Disputes are part of child development. Children and young people learn how to deal with conflicts and find solutions. However, digital media can lead to arguments getting worse. Cyberbullying is affecting more and more children and young people. This makes it all the more important to raise your child’s awareness of respectful online behavior and to help them deal with online conflicts. In this article, we explain what you can do as a parent.
Cyberbullying means that people are insulted, exposed or threatened online, for example via apps such as TikTok, Snapchat, WhatsApp or Instagram.
There are different roles: the victims, the active bullies, but also the silent bystanders and assistants who join in. Many children and young people take on several of these roles, sometimes without realizing it. Cyberbullying can take many forms:
As digital content can be stored and redistributed, a single post can have long-term effects. Attackers can often hide behind their anonymity.
There are many reasons why children and young people bully others:
New technologies such as deepfake software have exacerbated cyberbullying. Young people sometimes use them out of curiosity or to deliberately expose others.
Bullying has been around since before the invention of the internet. But whereas in the past a child could come home after school and switch off, today children and young people are constantly connected to each other. Conflicts from school continue in class chats or on social media platforms. This is why cyberbullying can have serious consequences. Children who are bullied online often feel helpless and abandoned. In the long term, it can lead to anxiety, sleep disorders, depressive moods or even suicidal thoughts. Statistics show that almost half of young people have already experienced cyberbullying. According to the JIM Study 2024, 11% of young people have experienced cyberbullying directly in the last month.
When children and young people communicate with each other, there are always times when insults are used. This does not have to be bullying, but is often just a joke. They use it to test how far they can go. However, this limit is different for every child.
Parents can do a lot to ensure that their child communicates respectfully and is safer online:
Good prevention starts early. Parents should talk to their children about how to use the internet competently before they become active on social media. For primary school children, there are programs such as the learning offer Genial digital run by the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, which teach media skills in a fun way. The cyberbullying first aid app from klicksafe helps young people to deal with conflicts online.
Schools can also help by setting clear rules against (online) bullying and providing information. Parents can, for example, encourage teachers to integrate digital learning modules or videos from the Wake Up Initiative, including those from the FSM, into lessons.
If your child is affected by cyberbullying, you should remain calm and make it clear to them that it is not their fault. You can then take the following steps together:
Cyberbullying is a serious challenge for children and young people. However, parents can do a lot to empower their children, educate them and stand by them when problems arise. Make use of the support services, stay in contact with your child and advocate for a safe and respectful online world.
Immerse yourself in game worlds, experience exciting adventures with your own avatar and compete with other players – many children and young people are fascinated by games. As a parent, you should give your child access to age-appropriate content. Online games in particular, with their opportunities for interaction and incentives to buy, present young players with challenges. But how do you keep track of the gaming market and find suitable games for your child?
Educational age recommendations, independent game reviews and media awards can help you make informed decisions and select suitable content together with your child. In this article, we present some of the options.
The NRW games guide is a media education service from the Fachstelle für Jugendmedienkultur NRW, which supports parents with media education. The platform offers extensive information on over 2000 games. The games are tested by young people and given an educational age recommendation by experts. Parents can use filter functions to find suitable games for their children by genre, platform and age. The game descriptions and video clips provide insights into the content, risks and opportunities of the games and use additional descriptions to highlight the characteristics and skills that the game promotes (e.g. reading skills, frustration tolerance and logic).
More info: https://www.elternguide.online/spieleratgeber-nrw/
Whether for computer, tablet, smartphone or console – internet-abc.de offers a collection of over 1000 games for children up to the age of 12. The Internet ABC experts award points for fun, operation and technical quality and make an age assessment. Children and parents can use the search mask to filter the games by game type, game device and age group. Each recommendation offers facts and pictures about the game as well as a summary of the content. Children can rate the games with stars and leave comments.
More info: https://www.internet-abc.de/kinder/spiel-spass/spieletipps/
Anyone looking for high-quality and child-friendly digital content will find what they are looking for at the Educational Media Prize of the media education association SIN – Studio im Netz. Every year, a jury of children, young people and experts awards prizes to digital media offerings such as apps, games and websites that are particularly recommended for young people. The award-winning digital offerings are free of problematic content such as excessive violence. The focus is on media that not only entertain, but also convey educationally valuable content.
More info: https://www.paedagogischer-medienpreis.de
The website of the Digital Games Culture Foundation offers parents a collection of recommended games. The selection includes both serious games that specifically impart knowledge and commercial entertainment games with educational added value. The collection also includes programs that encourage children and young people to get creative and develop their own games. The offers can be filtered according to age groups, platforms and topics. For each game there is an educational classification according to time required, complexity, game content, opportunities and possible risks.
More info: https://www.stiftung-digitale-spielekultur.de/paedagogische-spiele/
Every year, the TOMMI Children’s Software Award recognizes particularly recommendable digital games and educational products for children. First, an expert jury reviews the nominated media products. Children’s juries then test and evaluate the games, apps and programs in 50 libraries in German-speaking countries. The TOMMI is published by the FEIBEL.DE office for children’s media in Berlin. Parents benefit from the independent assessments, as the award highlights games that are suitable for children and offer both fun and educational added value. The award ceremony takes place every year in the Timster program on KiKa program.
