familie. Nacoa berät alle Altersgruppen
  • Bei netz-und-boden.de gibt es Unterstützung für Kinder mit psychisch erkrankten Eltern
  • Auf da-sein.de unterstützen Peers Jugendliche, die sich in Trauer befinden oder selbst an einer lebensverkürzenden Krankheit leiden
  • Peer-to-Peerberatung gibt es auch bei nethelp4u. Jugendliche beraten Jugendliche unter anderem bei selbstverletzendem Verhalten, Selbstmordgedanken, Drogenproblemen, Depressionen, Essproblemen. Der Hilfsangebot-Finder der Initiative Freunde fürs Leben hilft dabei, das passende Beratungsangebot zu finden. Dabei lässt sich filtern, ob die Beratung telefonisch, online oder vor Ort in Anspruch genommen werden möchte
  • Pausentaste ist ein Angebot für Kinder und Jugendliche, die sich um ihre Familien kümmern
  • In jeglichen Kristen bietet Krisenchat eine Chatberatung von Profis für alle unter 25 Jahren

Digitale Beratungsangebote haben Grenzen 

Hilfsangebote im Netz können einfach und kostenlos angenommen werden. Sie sind leichter zugänglich für junge Menschen als z. B. Beratungsstellen. Die beratenden Personen sind ausgebildet und die Betroffenen bleiben anonym. Eine Kontaktaufnahme kann ein erster und richtiger Schritt sein. Vor allem bei Problemen in der Schule, zu Hause oder mit sich selbst kann es helfen, sich mit Gleichaltrigen auszutauschen oder den Rat einer objektiven Person zu erhalten. Ein Online-Beratungsangebot ersetzt aber keine Therapie! Bei Suizidgedanken oder psychischen Störungen sollte unbedingt der Rat einer weiteren therapeutischen Fachkraft gesucht werden und sich um eine fortlaufende Therapie bemüht werden. Auch bei rechtlichen oder medizinischen Fragen sollten andere Fachstellen aufgesucht werden.

Was sollten Eltern beachten

Erzählen Sie Ihrem Kind, dass es diese Angebote gibt. Erklären Sie, dass diese im Vergleich zu Gruppen in offenen Foren oder auf Social Media sicherer sind, da geschultes Personal dahintersteht. Vorsicht auch vor sogenannten Psycho-Apps. Diese sind nicht immer hilfreich und können sogar gefährlich werden. Zeigen Sie Ihrem Kind, welche Angebote es bei Problemen und Sorgen bedenkenlos in Anspruch nehmen kann. 

Machen Sie vor allem deutlich, dass es bei Problemen auf Ihre Hilfe zählen kann. Setzen Sie Ihr Kind nicht unter Druck und fragen Sie unvoreingenommen, wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, es hat Probleme. Ein Problem, das Ihnen klein erscheint, kann sich für Ihr Kind wesentlich schlimmer anfühlen. Sie können sich auch selbst oder gemeinsam online beraten lassen.

Flirting and dating on the net

Friendships in your child’s life are important and become closer over time. At some point, falling in love comes along and the first relationships are formed. We explain what the most popular apps and communication tools for young people involve for flirting and dating online.

Which apps are used for keeping in touch and flirting?

To keep in touch with their peers, many young people primarily use familiar platforms such as WhatsApp , Instagram or Snapchat . Outside of school and sports clubs, they are used to get to know each other better, to follow each other quite inconspicuously, or to feel closer to each other.

But dating apps are also gradually becoming interesting for young people – around the age of 15. However, there are only a few contact portals that are aimed at or suitable for young people, as it is mainly people from their late 20s who go looking for a partner here. Most communities also do not allow participation until the age of 18. Only a few flirting sites offer their services to younger teenagers: Yubo is aimed at young people aged 12 to 17. Although the service is not officially a dating app, it is also used for that purpose and works very similarly to Tinder. MyLOL is aimed at 13- to 19-year-olds and markets itself as a teen dating app, mind you without any age verification. The dating app Skout is now available for ages 17 and up.

Adult dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Lovoo and queer-friendly services like OKCupid are also exciting for young people because of their playful design: You are shown a picture of another person and decide whether you find them attractive by swiping left or right. Out of curiosity alone, young people are also on the platforms for adults, because there is no age control for these apps.

What can be problematic?

Especially when flirting over the Internet, you have to be careful because you can’t see your counterpart. You don’t know whether what a person writes about himself or herself is true and what interests he or she is pursuing. Anyone can register with a portal or social media platform – whether they are of age or not. When you make contact with strangers, there is a risk of theCybergrooming, i.e., initiating sexual relations with minors.

When adolescents begin to fall in love and (want to) have their first relationships, there is also the risk ofSextingandCyberbullying to Sextortion: Some young people are easily persuaded to send revealing pictures of themselves without realizing the consequences and dangers.The swipe function of some dating apps also supports superficial judgments of others based solely on their appearance. This increases the risk of Insults and Hate Speech.

What should parents pay attention to?

Inform yourself about communication risks on the Internet and educate your child in this regard. Even if your child knows the person they are chatting with, they should be careful about what they write and what photos they send of themselves. Even with offerings like Snapchat where the photos delete themselves automatically, but they can still be saved forever via screenshot. Talk to your child about the fact that content on the Internet can also be disseminated quickly and unintentionally. Encourage your child to listen to his or her gut and not be pushed into anything.

No matter what app your child uses for communication, make sure to instruct them on privacy settings. It’s best to go through these together and consider which settings make sense, such as a profile set to private on Instagram . Make sure to turn off the location function of the apps. This way you can avoid strangers (or unwanted) tracking your child.

Flirting and dating are important for your child. However, make your child aware not to meet complete strangers. And certainly not on their own. At least one phone call should have already taken place. If you are completely unsure, start the first call with a suppressed phone number.

When it comes to a meeting, an adult person should always know about it. This person can, for example, come to the meeting and stay in the background. The meeting place should always be a public place where there are many other people. In addition, the meeting should take place during the day when it is still light outside.

Stay in regular communication with your child about which portals and apps your child is using, what he or she is doing there, or with whom he or she is communicating. However, please continue to respect your child’s right to privacy. Don’t control it, but agree together on rules for dealing with it.

And if your child doesn’t want to talk to you about such things, he or she can get very good information on the subject at ins-netz-gehen.de or handysektor.de.

Let’s play! – Fascination Let’s Play Videos

There is a new computer game on the market! But is it worth buying? Is it fun? What exactly does it look like and what tricks are there for the game? Your child might ask himself these questions when he hears about a new game. In search of answers, it first looks at a “Let’sPlay” on YouTube or Twitch at. But what is it anyway?

Translated, Let’s Play means “Let’s play!”. In these videos, players show how they play on or even completely through a video game. They film themselves and their screen at the same time. Spectators get an insight into the game and hear the comments of the players. Let’s Plays are either pre-recorded and uploaded to a video platform or broadcast as a livestream.

Why are Let’s Plays so exciting for young people?

On the one hand, children and young people find it exciting to look at a game from a different perspective and want to learn more about it.
As with other YouTube stars, it’s also about being close to the Let’s Players. Spectators can join in the excitement and experience the personal reactions of the players. The comment function on YouTube allows fans to join in the discussion and feel even more involved. Many active Let’sPlayers regularly publish their videos, which resembles a daily soap that particularly captivates young viewers. Many of the so-called streamers respond to their audience’s comments and often tell more about themselves than just about the game. Successful YouTubers who stream Let’sPlays are usually very individual. A humorous moderation and comedy-like content make her videos particularly entertaining.

Not only on the world’s largest Let’s Play platform YouTube can these gaming videos be viewed. Twitch is also used for this purpose. Here, fans can even write directly in a chat and thus communicate even more personally.

What should you look for as a parent?

These videos are especially popular with teens 13 and older, but kids as young as about 10 are starting to get excited about such videos. In Let’sPlays games from every genre and with every age rating (USK) are played. In this way, even younger people can be tempted to watch game content that is actually only approved for young people aged 16 or even 18. Many Let’s Players also show in their videos the moments they themselves find particularly exciting, which can sometimes be very violent, cruel or sexist.