More info: https://tommi.kids/kindersoftwarepreis/
The Gaming without Borders project tests digital games for accessibility and supports game developers in designing inclusive games. Young people with and without disabilities test the games and rate them in the categories of seeing, hearing, understanding and controlling. The service shows how digital games can be made accessible for everyone. The ComputerProjekt Köln e.V. is the specialist center for youth media culture in NRW. Parents can find valuable information here on how to select accessible games for their children in order to give them an unrestricted gaming experience.
More info: https://www.gaming-ohne-grenzen.de/
Beware of the risk of confusion! Distinguish between educational recommendations and age ratings in accordance with the German Youth Protection Act. Age ratings such as those issued by the Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body(USK) are intended to protect children and young people from developmentally harmful content and interaction risks. They are not a recommendation and can say little about whether your child can handle the content well.
Educational recommendations assess whether a game is understandable, interesting and development-promoting for a certain age group in terms of content and emotion. They show how a medium can accompany, support or positively stimulate children and young people in their development.
Every child develops differently. Therefore, don’t just rely on recommendations, but actively accompany your child in their media use right from the start. Observe your child to understand how they react to different content. It is best to play together with your child or try out the game yourself beforehand. You can find more information on the topic of games in the family, for example which media rules are important, in this parents’ guide article: https://www.elternguide.online/games-games-games/
The annual Safer Internet Day, which is coordinated in Germany by the EU initiative klicksafe, will take place on February 11, 2025. Under the motto “No likes for lies! Recognize extremism, populism and deepfakes online”, children and young people are to be encouraged to deal critically with online content. On Elternguide.online we answer the most important questions on this topic.
Disinformation refers to the deliberate dissemination of false or misleading information with the aim of deceiving or manipulating people. The aim is to deliberately create a certain opinion or mood, for example against certain groups of people or political decisions. We explain everything about this topic in the article Fake news, conspiracies and disinformation – what does it actually mean? The text False information on the internet explains the background in plain language.
“Fake news” is invented or distorted news that relies on strong emotions to attract attention and spread quickly. They can distort public opinion and promote false beliefs. You can find out more about this in our parents’ guide article Fake news – dealing with disinformation and false reports on the internet.
Deepfakes are videos or audios that have been faked with the help of artificial intelligence. They look real even though they are not. People are shown as if they were saying or doing things that never actually happened. Deepfakes can be used to spread false information or make someone look bad. Read the article Deep fakes – deceptively real fakes to find out what you can watch out for as a parent.
Simple answers to difficult questions – conspiracy narratives are often behind this. These complex narratives explain events or situations with secret plans or powers. Such myths can quickly spread online, fuel mistrust of official bodies and lead to unreasonable behavior. You can find out more about this in our article Conspiracy myths on the internet.
Whether on social media, messengers or in online games – children and young people can come across extremist propaganda anywhere online. Extremist groups use the internet to spread their ideologies and recruit new followers. They often use manipulative content and misleading disinformation to achieve their goals. Our article Extremism online explains more about the background and how you can protect your child.
Some symbols, such as the swastika, are prohibited due to their association with unconstitutional organizations or ideologies. The dissemination of such symbols can contribute to the spread of extremist views and have consequences under criminal law. Our article Prohibited symbols on the internet sheds light on the dangers for children and where parents can get information.
The term dark social refers to the dissemination of content via private channels such as messenger services or emails that are not publicly visible. Such distribution channels make it more difficult to track disinformation and can increase its reach. If you would like to find out more, read the article Dark Social – the dark side of the internet.
Chatting, posting, liking – online communication is an important part of children and young people’s media use. However, it is associated with a number of challenges. Contact with strangers harbors risks such as hate speech, cybergrooming or sextortion. Conflicts are also possible among friends, for example through cyberbullying. Problems can arise in gaming through anonymous communication and trash talk. In our article, we explain how your family can deal with communication risks safely and confidently.
The ability to connect with others online and develop their own opinions is an important part of children and young people’s development. However, during the orientation phase, they can be susceptible to easy solutions and radical views from extremists. Keep talking to your child about their media use, keep an open mind and listen. Explain to your child why they should not trust all content on the internet. Show them how to critically question and check information and give your child access to age-appropriate news formats. There are numerous online resources and tools that can help to recognize disinformation and deal with communication risks. klicksafe, for example, offers materials and explanatory videos that are specially designed for young people.
The Internet is full of photos and videos. Images are often seen as proof of the truth of a report. However, photos and videos can also be manipulated or even faked. Deep fakes are just such counterfeits. They lead to the fact that disinformation can be spread even better, because they look very convincing.
Thanks to artificial intelligence, sound or video recordings can be falsified or even completely recreated. Developers of deep fakes can, for example, put any statement in a person’s mouth or make them do things that they did not do in real life. The software analyzes recordings of a person and “learns” their facial expressions and gestures. After that, any sentences can be spoken and the recording manipulated to make it look as if the person said it themselves.
The three most common forms of deep fakes:
Such software can now be downloaded free of charge from the Internet. There are even relatively easy-to-use apps so that almost anyone can create and distribute deep fakes. As technology is constantly improving, counterfeits are becoming increasingly difficult to detect.
Many young people encounter deep fakes in the form of humorous clips or parodies. If they fall for funny deep fakes, this is harmless in many cases. If the trick is explained afterwards, as in the video by a famous German YouTuber, it can even be an educational experience.