Professional Let’s Players invest a lot of time in the games. They sometimes work directly with game publishers and there may be targeted product placement – even if there is no separate indication of a sponsored link. Subscriptions on Twitch or fundraising on YouTube get viewers to spend money on their favorite stars. For example, some streamers comment live when a person has donated something.

The first and safest tip here is to watch the Let’sPlays together with your child. Talk about what fascinates your son or daughter about it, but also what to look for in Let’s Plays and what can be problematic. Make your child aware of communication risks online, educate them about the business models of influencers, and find out about the age ratings of your child’s favorite games. Let’s Plays can encourage young people to become YouTubers themselves and show their own gaming hobby in Let’s Plays videos. What you can do if your child wants to act professionally on YouTube, we explain in this article.


Let’sPlays are very popular and there is a reason for that! It can be incredibly fun to watch your idols try on a new game and master tasks humorously – or not! Because the players are just young people, possibly even the same age as the spectators themselves, and that’s what makes it so fascinating.

Pokémon GO – on the hunt for the monsters

After the highly acclaimed launch of the game app Pokémon GO in 2016, there continue to be enthusiastic players worldwide and more and more of these little monsters, called Pokémon. Maybe you know Pikachu, Glumanda and Shiggi from your own childhood – from trading cards or the video game.

In brief

  • free game app, in-app purchases possible
  • Playable in many languages; in Germany since July 2016
  • available for iOS and Android operating systems
  • Age recommendation according to USK from 6 years, according to iTunes App Store from 9 years, according to Spieleratgeber NRW from 12 years

What is Pokémon GO?

In Pokémon GO, the player becomes the trainer. He or she collects Pokémon all around the environment. These are developed, trained and can compete against each other in battle.

Pokemon GO is a so-called location-based game app that only works with an Internet connection, GPS turned on, and camera access. On the cell phone display, the surroundings are shown as a virtual map. On this, the little monsters appear when you move with your smartphone (outdoors). In addition, in some places there are so-called Pokéstops, where you can collect the Pokéballs and other accessories that are important for catching Pokémons, or arenas, where Pokémons of different players compete against each other.

To find certain Pokémons, the player must go to certain places. Because the numerous and different monsters can be found in different places, depending on their strength and characteristics.

What fascinates children and young people about Pokémon GO?

The fusion of reality and play certainly inspires not only children and young people. Playing online with Pokémon GO is easy via smartphone, even outdoors and together. You can take the smartphone out of your pocket at any time and search for new monsters in the immediate vicinity. It’s like an exciting treasure hunt or relieves boredom while waiting for the bus, for example.

The different levels of the game also make it entertaining and attractive for young people: collecting and evolving monsters, fighting against each other, competing with each other by leveling up, and constantly evolving the game with new gadgets and new Pokémons. In recent years, more and more events and promotions are being offered for which gamers can buy tickets and network online or offline in real time.

What is problematic about the offer?

Since Pokémon could theoretically appear anywhere on the road, users of the app tend to always have their eyes on the cell phone display, so caution is advised in traffic. As an add-on, the manufacturer offers the Pokéball Plus: a plastic ball that is connected to the smartphone via Bluetooth and vibrates when a Pokémon appears.

The app can also tempt you to visit unfamiliar places on your own, enter inaccessible places like construction sites, or run off at night to catch certain Pokémon. Make firm rules of the game here. Your child should always go on a quest accompanied by a friendly player, and a parent or guardian should always be aware of the locations visited.

Since there are always new Pokémon, the game virtually never ends. The more and stronger Pokémon you have, the higher your game level. Many children and young people like to compare themselves with each other and want to be better than the others. That’s why the app tempts you to want to keep playing. In the rules for game use, you should therefore determine together with your child how long and how often he or she may access the app.

In terms of data protection, Pokémon GO is subject to some criticism. In order for your child to use the app and go on a Pokémon hunt, GPS reception on the smartphone must be activated at all times. You have to give the app many more permissions, including access to the SD card and the camera. It is not clear to what extent the manufacturer Niantic uses all this data or could use it in the future.