It becomes problematic when young people allow themselves to be manipulated by deep fakes or are targeted themselves. In other words, when a deep fake is created that exposes them. This can put a heavy burden on those affected and lead to serious consequences.
Fake videos are dangerous because they look so convincing. Children and young people in particular must first learn to question content critically.
Although the use of third-party images is generally regulated by the right to one’s own image, deep fakes have long been a legal gray area. The Federal Council has been dealing with the issue since July 2024. The new law on the “violation of personal rights through digital falsification” provides for penalties of up to two years’ imprisonment, and up to five years in serious cases. The German government is also planning programs to improve the detection and regulation of deep fakes.
Deep fakes are a rapidly growing phenomenon. While it’s not always easy to understand the technical details, it’s important that you talk to your child about these issues. Here are a few tips:
No longer a child, but not yet an adult: young people are in an exciting phase. They are forming their identity and opinions, looking for their place in the world and people they feel comfortable with. They ask a lot of questions, are curious and open to many things. This opens up opportunities for new ideas – but can also be a gateway for extremist world views.
Extremism comes in many forms – be it right-wing or left-wing extremism, religious extremism or in the form of conspiracy myths. What all these forms have in common is that they work with simple but misleading answers that can only be exposed as false at second glance, that they present people with supposed scapegoats for every problem and that they stir up hatred.
Extremists try to reach young people via online channels with highly simplified content and short statements. They rely on current online trends such as entertaining videos and images, post memes and seemingly funny pictures or spread false reports to spread their messages in an inconspicuous and memorable way. They are active on all major networks – be it YouTube, WhatsApp or Facebook.
TikTok in particular is a preferred medium. It is used by more than half of all 12 to 19-year-olds and offers an enormous reach thanks to its algorithm. By posting catchy and seemingly harmless clips, extremists ensure that their content is flushed into many channels by the algorithm – and then benefit from the fact that content on the network spreads like snowballs as soon as users interact with it. The young people who watch and share the clips are often unaware at first that they are supporting extremist ideas because the messages are initially very hidden and subtly incorporated into seemingly harmless songs or clips. These videos are often shared before young people realize their problematic origin.
Networks such as Discord, which are actually used for gaming, are also often used by extremists. They join gaming groups here, establish contact via a shared game and then spread their ideology. To do this, they often use images or well-known stories from games to reinterpret them for their own message. For young people, the line between the actual game and the extremist message can quickly become blurred.
Right-wing extremists and Islamists are particularly active on the internet. If their propaganda is clearly recognizable, it can usually be quickly deleted by the platform operators. This is why extremists like to switch to lesser-known and less strictly controlled online services such as the Russian platform vk.com after their first contact. A large part of the communication is not even visible to the public, but takes place in closed groups, e.g. on Telegram or Facebook. Young people who have been contacted via public portals are lured there – and that’s where they encounter the real, sometimes brutal or disturbing propaganda.
Both right-wing extremists and Islamists like to see themselves as victims. They pretend to be oppressed by their own or other states. Right-wing extremists in Germany often speak of the so-called “lying press”. They accuse the media of being controlled by the government, which is why extreme right-wing opinions have no voice. Both groups also express criticism of capitalism. This is particularly dangerous. Because aspects of the criticism are entirely justified and are shared by many young people. Extremists use this to win them over to their cause. Recently, anti-Semitic (i.e. anti-Jewish) conspiracy myths have increasingly been spread again from both camps. These conspiracy myths are now also being used by musicians who are popular with young people – for example in some songs by the German rapper Kollegah.
It is therefore particularly important that you talk to your child about what is on their mind. Which topics are particularly hotly debated among friends? What images and videos do they look at and share? Also address the goals that certain groups pursue when they post content with extreme political statements online.
Make your child aware that anyone can express their opinion online – even people with bad intentions. That’s why you can’t just trust all content, you have to question it. On knowyourmeme.com, you can look up well-known memes including their history (unfortunately, the site is only available in English). Mimikama.at is a good place to check the veracity of messages from social networks such as Facebook.
If you or your child come across obviously extremist content, you can report it directly to the platform operators. With large services such as Facebook and YouTube, this can be done with just a few clicks. In general, you can also use the Internet Complaint Center. In particularly serious cases, it may make sense to contact the police directly. In most federal states, this can now be done online via a so-called Internet watch.
You should also use technical parental control settings. These can help to restrict, block or mute contact from strangers. Although they do not offer complete protection against extremist content, they can provide additional protection for your child. A helpful platform for this is medien-kindersicher.de, which offers instructions for parental control settings specifically for various networks, including Discord.
There are many good offers to strengthen young people against extremism:
Has your child heard about secret world conspiracies in a TikTok video or received a chain letter with strange claims from friends? Such situations are not uncommon. Conspiracy myths spread rapidly on social networks in particular and can have a lasting impact on young people’s world view.
Conspiracy narratives and fake news are similar because they contain information that is not true. However, conspiracy myths are more complex. They assume that everything – positive and negative events – is planned in order to achieve a specific goal. It is claimed that a small group of malicious actors are deliberately keeping the truth secret in order to advance their own interests.
Conspiracy myths have always existed. Especially in the case of significant or shocking events, they offer seemingly simple explanations for complicated relationships. It is often claimed that a secret group is controlling the fate of the world or spreading false facts in order to gain an advantage. Especially in uncertain and confusing times, many people fall back on such seemingly simple explanations.
On the internet and via social networks, such stories spread particularly quickly and widely. When your child starts to take an interest in world events – usually in adolescence – and is increasingly independent on the internet, sooner or later they will come across conspiracy myths. This can happen via videos from influencers, posts on social media platforms or chain letters on WhatsApp.
TikTok thrives on short, captivating videos. The algorithm primarily shows content that matches users’ preferences. This quickly creates a spiral: once you watch or like a video with conspiracy myths, you will be presented with more such content. This makes the myths more present and credible for young people than they actually are.
Due to its lack of content control, Telegram provides a breeding ground for extreme opinions and myths. As there is no moderation or fact-checking, such content can be spread unhindered.
Platforms such as X (formerly Twitter) also play a role. Although it is less popular with young people, the lack of moderation there enables the rapid spread of conspiracy myths and radical views. Content from X can be disseminated via other networks, for example as memes, and thus also reach young people.
Wars, assassinations or the outbreak of a worldwide pandemic are difficult to comprehend – for children and young people as well as for adults. Young people are just beginning to find their own identity and place in the world. They do not yet know exactly who they want to be and are looking for orientation. Conspiracy myths can fulfill important needs in this phase:
Conspiracy stories can be entertaining, which is why they are often used in various media: the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, aliens living among us, the idea of the Earth as a disk – such thought experiments can be interesting for children and young people and awaken their creativity.
But even if some myths seem harmless, they harbor risks:
Talk to your child about myths and help them to categorize and question them. Take your child seriously, even if they begin to engage intensively with conspiracy myths, accept parts of them as truth or exchange ideas with followers in communities. If you dismiss their interest with statements such as “It’s all just crazy conspiracy myths”, your child may distance themselves from you – and then look for like-minded people online. Instead of confronting your child with counter-arguments, you should ask critical questions together: Who is saying this? What motives could the storyteller have for spreading this story? Are there things that contradict each other? Are the sources trustworthy? Are there similar patterns in other conspiracy myths?
A critical approach to information is the most important tool against conspiracy myths. Show your child how to check the veracity of a source and provide access to reputable and age-appropriate news sources. You can also research the background and sources of the story together, as well as the arguments of the ‘other side’.
This can help:
News and information made for children
Conspiracy myths explained
Websites where you can check the truthfulness of news items
The election to the German Bundestag will take place on February 23, 2025. The topic of elections raises questions for many young people. Even children are often interested in political issues. However, voting systems in particular are a complex topic that is difficult to understand even for many adults. We have compiled a selection of high-quality online services that provide children and young people with age-appropriate answers to their questions about elections and politics.
Kuppelkucker is the children’s website of the German Bundestag. Current news from the Bundestag for children aged 5 to 12 is published here twice a week. Explanations of terms and institutions of the German government can be found in the lexicon. Quizzes such as the election quiz, explanatory videos and audio clips such as this one on the Bundestag elections offer an interactive experience of the site.
logo!, the children’s news program on ZDF, also devotes some of its reports to the topic of elections and politics. An overview page explains various institutions in Germany, explains important terms and introduces individual parties. logo! also offers articles about the 2025 federal election. logo! is aimed at children between the ages of 8 and 12.
Südwestrundfunk regularly publishes child-friendly video and audio contributions on the SWR Kindernetz portal, supplemented by short knowledge articles. Here you can find some contributions on political topics such as the Bundestag elections or the Basic Law. Children can playfully test their knowledge in an election quiz.
Die Sendung mit der Maus has set up a special page on the subject of democracy and elections, on which video contributions for children aged 5 and over are available on topics such as postal voting, the Reichstag and laws.
Presenter Checker Tobi from Checker Welt deals with the topic of democracy and the importance of elections in the report Democracy Check. The program is aimed at an audience aged 6 and over.
The well-known Was ist Was book series is aimed at children aged 8 and over. In addition to the non-fiction book Demokratie – deine Stimme zählt (Democracy – your vote counts), a brochure on democracy and elections in the typical Was ist Was style is available for free download on the website.
Geolino Spezial is a knowledge podcast for children in which presenter Ivy goes on a journey of discovery around the world. Episode 81 is all about elections. You can listen to all podcast episodes on this Geolino website.
“How is a law made? What tasks do ministers have? How important are children’s rights?” – These are the questions addressed in the children’s podcast Ohrka. Here, child reporters interview politicians and get to the bottom of questions about democracy.
The Hanisauland portal communicates political and social issues to children between the ages of 8 and 14 in a playful way. Knowledge articles and a lexicon explain important terms and topics. Children can post their own questions under the articles. The portal highlights special topics such as elections and the upcoming Bundestag elections. Children and young people can test what they have learned in the quiz on the topic of elections.
The knowledge section of the Federal Agency for Civic Education provides answers to the most important questions about democracy and elections in the form of articles and booklets. A special overview page has been put together for the 2025 Bundestag elections, including the Wahl-O-Mat.
U18.org is all about young issues in politics, youth elections, events and political education. Anyone under the age of 18 who wants to take part in the U18 election can find out more here on the website.