The game is financed via
In-App Purchases
. You acquire virtual Poké coins through game progress or for real money, and in exchange you can get more or less important items. Accessories are also offered in miracle boxes, for example, eggs from which Pokémon hatch. These boxes are also called Lootboxes because the actual value of the content is a matter of luck. To avoid tempting your child, you as a parent can deactivate in-app purchases on iOS or password-protect them on Android. Because even without these in-app purchases, the game is fun!

The game was put under the microscope by Stiftung Warentest in 2019 and was the only one of the games tested to receive the second-best category of “Questionable”, whereas all the others received an “Unacceptable”. The only problem is data privacy: The name of the mobile provider and usage statistics are passed on to third parties, and the privacy policy is not understandable for children.

What does the provider think?

On the official website of the U.S. game manufacturer Niantic and when launching the app, among other things, the above-mentioned problems are pointed out and tips for safety are given. In addition, guardians are advised to use parental controls in the settings of cell phones. This can be used to limit game time and in-app purchases. Through the Niantic Kids Parent Portal, parents can set up, manage, and customize their child’s game accounts before their first game. More information offers the in-app purchases

What should parents pay attention to?

Your child is eager to go hunting for Pokémon? Here you are faced with the task of assessing whether your child is aware of the risks being addressed. In addition to data protection issues (especially constant location tracking), this includes whether your child already understands the principle of “augmented reality” – that is, the merging of reality and play.

Always download only the original app (from Niantic). Third-party apps are often infected with malware.

You, as the parent or guardian, must set up a separate children’s account for children under 13. It is recommended to create a new account and not use an existing Google account. Use the Niantic Kids parent portal to manage your child’s game account.

It’s best to discover the game together with your child and agree on rules for the duration of the game, the permitted play radius and in-app purchases. Team up with friendly families and don’t let your child go off on their own. Maybe the game is a good opportunity for a joint Pokémon walk in the fresh air!

Communication in gaming: TeamSpeak, Mumble and Discord

Surely you know WhatsApp the Facebook Messenger or Signal . But have you heard about TeamSpeak and Discord heard? If your child (or you yourself) enjoys playing computer games, you may have encountered the terms. These are programs that gamers use to communicate while playing – via chat or headset.

How do the tools work?

The English name TeamSpeak means “to speak in a group”. Mumble and Discord are also used for this purpose. To communicate with each other, each user connects to a server or creates one himself. Others can join these servers and organize themselves into channels. The players can then use these to talk (via Internet telephony or VoIP) and write (via chat) to each other. The software may be used in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) from 16 years, with parental consent from 13 years. The USK classification of the tools partly differs from the terms and conditions of the individual tools.

TeamSpeak in a nutshell:

  • free browser version for PC/laptop
  • paid app (currently: TeamSpeak 3 for about 1,- Euro)
  • monthly fee for a TeamSpeak server, if applicable
  • US supplier
  • other functions: Whisper and nudge

Mumble in a nutshell:

  • Good data protection through open source software
  • free of charge for PC/laptop
  • free app “Plumble” for Android and iOS
  • Good voice quality
  • requires own server (or rented server)

Discord in a nutshell:

  • free of charge in the basic version
  • Available in the browser, as software and app
  • other functions: Video calls, sending files and emojis
  • additional features in the premium version Nitro
  • more info in our tool description

What fascinates young gamers about it?

Playing online games is particularly appealing to children and young people when it takes place together with friends or other players. They enjoy competing with others. Although gaming often takes place alone in front of a screen, for many gamers it is part of the experience to exchange ideas during the game. TeamSpeak, Mumble and Discord are good options for this. These communication tools also work when a game is being played on the side. Since TeamSpeak and Discord are very common, young gamers can meet their friends and make new acquaintances there. The possibility to create channels publicly or privately allows communication on different levels – for private exchange as well as for information.

What is there to consider in the offers?

If your child is a gamer and wants to use one of the programs, you should decide together which one is suitable. Do some research on the offers and their security settings. If possible, try the tool beforehand. Since some programs collect personal data, you should be aware of the current data protection regulations and privacy settings.

Talk to your child about the responsible use of such programs and what dangers are involved. Personal data should not be disclosed to strangers in the chat. It is also possible to come into contact with unknown people. Agree with your child that he or she can turn to you at any time if he or she comes into contact with unpleasant or frightening content. Among other things, people with right-wing extremist views also exchange information via such platforms. You should keep this danger in mind if your son or daughter wants to use the tools.