The German Bundestag’s mitmischen.de portal encourages young people to become politically or journalistically active themselves.
Social media channels for political education make it easy and entertaining to understand what is currently being discussed in politics and society. The politikverstehen_ channel on Instagram conveys knowledge about domestic and foreign policy. nini_erklaert_politik covers current political events in a humorous, simple and factual way on her Instagram account and her TikTok channel. On YouTube, influencers like LeFloid and networks like funk tackle social issues with factual accuracy and humor. DIE DA OBEN! by funk offers political content about the Bundestag on all social media channels.
When it comes to political education, parents are an important role model for children. Emphasize the importance of elections and encourage your child to stand up for values such as democracy and social justice. Give your child access to age-appropriate news and information sites and search engines and talk to them about political issues. Because by gaining a certain basic understanding of democracy and elections, your child learns why their own opinion and vote are important. Do not force your child to do this, but build on their existing interest.
In connection with elections and democracy, disinformation and fake news are circulating on the internet and on social media platforms. Talk to your child about fake news online and explain to them how they can check news and content. HanisauLand or Team Timster offer programs for children and young people to educate them about fake news and the like.
“Just ask a chatbot!” – This could soon be the motto when it comes to searching for information or answering questions. ChatGPT, an AI-based chatbot, is becoming increasingly popular and is also being used more and more by children and young people. We provide an insight into the tool.
ChatGPT is a computer program that was developed using artificial intelligence (AI) to answer questions and create texts. It is based on huge amounts of data from various sources, such as books, news and conversations. Users can chat directly with the program – and in amazingly natural language. It can also be integrated into apps such as WhatsApp, making it even easier and more flexible to use.
The paid version of ChatGPT can also retrieve up-to-date information from the Internet. This function is particularly useful for answering questions about current events or trends. In the basic version, however, ChatGPT only has knowledge up to 2021, which can lead to outdated information.
A sample conversation
Question: Hey ChatGPT, I’m planning a birthday for my son. Can you help me?
ChatGPT: Sure! How old will your son be and what does he particularly like? Then we can collect ideas for games, decorations or food.
Question: He is nine and loves dinosaurs. Do you have any suggestions?
ChatGPT: How about a dinosaur treasure hunt in the garden? You can hide little dinosaur figures and draw a map. Dino-shaped cookies or muffins would also be a nice idea. Would you like me to find you a recipe?
Linus: Good idea! Can you give me any tips for invitations?
ChatGPT: Sure! You could make invitations in the shape of dinosaur tracks. On each track you write the details of the party and the kids can see it as a little adventure. Would you like me to make you a template?
ChatGPT is easily accessible, fast and versatile. It can write creative texts, answer complex questions and communicate in different languages. For many, it feels like they are writing to a real person. The ability to write creative texts, answer complex questions and communicate in different languages inspires many. ChatGPT can also promote creativity and language comprehension.
Children and young people use ChatGPT for example for:
According to OpenAI, children and young people should be protected as follows:
The provider also points out that users should be careful not to share personal data. It also points out that functions such as integration into apps should be used with caution.
Explain to your child that not everything the chat program says is true or correct. ChatGPT has been trained with texts, and therefore only knows what it has seen. It can make mistakes. Encourage your child to think critically by encouraging them to question ChatGPT’s answers. Make sure your child verifies the information they receive with other sources. It’s best to try this out together and explain to him how to deal with disinformation.
The chatbot can assist with school-related tasks. For example, he can describe something in simple words. ChatGPT should not do homework for your child. Explain to your child that ChatGPT is a tool and not a perfect source. ChatGPT cannot think.
Stay in conversation with your child and educate them about dangerous content online. The chatbot has also been trained with texts that may be inappropriate for your child. Work out boundaries and rules for use together.
Explain to your child that they have a right to security and data protection. You and your child should not submit any personal information. Encourage your child to let you know if there is a problem. Make sure your child understands how to protect his or her privacy.
Video or game night? But which movies, series or computer games are suitable for the whole family? What does the age rating on the cover actually mean? Age ratings protect against questionable content, but are not age recommendations. This article explains the differences and shows how parents can make good decisions for their children.
In Germany, there is a system for assessing whether media could be problematic or harmful for a young audience: Age rating or age labeling. It is carried out by various institutions:
All of these checks look at whether media content contains violence, sexuality, drug use or discrimination or is particularly frightening. The more such content, the higher the age rating. After the check, the content is given the colorful stickers with the age information on them that are widely known. If a film or game is not approved for a certain age, this means, for example, that it is blocked by youth protection filters or may only be shown on television from a certain time. In cinemas, the age of visitors is checked.
Media content is checked to see whether it could impair the development of children and young people. The aim of age ratings is to protect young adolescents from traumatizing or frightening content. There is no pedagogical assessment behind it: The content is not checked to see whether it is interesting or recommendable for young users!
A recommendation, on the other hand, is nothing more than a ‘good tip’. We get recommendations from friends and neighbors, from the radio – or from educators who check media offerings to see whether they are appealing to children, easy to understand and valuable in terms of content.
As anyone can make a recommendation, it is important to question whether it is well-founded and credible. In the case of private recommendations, it helps to assess the person. In the case of articles or websites, you should know and question the authors. Good sources include:
The age rating protects against questionable content, but it is not a recommendation. Recommendations, on the other hand, can be made by anyone with an interest in media – but the criteria for this are often unclear. A combination of different sources of information is therefore important.