The smartwatch as an entry into the digital world?

Is a smartwatch on your child’s birthday or Christmas wish list? Perhaps the wish has already come true, because in more and more families there are the smart wristwatches. The range of smartwatches is growing, and so is their range of functions.

What is a smartwatch?

It looks like a digital wristwatch, but it has a lot more to offer. The watch is actually a small computer that connects to your smartphone. But there are also smartwatches that work without a smartphone. You can read text messages on it without having to rummage for your smartphone in your pocket first. You can use it to navigate to the nearest movie theater, count your steps with the watch, and much more. In addition, the watch has a speaker and a microphone, so you can also make calls via the wrist without a smartphone.

For children, there are special smartwatches with a limited range of functions (sending and receiving text messages, GPS tracking, learning games, photo function, etc.) – with or without a connection to the Internet (via an integrated SIM card). Manufacturers promote these watches as an introduction to digital life and a good means of communication between parent and child.

What is the appeal of the smartwatch?

Especially for younger children, they can be a practical alternative to the smartphone. The smart watches are usually easy to use and offer the most important functions. For children, the entertainment factor is paramount: they can play with the watch or chat with friends (as long as it has a SIM card and the parents have released the friends’ phone numbers for it in advance).

Not to be disregarded, however, is the possible control by parents. Thanks to the tracking function, mom and dad know where their child is, it can be reached at any time, and they can control which people the child communicates with. Surfing the Internet is not possible with all children’s smartwatches, since they do not necessarily have an Internet connection. This gives parents the security that their child cannot come across any questionable content.

What should you look for in smartwatches?

On the one hand, the watches can provide a good introduction to the world of digital devices, as they do not necessarily need to have a connection to the Internet, but bring many attractive features for children, such as games and camera. Your child learns how to use his or her own device without it having to be an expensive smartphone.

On the other hand, there are functions that invade the child’s privacy. The GPS tracking function seems to make sense at first glance. Because that way you know where your child is at all times. But you should realize that your child also has a right to free development – albeit within a protected framework. Increasingly moving freely and having your own experiences as you grow older is important for your child. Activating the tracking function can be an infringement of your child’s freedom and lead to a breach of trust. Think back to your own childhood and give your child confidence.

Should you decide to purchase a children’s smartwatch together, get to know the watch together with your child and make the settings together. The control functions should only be activated in emergencies and with your child’s knowledge. Also make sure to read the privacy policy, the terms and conditions and the terms of use! Smartwatches are increasingly seen as data predators. Hackers may be able to easily gain access to the watches.

Knipsclub – the safe photo community for kids

Your child loves taking pictures and maybe wants to be a photographer one day? For Instagram it may still be too young, but in the Knipsclub it can learn more about photography in a child-friendly way and exchange ideas with others.

In a nutshell:

  • age appropriate kids photo community
  • for children between 8 and 12 years
  • secure platform for the first steps on the net
  • Exchange with other photo enthusiastic children

What is Knipsclub?

The photo community Knipsclub is suitable for 8- to 12-year-olds. Knipsclub is a platform where they can publish their own photos, share them with others, and talk about them. Knipsclub offers a protected space on the Internet for this purpose. Through animations, video clips and hands-on activities, children learn more about photography and safe behavior on the Internet, e.g. on topics such as Data protection, copyrights and secure communication with others. In the “Knipstipps” tips are given, e.g., for the correct picture detail, the correct light or the use of filters and how one can work on a picture.

What fascinates children about it?

Many children love picture stories or comics and like to draw. With photos, they can discover their environment in a new way and learn how to deal with (digital) technology. Children at this age are curious and want to know a lot.Many are already on the Internet. At Knipsclub they can gain their first experience and learn what they need to watch out for, e.g. that you can’t simply upload pictures of others to the upload to the Internet.

What should parents pay attention to?

Take your child’s wish seriously if they like to share their photos and be independent on the web. Social networks such as Instagramoffer little protection and no guidance for children and are only recommended from a minimum age of 13. There, they may encounter advertising, cyberbullying, and cybergrooming, which can overwhelm or frighten them.
In Knipsclub, you can slowly introduce your child to using the Internet. You must upload a written consent form to register. Familiarize your child with the rules on the net and discover the platform together. Start a collaborative photo project. Here you will find some ideas for this.

My child wants to become a YouTuber – What now? (part 1)

“Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?” is a popular question asked of children. The answer “I want to become a YouTuber!” is not uncommon. At the latest, when children start secondary school, the desire grows in some to have their ownYouTube– or Instagram-channel with real followers and earn a lot of money with it – just like their social media role models. For some parents, this is hard to understand.

Is “being a YouTuber” even a profession?

Making videos and getting paid for it is not a “real” profession that you can study or for which there is training, is it? Every day, kids and teens see influencers on social media who can make a living – and have a lot of fun doing it. It seems like it’s quite easy to become a social media star and earn money with quickly created videos and photos.

Many social media stars have actually not learned this and can make a living from it. But there are courses of study or training that can be helpful if the career goal is YouTuber or Influencer. Read more about it at Studycheck or aubi-plus.

How to become a YouTuber?

Thanks to mobile media connected to the Internet, it’s not hard, YouTube and other social media channels. It doesn’t seem to take much more than a smartphone and your own channel – and you’re ready to go. So, theoretically, your child could also reach an audience of millions with their own videos. However, it is not quite that simple.

Creating content for social media and video platforms is a creative process. It can strengthen children’s and young people’s self-confidence and media skills if they are accompanied in the process. However, it also involves a lot of work that takes time. Famous influencers didn’t become successful overnight or immediately make a living from their content. In the beginning, YouTube videos were often simple in design. Nowadays, many videos are high-quality and were produced with a lot of effort. In addition, an influencer is usually active on several channels in order to reach as many people as possible. In addition, social media stars earn money primarily through advertising contracts. They have to be able to deal with that, too. Many of the successful influencers or YouTubers have their own management. To be truly successful, YouTubers and influencers have to set themselves apart with their content and invest a lot of money and time in good content.

In the second part of “My child wants to become a YouTuber – What now?” you will learn how you can support your child if he or she has this desire.

Horse riding, chatting, and puzzle solving with Star Stable

Boys like to play soccer and Minecraft – girls like horses and play Star Stable. Fortunately, it’s not that simple. The developers of the online role-playing game Star Stable apparently see things differently. The game comes only with female characters.

In brief

  • Online role-playing game for the PC (for Windows or Mac)
  • Playing possible after installation
  • Requires the creation of an account
  • chargeable from level five
  • no age recommendation
  • includes in-app purchases

An online horse game just for girls!?

In Star Stable, players ride a horse across an island and meet other female riders. They can communicate with them via chat during the game. You’ll have to complete missions, solve puzzles and win tournaments. This will allow them to get new clothes and better riding gear. Up to the fifth level the game is free, after that there are different payment models for the full version: you can buy access to the game for a month, three months or a whole year.

In addition to the game itself, there are complementary apps to enhance the horse experience for girls.

What excites children about the offer?

Star Stable offers a large virtual world that children will love to discover. The course of the game is designed by yourself. The characters your child can slip into, as well as their horses, can be customized to appear unique. Especially girls, for whom the game is tailored, can live out their love of horses here. The graphics are appealing and realistic, so they can get the feeling of sitting on a horse themselves. The landscapes and colors appeal positively to children.

The horse game already has a large community. There are several Star Stable Let’s Play formats on YouTube. In it, players give tips and comment on their own playing in an entertaining way. There’s even its own animated series on YouTube.

What can be problematic about Star Stable?

Before playing, players must first create an account and provide their date of birth. There is no verification of the information, so you can’t be sure if only children use the game. Therefore, there is a risk of cyberbullying and cybergrooming – even if the chat function is set to be child-friendly. Inappropriate language, such as hate speech, can also occur in such chats and be unpleasant for your child.