If parents adhere to age ratings, they can avoid frightening or scary content. In addition, recommendations from reputable sources increase the hit rate for a good media offer enormously.
Ideally, parents should also see for themselves: watch the movie beforehand, find out about the game on YouTube or even try it out for yourself. After all, you know your child best and know what they like, what is too much for them or what they are afraid of.
And above all: keep the conversation going! Talk to your child about their media experiences. Listen and show interest in the movies or games they love – but also in the ones they don’t like.
And if you’ve chosen the wrong movie – no problem! There’s always the spontaneous popcorn evening on the sofa.
Too old for the children’s program, but still too young for the social media world? There is a time when your child doesn’t really know his place. It’s somewhere between childhood and adolescence. This affects many of the so-called “pre-teens”, the approximately 9-12 year olds. They are in a transition phase, which is also reflected in their media usage.
For younger children, there are many age-appropriate offerings such as children’s apps, radio plays and children’s programs. As children get older, they are often no longer so interested in these – and turn directly to the adult world of media. The jump is quite big and the offer can still partly overwhelm your child.
At the onset of puberty, your child is on the cusp of becoming an adolescent. In some things it still behaves childlike, in others it already wants to separate itself from you. It is increasingly oriented to elders and to people, trends and ideas outside the family. As a result, there is less and less interest in children’s media.
During this phase, many children get their first smartphone and immerse themselves more and more independently in the world of online media. They have their first experiences in online games and on social media platforms. They follow stars such as influencers and streamers, interact with other users and develop their own identity. Pre-teens often lack an understanding of how to handle their own data or challenges such as communication risks online.
Whether your child still wants to watch children’s programs or is already interested in computer games, social media or TV shows for older children – support your child according to their stage of development and give them the time they need.
Gradually, you should relinquish control and support your child in being able to use media independently, safely and responsibly. Although your child has already gained some experience, he or she will still approach many things with an open mind, which means that they can easily come into contact with content that is harmful to minors online. Your child’s curiosity and desire to increasingly set themselves apart from adults will also lead them to seek out provocative content. Nevertheless, as parents, you still have an important role to play in providing guidance during the transition phase. Always talk to your child and ask about their media experiences.
Finding offers for pre-teens is not that easy and not every child will be interested. For computer games and films, there are age ratings from the Voluntary Self-Regulation Body. They indicate whether the content is unproblematic for development from a certain age. If you take a closer look, there are media offerings tailored to children in the transition phase both in traditional media and online.
Here are a few recommendations:
You should also allow your child to take advantage of offerings that are not specifically for children. Find out about programs and content in advance. When you watch a movie, play a game or surf the Internet together as a family, your child has the opportunity to ask questions and you can see how he or she copes with certain content.
The JIM Study (Youth, Information, Media) 2024 provides exciting insights into the media use of young people (aged 12 to 19) in Germany. It is conducted every year by the Media Education Research Association Southwest. Here we summarize the most important results for parents and give tips on how they can support their children.
In 2024, young people will spend an average of 201 minutes online per day – this is less than in 2023 (224 minutes) and the lowest figure since 2016. Many young people now enjoy consciously spending time without their smartphone: 60% say that they regularly take such breaks. Nevertheless, the smartphone remains the most important device: 96% of young people use it every day. They write messages, watch videos, use social media or do research for school.
Social media also plays a role in the search for information: 37% of young people find out about current topics on platforms such as Instagram or TikTok. However, 63% specifically avoid news because they are bothered by negative reports.
AI tools such as ChatGPT are becoming increasingly popular: 62% of young people have already used them, especially for school (65%). Functions in apps such as Google Assistant or Snapchat AI are also popular. Young people use these not only for learning, but also for creative projects or hobbies.
Despite digital media, face-to-face meetings and sport remain important: 65% of young people regularly meet friends or play sport. Younger teenagers spend more time with their families, while older teenagers often organize their free time themselves – for example with hobbies or volunteering. Leisure activities are increasingly accompanied by digital media, e.g. gaming and online tutorials.
Problems such as fake news, cyberbullying and contact with problematic content are omnipresent. 61% of young people report encounters with fake news, while extremist and offensive content is perceived as particularly distressing. These challenges underline the need to promote media literacy. Schools and parents can play a key role by teaching the critical use of information and the importance of digital security
In addition to this article, we also offer in-depth insights into the media use of young children with the miniKIM study and the media habits of children with the KIM Study 2022. The results and further information on the JIM Study 2024 can be found in detail on the website of the Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest.
Many young people are affected by cyberbullying. What is behind this phenomenon and how do young people actually experience bullying in the digital world? What warning signs are there, what influence do AI and new technical developments have and when should you call the police?
In this virtual parents’ evening, we will take a look at cyberbullying from a legal and media education perspective. The aim is to show you as parents the options for education and support as well as support in dealing with acute problems. In addition to tips for media education, you will learn about contact points for advice and help.
Be there live and ask your questions to our experts – we will give answers and be available for exchange! The event will be held in German.
The virtual parents’ evening is an event as part of Safer Internet Day 2025 – you can find out more about the campaign day at klicksafe.