The free entry into the game has the goal of getting children excited about it, so that they would like to continue playing. However, the cost of the full version is quite high. There is also a virtual currency called Star Coins, of which each player receives 100 once a week. JorvikShillinge can be obtained, for example, by completing tasks. However, impatient gamers can also buy them directly from Star Stable ‘s store. Star St able sets strong incentives to spend money on accessories. Especially for younger children and teenagers, in-app purchases are a risk to spend a lot of money.

Despite the many options to customize his character and the horse, it is not possible to create a male or gender-neutral character. Even though horses are especially popular with girls, most boys are excluded from the start. The game conveys that horses and riding are not for boys. Thus, Star Stable falls back on classic gender roles, which can make both boys and girls feel discriminated against.

What does the provider think?

On Star Stable, the game makers have provided information for parents. In it, they emphasize the positive aspects of the game, such as learning social skills and developing a sense of responsibility through dealing with virtual currency. It is pointed out that parents should educate their children about possible risks and dangers of the Internet. Star Stable rules were listed separately for this purpose. There is no age recommendation.

The game makers emphasize to handle personal data of children particularly sensitively and to adhere to the so-called Safe Harbor agreement, which is dedicated to the protection of personal data of children collected online. It also states that no information or details about the account should be shared with third parties.

What should parents pay attention to?

Since there is no specific age recommendation, you should check out the game for yourself before your child plays it for the first time. This will help you assess whether your child can already cope with the content, functions and fast images. Due to the possible risks, your child should be at least 10 years old and should definitely get to know the game together with you in the beginning.

Talk to your child about potential dangers and how in-app purchases work. Set time limits so your child doesn’t get completely lost in the virtual world. You can find more tips on this in our article “Games in the family“.

Try to make your child understand that horses and riding is not just a topic for girls. Should your son want to play the game, encourage him to do so despite the one-sided perspective of the game makers.

“Just this one more round!” – Games in the family

“I’ll stop right now – really!” Do you know this phrase from your child? Then it is certainly a big fan of computer or console games. Digital games are a popular leisure activity for many children and young people, where they can use and train their playful skills. But they also lead to conflicts when, for example, games want to be played that are not suitable for the age or are played for longer than agreed.

Computer games can promote certain competencies at different stages of life. For example, game apps can help preschoolers learn to use numbers and language. Older children and teenagers can use games to improve their problem-solving skills.

Tips for dealing with computer games in the family

We have summarized the most important recommendations for you to avoid conflicts around gaming in the family.

Understanding fascination and showing interest

Let them show you how a game works and what excites your child about it. You won’t always be able to relate to the fascination, but take your child’s enthusiasm seriously anyway. Remember to also have them show you game apps that run on the smartphone.
Watch your child play and ask about it. This way you can tell if it can tell reality from fiction and if it understands the content presented.
Play together sometimes too!

Try games and read reviews

Don’t put too much trust in alleged customer reviews on online portals, as you can’t be sure if they are genuine. Better rely on reputable educational assessments and your own judgment. Try out games and decide if a game is suitable for your child with the help of educational ratings and USK classifications.

A link list with pedagogical evaluations of computer games can be found at Spieleratgeber NRW or spielbar.de.

Agree rules

Set times together when playing is allowed or agree on how much time a week your child can spend playing computer games. The length of play should be based on your experience with your own child. There are recommendations for different age groups, which you can read here.

What doesn’t work at all in gambling is to stop at a certain point. It is better if you agree to stop at the end of a level.
All rules should be easy for your child to understand.

More practical, clear tips are also available at Klicksafe.

Alternatives to gambling

Every child needs times when they can move around and experience things independently of the screen – the best way to do this is together with you!

Games are not leverage

You should not forbid playing because the child messed up or use playing as a reward. Because that only gives it a higher status.

Games – whether on the computer or elsewhere – are entertaining and fun for children, teenagers and adults alike. Hopefully, with our recommendations you will find a good way to deal with computer games in the family.

Incitement on the net

Social media and messenger apps such as Instagram, TikTok and WhatsApp are particularly popular among young people. Here they regularly post articles and deal with topics that interest and move them. Of course, not everyone always agrees on every topic. Just as in analog life, disputes, conflicts and discussions among young people occasionally arise on the Internet. Most of the time it is harmless and there is no need for you as parents to worry.

What is Hate Speech?

However, the Internet can also help to lower inhibition thresholds for hostility and discrimination. Many people apparently find it easier to write something derogatory than to say it in person. Those affected then usually feel very helpless. After all, once something is posted on the Internet, it usually spreads rapidly and uncontrollably. Hate speech on the Internet can have many faces: While cyberbullying usually focuses on one person in particular, hate speech usually attacks entire sections of society and discriminates against them on the basis of their gender, religion, sexuality or origin, for example. Hate comments and insults against individuals or entire groups are not only disrespectful and very stressful for those affected, but can even constitute a criminal offense (- as is clearly explained on the site no-hate-speech.de). However, many young people are not aware of this.

What can you do?

It is therefore all the more important that you discuss discrimination on the Internet and its consequences together with your child. Young people are often uncomfortable when they themselves are affected and insulted and hostile on the Internet. If it is common practice in your home to talk openly about everything, your child will turn to you with confidence if the worst comes to the worst. Talk to your child about respectful interaction on the Internet. The same rules for dealing with others should apply online as offline: Fairness, openness and appreciation.

There are numerous offers of information and help on the subject of agitation on the Net, including

The #NichtEgal initiative is aimed directly at young people and supports them in actively opposing hatred on the net and standing up for an open and profitable culture of discussion on the net.

Board and parlor games online

Playing with friends or family is fun. Online games, especially in times of Corona, are a nice way to do something together with friends and other family members without having to meet. Here’s a little guidance for parents and grandparents to navigate the world of online games.

In a nutshell:

  • many online games are free
  • via an invitation link other people can be added to the game
  • Partial registration via email address or download of an app necessary
  • Risks on free online game sites: advertising that is not age-appropriate, contact by strangers possible

Interaction with friends and family members is very important for children. Along the way, games can improve general knowledge, encourage strategic thinking, teamwork and creativity, or simply be fun! Many online games are free and playable both on the smartphone and on the computer via the browser.

Popular online social games

Pen-and-paper games: A video connection via computer or smartphone is sufficient as a technical prerequisite for an evening of games together: Each player takes a pad and pen and pen-and-paper games can be played together as usual. These include games that require only a small amount of material, such as city-land-river or sink ships. Alternatively, you can play it at stadtlandflussonline.net or battleship-game.org.

Game apps: From Uno to Monopoly – many well-known card and board games can nowadays also be purchased as apps in the PlayStore or AppStore for a few euros. The knowledge game app Quizduell, where you can compete against your friends, has enjoyed great popularity for several years. Depending on the app, advertising clips can interrupt the game process little to significantly. It’s best to try out an app before the online game night you have planned.

Board and card games: Various classics such as checkers, backgammon and memory are offered for free by the English site Playingcards.io. Without registration it is possible to invite other players via a link. At schach-spielen.eu you can play either against the computer or with a friend via an invitation link. Board games for printing are available on Print & Play from Asmodee.

Drawing and guessing: On skribbl.io, one person draws a word on the screen, which the other players have to follow live and guess as quickly as possible. When setting up the game, set the language to German (Deutsch), invite friends via link and off you go!

Strategy games such as Settlers of Catan or Risk are also available as a free app and can be played with all friends who have registered with their e-mail address. However, extensions and premium version have to be paid. The free basic version of Settlers of Catancan also be played via the web browser at catanuniverse.com.

Risks on gaming sites

Especially with free online games, contact with unfamiliar players can happen quickly. Cybergrooming is a possible danger. Parents should therefore accompany younger children in particular during their first experiences with online games. At the same time, parents can look out for hidden costs, e.g. through in-app purchases, check information on data protection and the operator of the site and, if possible, make appropriate security settings.

On many game pages you can expect advertisements and pop-up windows from external sites that have nothing to do with the game. These can also be advertisements for games that are not age-appropriate or websites with content that is not child-friendly. On the portal Spielaffe.de, which is aimed at children, there is less of a risk of this happening, but the large amount of advertising for other games can be very annoying here as well. Questionable is the subdivision into categories such as ‘girl games’, where games about hairstyles, decorating and baking are listed. Such gender images in media can have a problematic impact on children’s development. A selection of child-friendly online games is also available at Seitenstark.

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