Date: 13.02.2025 | Time: 5 to 6 pm
Speakers: Ulrike Bastians and Lidia de Reese (FSM)
Platform: The virtual parents’ evening is realized via the tool “Zoom”.
Privacy Notice: Zoom is a service of Zoom Video Communications Inc. which is based in the USA. We use Zoom via the German operator easymeet24. easymeet24 ‘s server is located in Europe. Furthermore, we have selected the configurations with the highest data and security protection within the Zoom service.
Please also take note of our privacy policy.
“Games for eternity” – that is the motto of GOG.com. The multilingual games platform offers a huge selection of old and newer games. GOG. com is particularly popular with players who want to download and own games themselves.
GOG.com (formerly “Good Old Games”) is the digital distribution platform of the Polish developer studio CD Projekt. The game developer’s best-known titles include Cyberpunk2077 and The Witcher. The platform has been distributing games from its own studio since 2008 and offers a collection of hand-picked games. The platform is dedicated to preserving old computer games that are no longer compatible with modern systems due to a lack of responsible rights holders. Users can find large game titles as well as smaller games and retro classics here. Unlike other stores, the games on GOG.com are not tied to an account or copy-protected. Users can download the games they purchase and save them on their own device. Purchasing the games directly supports the developers.
GOG Galaxy not only allows users to buy and play games, but also to connect with friends online. The platform is reminiscent of comparable distribution platforms such as Steam and Epic Gamesa digital games library and a chat platform for players. Players create an account and collect the games they buy in their own digital library. The platform offers reliable customer support, secure purchases and a lively community.
GOG.com offers gamers not only brand new games, but also retro classics. This makes it possible for younger gamers to play the first versions of certain games. Games that are otherwise very difficult or impossible to buy are also available here. The platform offers DRM-free games. DRM stands for “Digital Rights Management” and protects games from being passed on and reproduced to third parties. DRM-free games can be downloaded without copy protection and installed and played on different computers at the same time.
A GOG account can be easily created with an e-mail address. GOG.com‘s terms of use stipulate that a minimum age of 16 years applies to the creation of an account and that under-18s require the consent of a parent or guardian. However, the age is not checked in detail: when registering, only a check mark has to be activated.
Although GOG Galaxy offers an impressive collection of games, its selection is limited compared to larger platforms such as Steam. This is partly due to the fact that not all developers and publishers are willing to offer their games without DRM.
GOG.com and GOG Galaxy offer game developers a free platform to bring their games to market. Each game has a 30-day return policy if the game does not work. GOG.com states that it does not store any data from user devices and does not share any personal data with third parties. Users can also delete all imported data from the GOG servers with a single click.
In the GOG Code of Conduct, GOG sets out guidelines for dealing with one another. The provider prohibits misconduct such as bullying or harassment and threatens consequences such as blocking the user’s account. Users can report misconduct by other users by contacting GOG staff or GOG community moderators.
Age checks are not carried out at GOG.com and GOG Galaxy, so children under the age of 16 can easily create an account on GOG.com. Discuss the rules for creating your own (gaming) accounts with your child and make your child aware of data protection and the protection of privacy online.
When selecting games, pay attention to the USK age ratings and only give your child access to age-appropriate games. GOG.com provides information on the age ratings of individual games. Nevertheless, games are also sold that do not (yet) have an age rating from the USK.
As the playing time cannot be restricted via the gaming platform, use the setting options on the PC for screen time if necessary. Technical youth media protection is not a substitute for media education, but can only support it. Stay interested and talk to your child about their favorite games and their gaming and interaction experiences. Explain the risks, such as how to deal with contact with strangers. Agree on rules for dealing with games in the family that all family members adhere to.
Digital media enrich our everyday lives in many different ways: Music programs at the breakfast table, navigation apps on the go or chats for organizing leisure activities. (Screen) devices help us to learn, to work and are often fun. No wonder they have become an integral part of our everyday lives, whether at home or in public spaces.
However, with the growing importance of media, the ability to use them responsibly and competently is also becoming increasingly important. Today, media literacy is just as essential as reading, writing or arithmetic in order to be able to navigate the modern world safely and successfully. Anyone who does not know how to use media in a targeted and considered way can quickly run into difficulties. But what exactly does media literacy mean?
Being media literate means more than just being able to operate a device. Although this is part of it, at its core it is about the conscious and responsible use of content. This includes the following aspects:
Those who are media literate know why and how they use media, can recognize negative effects and counteract them, while positive aspects are specifically promoted.
The call for “more media literacy” is often directed at children and young people. This is understandable, as they will shape the world of tomorrow. We may not know this world yet, but it will be heavily influenced by media, especially the internet.
You can imagine the internet as a city: There are playgrounds and nice stores, but also traffic and strangers. Parents don’t just send their young children off on their own, they accompany them, explain the rules and show them what to look out for. This is exactly how it should be on the Internet. Accompany your child as they explore the digital world.
Developing media literacy is a joint task from the very beginning – in the family, at nursery and at school. The younger the child, the more responsibility parents have and the more they act as role models. As they get older, children and young people can and should be allowed to have their own experiences – including with their own devices. Common rules and an open discussion are helpful here.
Media literacy is not a “children’s game”, it is just as important for adults! Parents who want to help their children use media responsibly need to be media literate themselves. Only those who understand digital technologies and platforms can provide guidance and act as role models. You should therefore actively engage with digital topics – through joint projects with your children, exchanges with other parents or further training courses in schools and education centers. Teachers are also called upon to strengthen their own media skills in order to pass on this knowledge. Helpful information can be found, for example, in ARD programs such as “Gemeinsam Medienkompetenz stärken“.
In addition, working people and older people also benefit from better media skills. Professional development and digital work processes often require new skills. For senior citizens, media offer numerous opportunities, such as contact with grandchildren via video chats. If you want to test your own media skills, you can find out with a self-test.
Minecraft is a kind of Lego for computers, games consoles or mobile devices in which players create their own world from virtual blocks with a great deal of creativity and skill.
The world in Minecraft consists of cubes and blocks that are always the same size. It is created anew each time according to the principle of the sandbox game and therefore always looks different. The cubes can be made of different materials such as wood or earth. The cubes are used differently depending on the game mode: In creative mode, players combine the cubes and build houses, models or even functioning computers. The materials used do not have to be collected, they are directly available to the players and can be used an infinite number of times. This allows them to create their very own world, which they can design creatively and change constantly. This function is now even used by schools for learning purposes, as Minecraft promotes children’s spatial thinking and creativity. The creative mode is also used in computer science lessons, for example as an introduction to programming. In survival mode, players have to use the materials and tools to fight monsters and hide in the self-built hut at night. The big difference to creative mode is that you have to collect the materials yourself and also manage a hunger bar and life bar. All objects and items that cannot be collected, such as chests, swords, doors, ovens, etc., must first be crafted at a so-called “crafting table”. The level of difficulty can be adjusted between “peaceful”, “easy”, “normal” and “difficult” depending on the age group.
Despite the simple graphics, which only consist of large pixels, Minecraft is very popular with children. Minecraft sets no limits to creativity. Players can create their very own virtual world and are excited about constructing landscapes and buildings and acquiring the raw materials they need. Playing with other players is particularly challenging in terms of competition and strategy, but creating worlds together can also be a lot of fun and requires coordination. Minecraft players from all over the world come together on online servers to experience different games and adventures together. The most popular modes include Bedwars, Oneblock, Skywars, Build Battle, Murder Mystery and Parkour. Depending on the game mode, special settings and rules apply for the interaction, which is varied and exciting for children and young people.
Minecraft brings together a large community and offers many opportunities for Let’s Play videos on YouTube and live streams on Twitch. Children and young people watch their favorite streamers, learn tips and tricks, exchange ideas with others or post content online themselves. This allows them to experience Minecraft in a different way without playing it themselves.
Minecraft is released by the USK from the age of six. How well children cope with the game depends, among other things, on the selected game mode: while the creative and adventure modes are easy to handle, survival and hardcore modes are more focused on defense and survival. Here, there are obstacles to overcome, such as encounters with monsters, which brings a certain amount of tension. As the game does not set its own limits, e.g. through different levels, it tempts you to play endlessly and lose yourself completely in the virtual world. The game’s controls can also be difficult for inexperienced players. Minecraft offers in-app purchases, e.g. via the Minecraft Marketplace. This is a platform where players can buy skins, mini-games and other content such as maps or resource packs like furniture, etc. Minecraft ‘s in-game currency is called “Minecoins”. PvP maps, in which players compete against each other in different game worlds according to the “player vs. player” principle, are a popular offer.
Such paid elements are appealing to kids and teens because they enhance the gaming experience.
Some paid offers are unsuitable for younger children, for example the “Scary Mods”, which are designed to make the game environment more exciting with creepy creatures, dark environments, scary noises and events.
Minecraft has been part of Microsoft since 2014. Auf der Webseite gibt es die Datenschutzerklärung und Nutzungsbedingungen auf Deutsch. Data is processed and used for product improvement and may also be shared.
The game is designed to encourage creativity and problem-solving skills. In Sweden (the country of origin of Minecraft developer Markus Persson), it is even on the curriculum. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind as a parent:
Younger children should be accompanied while playing in the beginning and should rather use the creative mode or easier difficulty levels of the survival mode. For older children, the hardcore mode may come into question later.
As always with media use, keep an eye on how much time your child spends playing. Make sure to adhere to set media use times and discuss together as a family which modes your child is allowed to play. Make sure the content is age-appropriate and control what content your child is allowed to purchase and use. Some offers on the “Marketplace” are not suitable for younger children. Players can communicate with each other in Minecraft using the chat function.
In the process, children are exposed to communication risks such as conflicts, cyberbullying, but also cybergrooming. Talk to your child about respectful interaction in the chat and encourage them to block and report inappropriate messages. This way, your child can protect themselves from harassment. Explain to your child that he or she should not disclose personal information such as name and address in the chat.
You can use the parental control function of a Microsoft account to restrict communication functions to friends only or deactivate them completely. Access to in-game purchases can also be controlled via the control function.
The game was tested for accessibility as part of the “Gaming without borders” project. According to the test results, Minecraft already does a lot right in terms of accessibility in the areas of understanding, controlling and hearing. The game is quite suitable for children and young people with impairments. However, some hurdles have been identified in the area of “vision”, which makes it difficult for people with visual impairments to use the game. However, Mojang as a development studio is also interested in this and is working on further expanding accessibility.